Democrats throw the homeless under the bus

It's all because of mismanagement by leftards.

Lefties are economically incompetent, as we can see from what Newsom just did.

There are SO many ways to solve this problem, that are better than throwing money at the poor.

I have a question though - did Democrats just lose the homeless vote?

Who is it that wants homeless people off the streets? The rich elite, of course.

We saw the same stuff with the asylum seekers up in Martha's Vineyard. They were all for sanctuary until it ended up at their front door.

Same thing here. The rich are tired of tripping over the homeless every time they leave the house. They were all for the homeless till they started sleeping on their lawns.
Probably. Moving blacks out of low rent apartments and then housing illegals has tuened black votes against them.
Told ya.

Told ya you were being used, lefties.

Now maybe you'll start to believe me

After just about every left leaning city in CA passed ordinances letting the homeless sleep on public grounds, now Gov Gruesome is reversing all that state wide.

By executive order, no less. Screw democracy, who needs it?

it's all for show. By the middle of next year they will be back.
That's because they don't care about the homeless. They only bring them up when they serve a purpose when campaigning or trying to pass a bill that nets them a large sum of cash. The homeless are just tools to be pulled out when needed, then put back away and forgotten till the next time they are needed.

That's why you never see the homeless around where the rich and powerful live. They don't care as long as they aren't around them personally. As long as it's nice in their backyard then they don't care how many there are.

Gavin and all of his ilk won't ever actually do anything about the homelessness because to get rid of homeless it's going to take a lot of hurt feelings, time, effort and work because society itself needs to change to get rid of homelessness. And all they really want is the illusion of doing something.
Well, sure. The spotlight is about to be on CA and they can't afford this.

They don't care about the country or the "American people". Democrats only care about their own power. And most libs on this board happily lick their boots. Sad. Could never be me.
They are not like us.

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