American Trapped in Afghanistan Pleads to Biden: ‘I Am Begging You to Get Us Home’


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
The Republican should push as hard as they possibly can to impeach matter if they fail...something needs to be done just to demonstrate just how incompetent he is.

The Republican should push as hard as they possibly can to impeach matter if they fail...something needs to be done just to demonstrate just how incompetent he is.

Can you find the story on Fox News?

Breitbart is a shitty source.

At least Fox News has some integrity. If the story isn't on Fox, then it probably isn't true.
The Republican should push as hard as they possibly can to impeach matter if they fail...something needs to be done just to demonstrate just how incompetent he is.

Biden never intended to rescue any Americans. It looks like he hasn't rescued any. Biden is an evil warlock who's interested in only what helps him and his family. From the looks of it, the Americans abandoned in Afghanistan were seen by Biden as Republicans who, in his eyes, amounted to nothing more than votes for his Republican opponent in 2024.

The 120,000 Afghans whom he rescued, he sees as voted FOR him, in 2024, (just like those he lets in at the Mexican border), and that's why THEY were allowed to be evacuated.

Probably the only hope Americans still in Afghanistan have, is to escape without any help from Biden or the State Dept..
A couple of hundred Americans get stranded in Afghanistan after 20 years of war. Our withdrawal was telegraphed months in advanced and they were all advised to leave. We should not now go to heroic efforts to extract them. Diplomatic efforts would be fine. Right wing efforts to make Biden look bad only complicate that. Get behind him and stop standing in his way.
The term "American citizen" is relatively meaningless today. What in the f@ck were they doing in that basket case of a war torn cesspool, besides f@cking. Typical third world behavior like rape notwithstanding, how in the f@ck can someone willingly get pregnant in a shithole country is just so bizarre.

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