American Sniper---Best movie in years

"I cited Chechnya, because you can not on one hand support the War in Chechnya against Islamic insurgents than oppose American and Coalition Forces doing the same thing in Iraq."

America did not the same in Iraq. I gave specific criteria ...
We not only killed the "bad guys."
We gave the people the laws.
We gave them free medical care.
Free education.
Chechen can come to Moscow and open a restaurant.

Giving something good, we have a moral right to interfere ... in their lives.

What America has given Iraqis? It teaches kids for free? It builds sports schools? It is free treats Iraqis?
If it does not solve these problems ... what right it has to specify what kind of government is necessary to the people of Iraq?

And what's the difference of ordinary Iraqis ... to ride on a donkey in a country ruled by radical Muslims and ride a donkey in the same country had occupied the United States?

Terrorists kill people. But US soldiers also killed people.

I brought a photograph of US soldiers pissing on a corpse. What's this?
This is civilization?

And you say - in photo no context.
And what context can be in this photo?

Guys this is ridiculous. Facts ... 300,000 homeless veterans in the United States!
US does not do anything even to his veterans.

What can we say about the purpose of such a government? What? It humanely? And it is true?
You have to be a fool, that to believe that the purpose of the government - the good stuff. Peace, kindness, etc.
The US provided democracy, infrastructure, and reform. This is odd, you support providing this stability in Chechnya. But when America did it in Iraq, it is "imperialism" and "terrorism". This is a problem I have with you Russians that bothers me and people who had to live near or under your iron curtain, like those in the Baltics, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland, you guys are total hypocrites. It's ok when you guys do it, but not when Americans do it. It is hypocritical.

You guys are so blind and unaware. You claim you are great "liberators" when in reality you are just as interventionist and imperialist than Americans, just far more heavy handed and inefficient. America cleaned up Iraq more than Russia has cleaned up Chechnya by a long shot, but that was all undone when they left. You guys are still dealing with the Chechens.

I brought up Chechnya because I thought you would be sympathetic on islamic terrorism given Russia's experience. It is odd, most Russians I know are so quick to go to bat for the terrorists in Iraq, especially since considering Putin is helping fight them today by supplying Al Maliki. I think this is a good thing actually. If America isn't willing to fight these savages and provide order and continuity to the region, I am all for Russia backing more shia and secular forces against sunni islamists.

Do you oppose Putin doing this? Are you a Russian liberal? Because I am actually a fan of Putin all things considered even if I am not a fan of what Russia did in the past. He is taking Russia in a more conservative direction away from the disaster of the Soviet Union and apologizing for their atrocities at places like Katyn and their mass murder of millions, and is bring back Christianity as well.

As for killing civilians, the US and allies didn't kill civilians intentionally as policy, the insurgents did, the US is the moral side no doubt. Surely you realize in war, especially with Chechnya, with terrorists using human shields and collateral, civilians will die unfortunately. But the US was right in keeping the peace in Iraq, Russia was right in Chechnya.

It isn't a question of a "right", the US and Allies had a moral duty to remain and keep the peace by building a new system after they overthrew Saddam, and not leaving the people to radical islamists like ISIS, which they have done now. And look at the results.

This issue isn't about US domestic policy. But i'll say this, I would rather live in America than a substandard slavic shithole like Russia. They are still recovering from Communism to this day. The standard of living is far better in the US and Europe as a whole.
Dingle Berry, Sir:

Did we have a VALID reason to invade Iraq?

Were there Iraqi soldiers off the NY Coast?

Wtf has that to do with how you protray this hero? Nothing. You paulbots are nothing more then radical liberal scum who would have spit on vets coming home if you wouldn't have gotten your ass kicked

Dingle Berry, Sir:

Did we have a VALID reason to invade Iraq?

Were there Iraqi soldiers off the NY Coast?


Did we have a VALID reason to invade Iraq?

Were there Iraqi soldiers off the NY Coast?

Fuck off. War was declared for many reasons thet went in and did the job. Now take your American soldier hating ass and go play in traffic

Man, you are still as stupid as in 2014. Go back to eating bananas.

Those are called facts. Bet you would be praising Chris if he was killing Jews
Stein 10610009
You can't just break a ordered society and leave without providing a new order

The question you are ignoring is whether the new Iraq order had been achieved when Iraqi sovereignty was achieved. You seem to be proposing that a new invasion and Maliki regime change was morally in order. That is nuts. Maliki was the leader of a sovereign nation long before 2012 when US troops were pulled completely out.
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Stein 10610009
You can't just break a ordered society and leave without providing a new order

The question you are igniting is whether the new Iraq order had been achieved when Iraqi sovereignty was achieved. You seem to be proposing that a new invasion and Maliki regime change was morally in order.
No I wasn't. You are a very muddle headed person if that was your conclusion.
If you are not a pinheaded liberal from the Northeast, or a cocksucker from California, or a lunatic Muslim, you must go see it.

Its about a Heartland American who just did his duty as he saw it to do.
Most of the critics I have read disagree with you.

Don't worry....those same critics will love the movie glorifying the 2 terrorists who killed those journalists....I'm sure they will see whatever that movie is about as showing the other side of the terrorists and how human they really were.....and how they were driven to kill cartoonists because of how bad the West is........

lefty film critics are just as brain damaged as any other lefties.........
I see, people who think differently than you are brain damaged.

no, just lefty film critics.....who bend over backward praising any movie that makes the U.S. military out to be the bad guys in this conflict....and who make excuses for the terrorists who kill journalists over a cartoon.....those are the truly brain damaged ones....
What movie does that? joe? Lol. I mean I heard of a few documentaries but never a movie...I mean come on have you seen any John Wayne George c Scott as Patton movies? or any movies on ww2 made 50-60 years ago they were all pro military movies... Can't think of one movie that is of a "historic nature" that was negative military....maybe a few Vietnam movies it portrayed soldiers in a negative light but the heroes in it were also soldiers. If they made such a movie I am sure it went right to DVD, Cus I never heard of it. I want to see the sniper movie but every new military movie I see falls short.. I mean they show bombers flying ten feet off the ground dropping bombs lol or they make fighter aircraft fly like spaceships..... So many new military movies so many mistakes and even the talk is garbage politically correct... I swear actors and directors never will get it when it comes to the military.
Bradley Cooper, a Liberal, is up for an Oscar.
You guys just love Liberal actors.
That's the problem, and I addressed it earlier in the the thread. The movie wasn't even about whether Iraq was right or wrong, but rather a biography of an soldier and his experiences. It made no statement about whether the war was right or wrong, rather a story of his trials and courage. But apparently liberals and various libertarian autists who couldn't get past their opposition to war or hate the military in general can't recognize it. They either didn't see the movie, or were so blinded while watching the movie, they didn't even understand the overlying themes that normal people did.
"I cited Chechnya, because you can not on one hand support the War in Chechnya against Islamic insurgents than oppose American and Coalition Forces doing the same thing in Iraq."

America did not the same in Iraq. I gave specific criteria ...
We not only killed the "bad guys."
We gave the people the laws.
We gave them free medical care.
Free education.
Chechen can come to Moscow and open a restaurant.

Giving something good, we have a moral right to interfere ... in their lives.

What America has given Iraqis? It teaches kids for free? It builds sports schools? It is free treats Iraqis?
If it does not solve these problems ... what right it has to specify what kind of government is necessary to the people of Iraq?

And what's the difference of ordinary Iraqis ... to ride on a donkey in a country ruled by radical Muslims and ride a donkey in the same country had occupied the United States?

Terrorists kill people. But US soldiers also killed people.

I brought a photograph of US soldiers pissing on a corpse. What's this?
This is civilization?

And you say - in photo no context.
And what context can be in this photo?

Guys this is ridiculous. Facts ... 300,000 homeless veterans in the United States!
US does not do anything even to his veterans.

What can we say about the purpose of such a government? What? It humanely? And it is true?
You have to be a fool, that to believe that the purpose of the government - the good stuff. Peace, kindness, etc.
The US provided democracy, infrastructure, and reform. This is odd, you support providing this stability in Chechnya. But when America did it in Iraq, it is "imperialism" and "terrorism". This is a problem I have with you Russians that bothers me and people who had to live near or under your iron curtain, like those in the Baltics, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland, you guys are total hypocrites. It's ok when you guys do it, but not when Americans do it. It is hypocritical.

You guys are so blind and unaware. You claim you are great "liberators" when in reality you are just as interventionist and imperialist than Americans, just far more heavy handed and inefficient. America cleaned up Iraq more than Russia has cleaned up Chechnya by a long shot, but that was all undone when they left. You guys are still dealing with the Chechens.

I brought up Chechnya because I thought you would be sympathetic on islamic terrorism given Russia's experience. It is odd, most Russians I know are so quick to go to bat for the terrorists in Iraq, especially since considering Putin is helping fight them today by supplying Al Maliki. I think this is a good thing actually. If America isn't willing to fight these savages and provide order and continuity to the region, I am all for Russia backing more shia and secular forces against sunni islamists.

Do you oppose Putin doing this? Are you a Russian liberal? Because I am actually a fan of Putin all things considered even if I am not a fan of what Russia did in the past. He is taking Russia in a more conservative direction away from the disaster of the Soviet Union and apologizing for their atrocities at places like Katyn and their mass murder of millions, and is bring back Christianity as well.

As for killing civilians, the US and allies didn't kill civilians intentionally as policy, the insurgents did, the US is the moral side no doubt. Surely you realize in war, especially with Chechnya, with terrorists using human shields and collateral, civilians will die unfortunately. But the US was right in keeping the peace in Iraq, Russia was right in Chechnya.

It isn't a question of a "right", the US and Allies had a moral duty to remain and keep the peace by building a new system after they overthrew Saddam, and not leaving the people to radical islamists like ISIS, which they have done now. And look at the results.

This issue isn't about US domestic policy. But i'll say this, I would rather live in America than a substandard slavic shithole like Russia. They are still recovering from Communism to this day. The standard of living is far better in the US and Europe as a whole.

America did not do it in Iraq.

US government falsely. They say one thing and do something else. I appreciate the business. And not the words and promises.

"The US provided democracy, infrastructure, and reform." It's just words.
What exactly are they.

I brought photos of Grozny - a modern city. Beautiful city.
In Iraq, donkeys walked the streets !!! Donkeys - American infrastructure?

The Russian economy is weaker than the United States. If the US wanted (!) - They would have done easily.
US can easily solve the problem of homeless veterans. Easily.
This government is unfair even to his own veterans!

The case of the US government say that they do not care about the world. They do not care about justice. They are worried about money. Otherwise, the US would not have 300,000 homeless veterans.
And there would be no organization "veterans against the war in Iraq." If people feel that they do indeed morally right thing there.
America did not do it in Iraq.

US government falsely. They say one thing and do something else. e.

Falsely, indeed.

The neocrazies have been wanting to invade Iraq since, at least, 1998, way before 09/11.

PNAC letters sent to President Bill Clinton

January 26, 1998

The Honorable William J. Clinton
President of the United States
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing you because we are convinced that current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of the Cold War. In your upcoming State of the Union Address, you have an opportunity to chart a clear and determined course for meeting this threat. We urge you to seize that opportunity, and to enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power. We stand ready to offer our full support in this difficult but necessary endeavor.

The policy of “containment” of Saddam Hussein has been steadily eroding over the past several months. As recent events have demonstrated, we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition to continue to uphold the sanctions or to punish Saddam when he blocks or evades UN inspections. Our ability to ensure that Saddam Hussein is not producing weapons of mass destruction, therefore, has substantially diminished. Even if full inspections were eventually to resume, which now seems highly unlikely, experience has shown that it is difficult if not impossible to monitor Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons production. The lengthy period during which the inspectors will have been unable to enter many Iraqi facilities has made it even less likely that they will be able to uncover all of Saddam’s secrets. As a result, in the not-too-distant future we will be unable to determine with any reasonable level of confidence whether Iraq does or does not possess such weapons.

Such uncertainty will, by itself, have a seriously destabilizing effect on the entire Middle East. It hardly needs to be added that if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction, as he is almost certain to do if we continue along the present course, the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil will all be put at hazard. As you have rightly declared, Mr. President, the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century will be determined largely by how we handle this threat.

Given the magnitude of the threat, the current policy, which depends for its success upon the steadfastness of our coalition partners and upon the cooperation of Saddam Hussein, is dangerously inadequate. The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy.

We urge you to articulate this aim, and to turn your Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. Although we are fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S. has the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps, including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In any case, American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council.

We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies, you will be acting in the most fundamental national security interests of the country. If we accept a course of weakness and drift, we put our interests and our future at risk.


Elliott Abrams Richard L. Armitage William J. Bennett

Jeffrey Bergner John Bolton Paula Dobriansky

Francis Fukuyama Robert Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad

William Kristol Richard Perle Peter W. Rodman

Donald Rumsfeld William Schneider, Jr. Vin Weber

Paul Wolfowitz R. James Woolsey Robert B. Zoellick
Safty and security? You are a fucking dummy. Look up the most dangerous jobs in the world fool.
Natural selection, survival of the fittest and all that. Sonny, I got to shoot first or shoot back, depending on the situation, only a brain dead moron sees being a target as a job perk.
Boy you dont have the balls to do what i do. Go run back to that trailer park
You confuse your lack of career options with testicular fortitude.
As for my place of residence, you'll never build up a nest egg big enough to move out of your government subsidized apartment so you want to believe that you "know" something about your betters. Re-think it sonny, you still don't know your ass from an excavation.
I am looking forward to this film about the great hero.
In my country the movie will be released in March only. Of ocource I can download it before. But I want to watch it in the cinema.

I hope you are able to watch it in the theater as the sound effects are beyond excellent.
Safty and security? You are a fucking dummy. Look up the most dangerous jobs in the world fool.
Natural selection, survival of the fittest and all that. Sonny, I got to shoot first or shoot back, depending on the situation, only a brain dead moron sees being a target as a job perk.
Boy you dont have the balls to do what i do. Go run back to that trailer park
You confuse your lack of career options with testicular fortitude.
As for my place of residence, you'll never build up a nest egg big enough to move out of your government subsidized apartment so you want to believe that you "know" something about your betters. Re-think it sonny, you still don't know your ass from an excavation.
Run along child i dont respect those who praise traitors
"I cited Chechnya, because you can not on one hand support the War in Chechnya against Islamic insurgents than oppose American and Coalition Forces doing the same thing in Iraq."

America did not the same in Iraq. I gave specific criteria ...
We not only killed the "bad guys."
We gave the people the laws.
We gave them free medical care.
Free education.
Chechen can come to Moscow and open a restaurant.

Giving something good, we have a moral right to interfere ... in their lives.

What America has given Iraqis? It teaches kids for free? It builds sports schools? It is free treats Iraqis?
If it does not solve these problems ... what right it has to specify what kind of government is necessary to the people of Iraq?

And what's the difference of ordinary Iraqis ... to ride on a donkey in a country ruled by radical Muslims and ride a donkey in the same country had occupied the United States?

Terrorists kill people. But US soldiers also killed people.

I brought a photograph of US soldiers pissing on a corpse. What's this?
This is civilization?

And you say - in photo no context.
And what context can be in this photo?

Guys this is ridiculous. Facts ... 300,000 homeless veterans in the United States!
US does not do anything even to his veterans.

What can we say about the purpose of such a government? What? It humanely? And it is true?
You have to be a fool, that to believe that the purpose of the government - the good stuff. Peace, kindness, etc.
The US provided democracy, infrastructure, and reform. This is odd, you support providing this stability in Chechnya. But when America did it in Iraq, it is "imperialism" and "terrorism". This is a problem I have with you Russians that bothers me and people who had to live near or under your iron curtain, like those in the Baltics, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland, you guys are total hypocrites. It's ok when you guys do it, but not when Americans do it. It is hypocritical.

You guys are so blind and unaware. You claim you are great "liberators" when in reality you are just as interventionist and imperialist than Americans, just far more heavy handed and inefficient. America cleaned up Iraq more than Russia has cleaned up Chechnya by a long shot, but that was all undone when they left. You guys are still dealing with the Chechens.

I brought up Chechnya because I thought you would be sympathetic on islamic terrorism given Russia's experience. It is odd, most Russians I know are so quick to go to bat for the terrorists in Iraq, especially since considering Putin is helping fight them today by supplying Al Maliki. I think this is a good thing actually. If America isn't willing to fight these savages and provide order and continuity to the region, I am all for Russia backing more shia and secular forces against sunni islamists.

Do you oppose Putin doing this? Are you a Russian liberal? Because I am actually a fan of Putin all things considered even if I am not a fan of what Russia did in the past. He is taking Russia in a more conservative direction away from the disaster of the Soviet Union and apologizing for their atrocities at places like Katyn and their mass murder of millions, and is bring back Christianity as well.

As for killing civilians, the US and allies didn't kill civilians intentionally as policy, the insurgents did, the US is the moral side no doubt. Surely you realize in war, especially with Chechnya, with terrorists using human shields and collateral, civilians will die unfortunately. But the US was right in keeping the peace in Iraq, Russia was right in Chechnya.

It isn't a question of a "right", the US and Allies had a moral duty to remain and keep the peace by building a new system after they overthrew Saddam, and not leaving the people to radical islamists like ISIS, which they have done now. And look at the results.

This issue isn't about US domestic policy. But i'll say this, I would rather live in America than a substandard slavic shithole like Russia. They are still recovering from Communism to this day. The standard of living is far better in the US and Europe as a whole.

America did not do it in Iraq.

US government falsely. They say one thing and do something else. I appreciate the business. And not the words and promises.

"The US provided democracy, infrastructure, and reform." It's just words.
What exactly are they.

I brought photos of Grozny - a modern city. Beautiful city.
In Iraq, donkeys walked the streets !!! Donkeys - American infrastructure?

The Russian economy is weaker than the United States. If the US wanted (!) - They would have done easily.
US can easily solve the problem of homeless veterans. Easily.
This government is unfair even to his own veterans!

The case of the US government say that they do not care about the world. They do not care about justice. They are worried about money. Otherwise, the US would not have 300,000 homeless veterans.
And there would be no organization "veterans against the war in Iraq." If people feel that they do indeed morally right thing there.
Now you are just repeating yourself. The US and allies gave Iraq government and infrastructure, and rebuilt schools and all those things. You claim to support doing those things in Chechnya. But are you denying America did a very similar project in Iraq? Simply denying they didn't provide for free elections and rebuilt the infrastructure and provided security to civilians against insurgents is not an argument. I don't think you understand how debates work to be honest. Or are you saying they did it and you don't agree with it? So either you are stupid and can't draw the parallels between the situations or are a hypocrite.

Either way, I wouldn't be surprised. Russians, particularly of the cold war generation, are known for both qualities.

Let me spell it out in a way even you, a soviet nostalgic, can understand. We can have a debate on whether going there was right or not. I agree they shouldn't have gone in, and I assume we agree, so there isn't a debate. Where are debate lies is that you think they should have withdrawn unconditionally as soon as possible. I disagree, I think removing the old order of saddam hussein and providing nothing in its place would have been irresponsible and immoral. Particularly considering the bad actors like ISIS who have now filled the power vacuum. So this is where the debate should lie. Was in your opinion, American and allied troops rebuilding the country and preventing insurgents form holding power a bad thing? Should they have not done this and just left the Iraqis to their own devices? This is the debate. I will have that debate with you, but it is difficult when you don't understand the basic parameters or recognize certain facts. Than again, Soviet Union was built on lies and deceit, so maybe basic facts of reality that question your world view and just too hard to accept. Maybe it is a cultural thing for soviet nostalgics like you.

A photo on google of Grozny means nothing. I can show you pictures of hollowed out and bombed buildings in Grozny and Checnya. Either way, pictures don't change the equation that there is still violence and islamist instability there. I not only know this because I read the news, but because I know russians in news and in life who say what I say, that there is still a severe threat. You ignore the security risk at your nation's own peril. But thankfully, I dont think many people agree with your naive assessment. It is a shame you can get over your hatred for America and the West. And can't recognize that USA and allies fought the same people in iraq who russians fought for many years in Chechnya. Very sad to be honest.
"The US and allies gave Iraq government and infrastructure, and rebuilt schools and all those things."
Show these things.

"Now you are just repeating yourself"
You do not listen to them. I say that the United States can not give a home to veterans. You write fairy tales - they are doing something for Iraq ...
I can see what?!

"A photo on google of Grozny means nothing."
Strong logic. Photos do not mean anything. But your fame mean everything.
Let's compare the facts.

1 - The Chechens have free health insurance. In Iraqis have free medical care?
2 - The Chechens have free oborazovanie. Iraqis have a free education?

These are the most important things for the common people.

" I not only know this because I read the news, but because I know russians in news and in life who say what I say, that there is still a severe threat"
You know nothing about the Russian, Russia and Chechnya.
What you write - it's a 101 myth about Russian. Of some cheap TV shows.
Like this - "a soviet nostalgic".
I was born in '86. Do you think in the 4 years I was interested in politics and the Soviet Union? =) There are so many myths about Russia, I do not correct them ... too many of them =)
But believe me, I can understand - the person knows the truth about Russian or he just watched TV.

The truth is that we in Russia have long forgotten about the Soviet Union.
Americans remember him more often than we =)))))
Do you miss the Soviet Union?
Or is it a psychological trauma. I do not know. Ok ... this worries you? You want to talk about it? =)))

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