Americans. Are you proud of your history?

We are humans, and we have been finding reasons to kill each other and treat each other like shit since we dropped out of the trees.

Really OldLady ? Your ancestors dropped out of a tree? Does that mean that all the bs that was spewed when a ex-POTUS's and FLOTUS likeness was used to resemble Hominoidea's...

I will say a little prayer for you and Darwin tonight...
Meet our mother, Lucy. Your mother, too. Nothing to get all riled up about Ridgerunner.
We are humans, and we have been finding reasons to kill each other and treat each other like shit since we dropped out of the trees.

Really OldLady ? Your ancestors dropped out of a tree? Does that mean that all the bs that was spewed when a ex-POTUS's and FLOTUS likeness was used to resemble Hominoidea's...

I will say a little prayer for you and Darwin tonight...
Meet our mother, Lucy. Your mother, too. Nothing to get all riled up about Ridgerunner.

Just like I always pictured you.
seems at this point many are puzzled by what it means to be 'american' i find many things that the us has done...shameful....interment of families in ww2 for being a certain race...o wait we havent learned a fucking thing have we?
the abuse of people for medical experiments....poor blacks...proud of that are we? i could go on .....churchhill said it well...
the us will do the right thing after they have exhausted all other options....ask yourself...did they really use black babies as gator bait in the southern coastal areas? now we bitch about ..the children...we must do it for the children...hell are they even getting thoughts and prayers at this point? we dont give a shit that they cant go to school without fear of being slaughtered but damn if we will give an inch on gun laws...and now and now....we want to ban abortion so we can neglect generations of unwanted babies..if god is all about having all these babies why isnt he all about taking care of them....

seen on the same car: pro life sticker....then this "if you can feed 'em dont breed 'em" which is it?

and how will you like having to imprison this generation of unwanted and neglected babies when they are big ass black men?
think about bitch about whites becoming a minority while you stupidity stop blacks from aborting..cause white women will get their abortions....i assure you they to canada etc or simply use menstrual extraction lets admit this is to prevent poor browns and blacks from aborting...what good is that?

your daughter gets preggies by rape at 13 you will find a way to abort you deny it?

back to the question....there are many things to be proud of ....and on the other hand as a country we have done some fucked up things and then been falsely moral about it...look at the typical american worker...afraid not to work ot off clock.....wont take full vacation..why the fear....the fear....why are americans so fearful?
seems at this point many are puzzled by what it means to be 'american' i find many things that the us has done...shameful....interment of families in ww2 for being a certain race...o wait we havent learned a fucking thing have we?
the abuse of people for medical experiments....poor blacks...proud of that are we? i could go on .....churchhill said it well...
the us will do the right thing after they have exhausted all other options....ask yourself...did they really use black babies as gator bait in the southern coastal areas? now we bitch about ..the children...we must do it for the children...hell are they even getting thoughts and prayers at this point? we dont give a shit that they cant go to school without fear of being slaughtered but damn if we will give an inch on gun laws...and now and now....we want to ban abortion so we can neglect generations of unwanted babies..if god is all about having all these babies why isnt he all about taking care of them....

seen on the same car: pro life sticker....then this "if you can feed 'em dont breed 'em" which is it?

and how will you like having to imprison this generation of unwanted and neglected babies when they are big ass black men?
think about bitch about whites becoming a minority while you stupidity stop blacks from aborting..cause white women will get their abortions....i assure you they to canada etc or simply use menstrual extraction lets admit this is to prevent poor browns and blacks from aborting...what good is that?

your daughter gets preggies by rape at 13 you will find a way to abort you deny it?

back to the question....there are many things to be proud of ....and on the other hand as a country we have done some fucked up things and then been falsely moral about it...look at the typical american worker...afraid not to work ot off clock.....wont take full vacation..why the fear....the fear....why are americans so fearful?

Give yourselves time. You're only 250 years old.
A lot of the past can't be judged by today's standards. It just isn't the same world. If you do that, you are doing a huge disservice to your students. You can consider a practice wrong today, but in context of the people and times accepted then.
That's not how I teach. I lay out the facts and then if they want, we have a conversation about it.

You can lay out all the facts you like, but if they are not viewed within the context of their times but instead filtered through 21st Century mores, whether by you or your students, a false picture results.
I'm not making excuses for slavery or for the Native Americans who warred with the invaders from Europe. We are humans, and we have been finding reasons to kill each other and treat each other like shit since we dropped out of the trees.
I do want to remind you that there were quite a few people in this country who back in the day did NOT agree with slavery.

Indeed, and a good example. The Republican Party was formed in part to defeat slavery, and did. The Democrats started a war to, among other things, retain it. Do you make that clear to your students when discussing such matters?

How about extrapolating the events of modern history with those times and illustrate the direct line between the black-to-white slavery favored by those period Democrats, and today's modern Democrats and their constant efforts via their adoption of Socialism to discard the Constitution and replace it with the slavery of all to the State?

I mean, your students might actually learn something useful.

An interesting fact is that the Democrats have always stood for both slavery........and socialism.

George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made an interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.” Fitzhugh, George (1854Sociology for the South, p. 48)

And, they remain, the party of slavery and of socialism.
So....the Democrats stand for slavery now? How interesting. :abgg2q.jpg:
That is not partisan. That is providing fact.

Open your other eye, Polyphemus.
LOL I'm glad YOU are not a teacher.

Why would I be? No respect, no authority, and no money in it. These days it's a babysitting job with some mandatory indoctrination sessions.

....and the requirement that one indoctrinate the young.

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

Used to be a real profession.....
This was a fairly interesting thread until you got here. No one wants to hear your polemic on liberal education. Try telling us what makes you proud about America.


Seems I really hit a nerve. Hope it hurt.

I believe in democracy: everyone is entitled to my opinion. Especially a dunce like you who could learn from same.
Noting that you can't tell us what makes you proud about America.
Real Americans may be opening your eyes soon about your Che Guevara-type "revolutionaries" here in America, you commie piece of dogshit! The Cubans ain't playin' that, and you can bet real Americans ain't either, bitch! You're all kinds of outta gas with that.

I recommend you don a Che Guevara T-Shirt and stroll down Miracle Mile.

In b4 you get beat down with heavy purses n stuff.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported
People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States.
the other side says same thing about your side franco....the worst thing thats ever happened to this country is when the normal people let the farther left and right have most of the say....
I always say it is not your fault it is the fault of the amazing GOP BS propaganda machines. So much misinformation and Hate. They're always talking about hate who hates who and rage. Calm the hell down, Fox Rush Savage etc etc. Phony scandals that go nowhere in the real world of Journalism and law enforcement and no there is no conspiracy. A disgrace
democrats in california spread a lot of bullshit with their propaganda machine too aint just one side doing all the bullshit.....yea i know i was shocked too...
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

No one can say they are proud of every single event in their history ... be it national or personal. If you are can't point to a single mistake in our history then we are only acknowledging a filtered version of it. Filtering out the bad bits only skews your perception going forward.

That being said, I believe, that America and Americans have been a force for good in this world. We can relish in our collective achievements and reflect on our collective mistakes.

I am most proud of America as a concept... the idea that people can come from all over this planet for the purpose of achieving the greatest amount of freedom ever allowed a people.

We may not always achieve our collective goals, but at least we have them.

Had those mistakes never happened this country wouldn’t be what it is now. I’m not ashamed of any part of America’s history. I’m just a guy out here making a living. I never owned slaves, or did my family. I never persecuted the red man, or did my family. I don’t feel pity or remorse for the red man, he was more weak and was beaten down and removed from his land. I never beat up black people for being black, never objected to them coming to my school. Na, I don’t feel bad about our history at all.
he was more weak
they were overwhelmed with strangers from a strange land who had superior weapons.....
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported
People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States.
the other side says same thing about your side franco....the worst thing thats ever happened to this country is when the normal people let the farther left and right have most of the say....
I always say it is not your fault it is the fault of the amazing GOP BS propaganda machines. So much misinformation and Hate. They're always talking about hate who hates who and rage. Calm the hell down, Fox Rush Savage etc etc. Phony scandals that go nowhere in the real world of Journalism and law enforcement and no there is no conspiracy. A disgrace
Oh hey Harry. Sorry but Republicans have a whole imaginary planet. Where the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is a murdering pedophile or at least a criminal. Law enforcement thinks you're nuts. All around the world same with all the respected newspapers. Oops sorry I know you are a independent.
many democrats in California live in an imaginary place too....
Real Americans may be opening your eyes soon about your Che Guevara-type "revolutionaries" here in America, you commie piece of dogshit! The Cubans ain't playin' that, and you can bet real Americans ain't either, bitch! You're all kinds of outta gas with that.

I recommend you don a Che Guevara T-Shirt and stroll down Miracle Mile.

In b4 you get beat down with heavy purses n stuff.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported
People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States.
the other side says same thing about your side franco....the worst thing thats ever happened to this country is when the normal people let the farther left and right have most of the say....
The worst thing that ever happened is Reagan ending the fairness doctrine. Fox is propaganda so is Rush etc etc. Now they're running the country or Trump is- hard to tell.
franco there is lots of bullshit on both sides......
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

No one can say they are proud of every single event in their history ... be it national or personal. If you are can't point to a single mistake in our history then we are only acknowledging a filtered version of it. Filtering out the bad bits only skews your perception going forward.

That being said, I believe, that America and Americans have been a force for good in this world. We can relish in our collective achievements and reflect on our collective mistakes.

I am most proud of America as a concept... the idea that people can come from all over this planet for the purpose of achieving the greatest amount of freedom ever allowed a people.

We may not always achieve our collective goals, but at least we have them.

Had those mistakes never happened this country wouldn’t be what it is now. I’m not ashamed of any part of America’s history. I’m just a guy out here making a living. I never owned slaves, or did my family. I never persecuted the red man, or did my family. I don’t feel pity or remorse for the red man, he was more weak and was beaten down and removed from his land. I never beat up black people for being black, never objected to them coming to my school. Na, I don’t feel bad about our history at all.
he was more weak
they were overwhelmed with strangers from a strange land who had superior weapons.....

They rapidly adapted to out superior weapon, and made it a point to acquire them. They squandered their opportunities. They let white dudes screw their woman for fancy glass beads and booze.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported
People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States.
the other side says same thing about your side franco....the worst thing thats ever happened to this country is when the normal people let the farther left and right have most of the say....
The worst thing that ever happened is Reagan ending the fairness doctrine. Fox is propaganda so is Rush etc etc. Now they're running the country or Trump is- hard to tell.
franco there is lots of bullshit on both sides......
Not even close. Most Republican voters live on an imaginary planet where Hillary is a convicted Criminal and the rich pay too much in taxes and Trump is a great businessman etc etc.
That's not how I teach. I lay out the facts and then if they want, we have a conversation about it.

You can lay out all the facts you like, but if they are not viewed within the context of their times but instead filtered through 21st Century mores, whether by you or your students, a false picture results.
I'm not making excuses for slavery or for the Native Americans who warred with the invaders from Europe. We are humans, and we have been finding reasons to kill each other and treat each other like shit since we dropped out of the trees.
I do want to remind you that there were quite a few people in this country who back in the day did NOT agree with slavery.

Indeed, and a good example. The Republican Party was formed in part to defeat slavery, and did. The Democrats started a war to, among other things, retain it. Do you make that clear to your students when discussing such matters?

How about extrapolating the events of modern history with those times and illustrate the direct line between the black-to-white slavery favored by those period Democrats, and today's modern Democrats and their constant efforts via their adoption of Socialism to discard the Constitution and replace it with the slavery of all to the State?

I mean, your students might actually learn something useful.

An interesting fact is that the Democrats have always stood for both slavery........and socialism.

George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made an interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.” Fitzhugh, George (1854Sociology for the South, p. 48)

And, they remain, the party of slavery and of socialism.
So....the Democrats stand for slavery now? How interesting. :abgg2q.jpg:

Not 'interesting'.....'educational'

While talking a great game, it is well known by all except liberals in general, and the Black community specifically, that the Democrat Party claims to be concerned with support of blacks, their record with respect to black politicians tells a different story…

1. In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.

2. “Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.” Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race

3. President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days -- but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career "with dignity."

"I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served-- his constituents very well. But these-- allegations are very troubling," Obama told Harry Smith in an interview to be aired on the "Early Show." and first broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Obama: Time for Rangel to end career "with dignity"

4 Harold Ford told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.” Harold Ford Jr. Says He Won’t Challenge Senator Gillibrand

5. “As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….” H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

6. And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Teddy's anger

7. Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak. .. Waters told The Hill afterward that the staffers had been displaying the signs at the annual legislative conference for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was held at the Washington convention center a few blocks away. “It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people,” Waters said. Waters aides expelled from Pelosi event

8. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

"In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into law...'
Mark R. Levin on Trent Lott & Moral Outrage on National Review Online

9. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005

a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

10. Clinton pushed black candidate to drop out of Florida race:

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.”

Read more: Clinton pushed Meek to quit Fla. race

By some strange coincidence, the Democrats, again, force a black to the back:

11. “Under an arrangement reached two days ago, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader, would get the No. 2 job of minority whip come January. Clyburn, now majority whip, would hold the post of assistant leader, newly created for the purpose of heading off a contest for the whip position.” Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

12. For a peek into the unspoken view that Democrats have of blacks, look at how Biden finds Obama as different from all the rest of blacks:

Feb 9, 2007 - Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate • Biden ... "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean ... He's smart.

Oh....and this:

13. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

Wanna give Barack an 'attaboy'?

And you say......what?
LOL I'm glad YOU are not a teacher.

Why would I be? No respect, no authority, and no money in it. These days it's a babysitting job with some mandatory indoctrination sessions.

....and the requirement that one indoctrinate the young.

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

Used to be a real profession.....
This was a fairly interesting thread until you got here. No one wants to hear your polemic on liberal education. Try telling us what makes you proud about America.


Seems I really hit a nerve. Hope it hurt.

I believe in democracy: everyone is entitled to my opinion. Especially a dunce like you who could learn from same.
Noting that you can't tell us what makes you proud about America.


You have a tapeworm?
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

No one can say they are proud of every single event in their history ... be it national or personal. If you are can't point to a single mistake in our history then we are only acknowledging a filtered version of it. Filtering out the bad bits only skews your perception going forward.

That being said, I believe, that America and Americans have been a force for good in this world. We can relish in our collective achievements and reflect on our collective mistakes.

I am most proud of America as a concept... the idea that people can come from all over this planet for the purpose of achieving the greatest amount of freedom ever allowed a people.

We may not always achieve our collective goals, but at least we have them.

Had those mistakes never happened this country wouldn’t be what it is now. I’m not ashamed of any part of America’s history. I’m just a guy out here making a living. I never owned slaves, or did my family. I never persecuted the red man, or did my family. I don’t feel pity or remorse for the red man, he was more weak and was beaten down and removed from his land. I never beat up black people for being black, never objected to them coming to my school. Na, I don’t feel bad about our history at all.
he was more weak
they were overwhelmed with strangers from a strange land who had superior weapons.....

They rapidly adapted to out superior weapon, and made it a point to acquire them. They squandered their opportunities. They let white dudes screw their woman for fancy glass beads and booze.
Actually 90% of them died from disease they were not accustomed to. And they believed the peace treaties that were all broken. And we screw them to this day.

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