American tourist murdered, another wounded by Palestinian militants in Israel

The killers spoke Hebrew, is that a clue?

So many ppl who post here have never been to Israel. Practically all Arabs in Israel, and a majority of Palestinians, speak some Hebrew. In fact, alot of them know more Hebrew than some American Jews.
I've been there on business. While " touring" I wore an Ozzy style cross..........just to fuck with them.
It didn't go over well with "The Chosen", self chosen. Being the cowards they are all I received was chin music, so I didn't have to fuck anyone up.

It'd be a great place to test a neutron bomb.

interestingly, loser... i doubt anyone even noticed your 'ozzy style cross'.

maybe that's why you were so annoyed... they paid you no mind.

perhaps your house should be used to test a neutron bomb. at least it wouldn't affect any living people.
The killers spoke Hebrew, is that a clue?

if you live, work or travel in israel and you live in the surrounds, you speak hebrew.

so if that's your 'clue', i'd suggest finding another.
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

Your own post says why the Gaza operation was launched--to stop rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. No country on Earth would've accepted the number of rocket attacks that Israel absorbed before striking back.
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'


Bogus website. No wonder you have 0 reputational points :lol:

Robert Bernstein, Founder, Human Rights Watch...
The region is populated by authoritarian regimes with appalling human rights records. Israel, with a population of 7.4 million, is home to at least 80 human rights organizations, a vibrant free press, a democratically elected government, a judiciary that frequently rules against the government, a politically active academia, multiple political parties and, judging by the amount of news coverage, probably more journalists per capita than any other country in the world
The killers spoke Hebrew, is that a clue?

So many ppl who post here have never been to Israel. Practically all Arabs in Israel, and a majority of Palestinians, speak some Hebrew. In fact, alot of them know more Hebrew than some American Jews.
I've been there on business. While " touring" I wore an Ozzy style cross..........just to fuck with them.
It didn't go over well with "The Chosen", self chosen. Being the cowards they are all I received was chin music, so I didn't have to fuck anyone up.

It'd be a great place to test a neutron bomb.

You just made that up. You sit in your bedroom all day masturbating to gay porn
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

Your own post says why the Gaza operation was launched--to stop rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. No country on Earth would've accepted the number of rocket attacks that Israel absorbed before striking back.

No doubt, China or Russia would have turned Gaza into a parking lot by now.
So many ppl who post here have never been to Israel. Practically all Arabs in Israel, and a majority of Palestinians, speak some Hebrew. In fact, alot of them know more Hebrew than some American Jews.
I've been there on business. While " touring" I wore an Ozzy style cross..........just to fuck with them.
It didn't go over well with "The Chosen", self chosen. Being the cowards they are all I received was chin music, so I didn't have to fuck anyone up.

It'd be a great place to test a neutron bomb.

You just made that up. You sit in your bedroom all day masturbating to gay porn

Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

"But wait, Bernie," some of my readers may complain, "It's not fair to judge poor Arabs who had no help with the land as Israelis had from philanthropic American Jews."

Let's examine that notion: in 2005 Israel with*drew from the Gaza Strip, leaving millions of dollars of hydro*ponic veg*etable grow*ing facil*i*ties and ware*houses as a goodwill ges*ture from American Jews to the Palestinians.1 Those facil*i*ties would have pro*vided the Pales*tini*ans with tens of thousands of jobs and would have fed all of Gaza.

How did the Gaza Palestinians treat the more than 3,000 greenhouses?
[They destoyed them all!]

I am an Atheist, but I have to admire the Jewish settlers who farmed in Gaza because they treated the land as a gift from God. The Palestinians treat their own land as a disease-ridden step-child.2 They are a scourge upon the Earth as well as upon mankind.

This article is dedicated to all the idiot Jews who believe one can make peace with locusts. "
Palestinian and Israeli Gardens from Planck's Constant
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

"But wait, Bernie," some of my readers may complain, "It's not fair to judge poor Arabs who had no help with the land as Israelis had from philanthropic American Jews."

Let's examine that notion: in 2005 Israel with*drew from the Gaza Strip, leaving millions of dollars of hydro*ponic veg*etable grow*ing facil*i*ties and ware*houses as a goodwill ges*ture from American Jews to the Palestinians.1 Those facil*i*ties would have pro*vided the Pales*tini*ans with tens of thousands of jobs and would have fed all of Gaza.

How did the Gaza Palestinians treat the more than 3,000 greenhouses?
[They destoyed them all!]

I am an Atheist, but I have to admire the Jewish settlers who farmed in Gaza because they treated the land as a gift from God. The Palestinians treat their own land as a disease-ridden step-child.2 They are a scourge upon the Earth as well as upon mankind.

This article is dedicated to all the idiot Jews who believe one can make peace with locusts. "
Palestinian and Israeli Gardens from Planck's Constant

I can't believe people are still using that old propaganda.

"I couldn't believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying," Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. "I hope the Palestinians aren't expecting fresh produce. ... A fortune in crops is now all gone."

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses
I've noticed that most the ant-Semite, Pali-terrorist loving "posters" here do indeed also seem to be weird personally too......
Anti Semite? Shows how much you don't know. They have manipulated the concept of Semitic ethnicity so as to apply it to Jews alone, thereby enabling them to level the allegation of anti-Semitism in spite of the fact that Arabs constitute the majority of the Semitic peoples.. they even stretch the definition of anti-Semitism to include any criticism of Israel and Israeli policy. BTW..Isntreal was founded on terrorism.

no... the terrorist supporters are trying to take the term away from a particular set of circumstances. you know very well what 'anti-semite' means and how it is used.

as for israel being founded on 'terrorism'. really? they targeted innocents?

and if your assertion is that israel started with guerrilla warfare, so did a lot of other countries... including the U.S.

you see mexicans lobbing missiles over our southern border, anti-semite?
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

"But wait, Bernie," some of my readers may complain, "It's not fair to judge poor Arabs who had no help with the land as Israelis had from philanthropic American Jews."

Let's examine that notion: in 2005 Israel with*drew from the Gaza Strip, leaving millions of dollars of hydro*ponic veg*etable grow*ing facil*i*ties and ware*houses as a goodwill ges*ture from American Jews to the Palestinians.1 Those facil*i*ties would have pro*vided the Pales*tini*ans with tens of thousands of jobs and would have fed all of Gaza.

How did the Gaza Palestinians treat the more than 3,000 greenhouses?
[They destoyed them all!]

I am an Atheist, but I have to admire the Jewish settlers who farmed in Gaza because they treated the land as a gift from God. The Palestinians treat their own land as a disease-ridden step-child.2 They are a scourge upon the Earth as well as upon mankind.

This article is dedicated to all the idiot Jews who believe one can make peace with locusts. "
Palestinian and Israeli Gardens from Planck's Constant

I can't believe people are still using that old propaganda.

"I couldn't believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying," Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. "I hope the Palestinians aren't expecting fresh produce. ... A fortune in crops is now all gone."

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

It may be 'old propaganda' to you, but I must admit that I had never heard that before, that Israel turned off the water....
But that does not explain why the Palestinians destroyed millions of dollars worth of greenhouses....does it?
You did see the destruction in the pics in the link I provided in the last post?

"... unique greenhouses, a uniquely developed advanced technology was used to grow bug-free leafy vegetables and herbs answering to the strictest health, aesthetic and religious requirements.[citation needed] Most of the organic agricultural products were exported to Europe. In addition, the community of Atzmona had Israel’s largest plant nursery, and with 800 cows, the Katif dairy was the second largest in the country. Telesales and Printing were other notable industries.

The total sum of exports from the greenhouses of Gush Katif, which were owned by 200 farmers, came to $200,000,000 per year and made up 15% of the agricultural exports of the State of Israel.[citation needed]

The combined assets in Gush Katif were estimated at $23 billion."

All public buildings (schools, libraries, community centres, office buildings) as well as industrial buildings, factories and greenhouses which could not be taken apart were left intact."Gush Katif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does it make sense to you, Tinny?
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

Your own post says why the Gaza operation was launched--to stop rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. No country on Earth would've accepted the number of rocket attacks that Israel absorbed before striking back.
Who broke the cease fire agreement in November of 2008?

Even Israeli propagandists concede Hamas had fired 0 rockets into Israel during the preceding 5 months. What inspired the Jewish state to invade Gaza in November 2008 and kill half a dozen Hamas activists?

In spite of Israel's war crimes, Hamas offered to renew the cease fire.

"The Israeli cabinet considered it and rejected it, preferring to use violence.

"A couple of days later came the US/Israel attack on Gaza."

US Savage Imperialism
I've noticed that most the ant-Semite, Pali-terrorist loving "posters" here do indeed also seem to be weird personally too......
Anti Semite? Shows how much you don't know. They have manipulated the concept of Semitic ethnicity so as to apply it to Jews alone, thereby enabling them to level the allegation of anti-Semitism in spite of the fact that Arabs constitute the majority of the Semitic peoples.. they even stretch the definition of anti-Semitism to include any criticism of Israel and Israeli policy. BTW..Isntreal was founded on terrorism.

no... the terrorist supporters are trying to take the term away from a particular set of circumstances. you know very well what 'anti-semite' means and how it is used.

as for israel being founded on 'terrorism'. really? they targeted innocents?

and if your assertion is that israel started with guerrilla warfare, so did a lot of other countries... including the U.S.

you see mexicans lobbing missiles over our southern border, anti-semite?

Yes indeed, civilians were attacked. This is one of hundreds of examples.

Najd (Arabic: نجد‎) was a Palestinian Arab village, located 14 kilometers (9 mi) northeast of Gaza City. During the British Mandate in Palestine, children from Najd attended school in the nearby village of Simsim. On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were expelled[5] and fled to Gaza. In 1951, the town of Sderot was built on the village's lands.

According to Benny Morris, the villagers of Najd were "driven out" by soldiers from the Negev Brigade on 12–13 May

Najd, Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, that occupation continues to today.
Israeli War Crimes in Seattle

"SEATTLE – 'Israeli War Crimes,' the enormous advertisement reads. 'Your tax dollars at work.'

"To the right of the image is a group of children -- one little boy stares out at the viewer, the others gawk at a demolished building, all rebar and crumbled concrete.

"It's an ad you'll be seeing soon on a handful of Metro buses in downtown Seattle.

"A group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid King County $1,794 so that 12 buses will carry that message around town, starting two days after Christmas.

"That's December 27: the two-year anniversary of Israeli attacks on Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks and weapons smuggling. "

Israeli War Crimes

"But wait, Bernie," some of my readers may complain, "It's not fair to judge poor Arabs who had no help with the land as Israelis had from philanthropic American Jews."

Let's examine that notion: in 2005 Israel with*drew from the Gaza Strip, leaving millions of dollars of hydro*ponic veg*etable grow*ing facil*i*ties and ware*houses as a goodwill ges*ture from American Jews to the Palestinians.1 Those facil*i*ties would have pro*vided the Pales*tini*ans with tens of thousands of jobs and would have fed all of Gaza.

How did the Gaza Palestinians treat the more than 3,000 greenhouses?
[They destoyed them all!]

I am an Atheist, but I have to admire the Jewish settlers who farmed in Gaza because they treated the land as a gift from God. The Palestinians treat their own land as a disease-ridden step-child.2 They are a scourge upon the Earth as well as upon mankind.

This article is dedicated to all the idiot Jews who believe one can make peace with locusts. "
Palestinian and Israeli Gardens from Planck's Constant

I can't believe people are still using that old propaganda.

"I couldn't believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying," Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. "I hope the Palestinians aren't expecting fresh produce. ... A fortune in crops is now all gone."

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

USA Today: Pallie looters destroy greenhouses gifted to them by Jews... :eek:
Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.
American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash.

Palestinian police stood by helplessly Tuesday as looters carted off materials from greenhouses in several settlements, and commanders complained they did not have enough manpower to protect the prized assets. In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said. - Despite funds and protection, Gaza greenhouses looted
Of course Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza had nothing to do with the poverty that drove Palestinians to loot 3000 greenhouses.

The Jews (but not necessarily their greenhouses) are Chosen.

"The greenhouses are a centerpiece of Palestinian plans for rebuilding Gaza after 38 years of Israeli occupation.

"The Palestinian Authority hopes the high-tech greenhouses left by the Israelis will provide jobs and export income for Gaza's shattered economy."

Of course Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza had nothing to do with the poverty that drove Palestinians to loot 3000 greenhouses.

Except, Gaza is not a sovereign state and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Gaza remains sovereign Israeli land under the Palestine Mandate, constituting international law.

Your lesson for the day. Now, you can go back to drinking.

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