Americans. Are you proud of your history?

Real Americans may be opening your eyes soon about your Che Guevara-type "revolutionaries" here in America, you commie piece of dogshit! The Cubans ain't playin' that, and you can bet real Americans ain't either, bitch! You're all kinds of outta gas with that.

I recommend you don a Che Guevara T-Shirt and stroll down Miracle Mile.

In b4 you get beat down with heavy purses n stuff.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported

People like me built The United States, you stupid fuck. Where are you from? How long have you and/or your parents been here, bitch?

'bout 1612 for me. Your argument is moot.
I'm from Buffalo you incredible idiot LOL. My father joined the British army in June of 1941 to fight Nazis. I'll fight you if you try anything oh, you'd make a great Nazi. You love America but you hate 90% of the people who live here LOL change the channel read a newspaper outside Jesus. My mother was English and we went there every other summer for 2 months to stay on her father's farm in Essex and see her mother in Cambridge then we went to Paris and I later learned French took a f*** of a long time. You are a serious idiot LOL. You see communist behind every tree don't you... Listen to berny sometime he's a Democrat socialist my opinions exactly. Not much different from democratic party either. the Republican party has about 10% approval worldwide cuz you're nuts at this point... I wish Trump well on his foreign escapades but history points to him being an idiot. LOL
I'll give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks when they start giving a shit what I think.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported

People like me built The United States, you stupid fuck. Where are you from? How long have you and/or your parents been here, bitch?

'bout 1612 for me. Your argument is moot.
I'm from Buffalo you incredible idiot LOL. My father joined the British army in June of 1941 to fight Nazis. I'll fight you if you try anything oh, you'd make a great Nazi. You love America but you hate 90% of the people who live here LOL change the channel read a newspaper outside Jesus. My mother was English and we went there every other summer for 2 months to stay on her father's farm in Essex and see her mother in Cambridge then we went to Paris and I later learned French took a f*** of a long time. You are a serious idiot LOL. You see communist behind every tree don't you... Listen to berny sometime he's a Democrat socialist my opinions exactly. Not much different from democratic party either. the Republican party has about 10% approval worldwide cuz you're nuts at this point... I wish Trump well on his foreign escapades but history points to him being an idiot. LOL
I'll give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks when they start giving a shit what I think.
I'm talking about journalists and law enforcement versus your propagandists-they are all the GOP has.. I see the right-wing guy in Hungary has taken over their news media... Also totally full of crap. he's got them all excited about migrants and so far they've had 700 asylum requests, a ridiculously low number... Many thanks for the GOP wrecking the Middle East thanks Ronnie Reagan and Georgie boy and also wrecking the third world in 2008. Great job. That's where all these migrants come from. Plus of course the GOP War on Drugs- that works great LOL
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

I am mostly indifferent to it. The past is the past. Today is what it is. American history is actually kind of boring. Not as boring as say Australia's, but certainly not as intriguing as Europe's.
Time for your meds again and some more aluminum foil.

You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported

People like me built The United States, you stupid fuck. Where are you from? How long have you and/or your parents been here, bitch?

'bout 1612 for me. Your argument is moot.
I'm from Buffalo you incredible idiot LOL. My father joined the British army in June of 1941 to fight Nazis. I'll fight you if you try anything oh, you'd make a great Nazi. You love America but you hate 90% of the people who live here LOL change the channel read a newspaper outside Jesus. My mother was English and we went there every other summer for 2 months to stay on her father's farm in Essex and see her mother in Cambridge then we went to Paris and I later learned French took a f*** of a long time. You are a serious idiot LOL. You see communist behind every tree don't you... Listen to berny sometime he's a Democrat socialist my opinions exactly. Not much different from democratic party either. the Republican party has about 10% approval worldwide cuz you're nuts at this point... I wish Trump well on his foreign escapades but history points to him being an idiot. LOL
I'll give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks when they start giving a shit what I think.
They do care, in fact they are scared shittless by you brainwashed functionally crazy people. Like non Republicans in the United States. It is your propaganda machine that makes you think people aren't listening. As well as everything else you believe. Hillary is a criminal, the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc.
You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported

People like me built The United States, you stupid fuck. Where are you from? How long have you and/or your parents been here, bitch?

'bout 1612 for me. Your argument is moot.
I'm from Buffalo you incredible idiot LOL. My father joined the British army in June of 1941 to fight Nazis. I'll fight you if you try anything oh, you'd make a great Nazi. You love America but you hate 90% of the people who live here LOL change the channel read a newspaper outside Jesus. My mother was English and we went there every other summer for 2 months to stay on her father's farm in Essex and see her mother in Cambridge then we went to Paris and I later learned French took a f*** of a long time. You are a serious idiot LOL. You see communist behind every tree don't you... Listen to berny sometime he's a Democrat socialist my opinions exactly. Not much different from democratic party either. the Republican party has about 10% approval worldwide cuz you're nuts at this point... I wish Trump well on his foreign escapades but history points to him being an idiot. LOL
I'll give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks when they start giving a shit what I think.
They do care, in fact they are scared shittless by you brainwashed functionally crazy people. Like non Republicans in the United States. It is your propaganda machine that makes you think people aren't listening. As well as everything else you believe. Hillary is a criminal, the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc.
You have to be the single stupidest human being I've ever encountered on the internet -- and that's saying a lot.
You better not ever, and I do mean ever, try to walk down the street in Hialeah with your commie punkass bitch self, motherfucker! :mad:
you live on an imaginary hate planet, super duper. People like you are the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States. Totally out of your mind LOL. Reported

People like me built The United States, you stupid fuck. Where are you from? How long have you and/or your parents been here, bitch?

'bout 1612 for me. Your argument is moot.
I'm from Buffalo you incredible idiot LOL. My father joined the British army in June of 1941 to fight Nazis. I'll fight you if you try anything oh, you'd make a great Nazi. You love America but you hate 90% of the people who live here LOL change the channel read a newspaper outside Jesus. My mother was English and we went there every other summer for 2 months to stay on her father's farm in Essex and see her mother in Cambridge then we went to Paris and I later learned French took a f*** of a long time. You are a serious idiot LOL. You see communist behind every tree don't you... Listen to berny sometime he's a Democrat socialist my opinions exactly. Not much different from democratic party either. the Republican party has about 10% approval worldwide cuz you're nuts at this point... I wish Trump well on his foreign escapades but history points to him being an idiot. LOL
I'll give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks when they start giving a shit what I think.
I'm talking about journalists and law enforcement versus your propagandists-they are all the GOP has.. I see the right-wing guy in Hungary has taken over their news media... Also totally full of crap. he's got them all excited about migrants and so far they've had 700 asylum requests, a ridiculously low number... Many thanks for the GOP wrecking the Middle East thanks Ronnie Reagan and Georgie boy and also wrecking the third world in 2008. Great job. That's where all these migrants come from. Plus of course the GOP War on Drugs- that works great LOL
Yeah, yeah, we get it. Everything bad is American white conservatives' fault.

i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

I am mostly indifferent to it. The past is the past. Today is what it is. American history is actually kind of boring. Not as boring as say Australia's, but certainly not as intriguing as Europe's.
So you disagree with Santayana who said 'those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'?
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

I am mostly indifferent to it. The past is the past. Today is what it is. American history is actually kind of boring. Not as boring as say Australia's, but certainly not as intriguing as Europe's.
So you disagree with Santayana who said 'those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'?

I didn't say I didn't learn history. That I found American history boring implicitly states that I learned it.
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

Despite your hatred of America, it is the most just and moral country that has ever existed.

Are there flaws in our history? Yes, as there are in every nation. The the good outweigh the bad? Overwhelmingly.
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

I am mostly indifferent to it. The past is the past. Today is what it is. American history is actually kind of boring. Not as boring as say Australia's, but certainly not as intriguing as Europe's.
So you disagree with Santayana who said 'those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'?

I didn't say I didn't learn history. That I found American history boring implicitly states that I learned it.
Well said. More of a palace intrigue kinda person?
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

Despite your hatred of America, it is the most just and moral country that has ever existed.

Are there flaws in our history? Yes, as there are in every nation. The the good outweigh the bad? Overwhelmingly.
Have you read this thread? Where here or anywhere on this board have I said I hate America?
i mean every bit of it. What historic blunders do you regret? What historic achievement are you most proud of as an American?

I am mostly indifferent to it. The past is the past. Today is what it is. American history is actually kind of boring. Not as boring as say Australia's, but certainly not as intriguing as Europe's.
So you disagree with Santayana who said 'those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'?

I didn't say I didn't learn history. That I found American history boring implicitly states that I learned it.
Well said. More of a palace intrigue kinda person?

The American revolution was a revolution by the already freest people in society, and the Civil War didn't really change anything. Those are the only two significant points. American history is mostly a drip drip drip of nothing important in the grand scheme of things. It is milquetoast.
up above franco you said bullshit,which means just about you are narrowing it down to just lies....and remember,a lie has to be proven, so just because you might think its a lie,doesnt mean it is.....
when the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement says it's a lie, and only the GOP garbage hate propaganda machine and Trump say it is true, and only GOP dupes believe it, that is known as a lie. That's why I told you I'm defining BS as lies here. All of them on the GOP side, that's all they have.. they believe Hillary Obama Lerner holder are criminals, the rich pay too much in taxes, 47% don't pay any taxes at all,and everything is just fine under this garbage GOP tax rates and policy, though we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world, and it just keeps getting worse. Average wages going up means nothing when most of it goes to the 1%.... Not to mention they called the Obama economy horrible when it is no different then the Trump economy, until he finally messes it up.... He got a little bump, only cost a trillion dollars in debt LOL...
and we have a piss poor congress franco,some of the worst people in the history of congress are there right you think these idiots have the answers?...
The Democrats do, whenever they get 60 votes in the Senate, the house and the presidency. In the last 50 years that has happened once for 34 days in session, and we got the greatest social reform of the last 55 years at least. Obamacare. all the new b******* GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. A disgrace the last 30 years. Only total BS brainwashing makes it we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world, and it just gets worse no matter how the economy is doing.
they sure stuck a flag in your ass franco....
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
  1. when the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement says it's a lie, and only the GOP garbage hate propaganda machine and Trump say it is true, and only GOP dupes believe it, that is known as a lie. That's why I told you I'm defining BS as lies here. All of them on the GOP side, that's all they have.. they believe Hillary Obama Lerner holder are criminals, the rich pay too much in taxes, 47% don't pay any taxes at all,and everything is just fine under this garbage GOP tax rates and policy, though we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world, and it just keeps getting worse. Average wages going up means nothing when most of it goes to the 1%.... Not to mention they called the Obama economy horrible when it is no different then the Trump economy, until he finally messes it up.... He got a little bump, only cost a trillion dollars in debt LOL...
and we have a piss poor congress franco,some of the worst people in the history of congress are there right you think these idiots have the answers?...
The Democrats do, whenever they get 60 votes in the Senate, the house and the presidency. In the last 50 years that has happened once for 34 days in session, and we got the greatest social reform of the last 55 years at least. Obamacare. all the new b******* GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. A disgrace the last 30 years. Only total BS brainwashing makes it we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world, and it just gets worse no matter how the economy is doing.
they sure stuck a flag in your ass franco....
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
What I am told by the respected world of Journalism and law enforcement? you are correct. If you want to listen to proven GOP pundits / Liars and their dupes, go ahead. Take another couple of years to come up with a democratic lie LOL
and we have a piss poor congress franco,some of the worst people in the history of congress are there right you think these idiots have the answers?...
The Democrats do, whenever they get 60 votes in the Senate, the house and the presidency. In the last 50 years that has happened once for 34 days in session, and we got the greatest social reform of the last 55 years at least. Obamacare. all the new b******* GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. A disgrace the last 30 years. Only total BS brainwashing makes it we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world, and it just gets worse no matter how the economy is doing.
they sure stuck a flag in your ass franco....
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
What I am told by the respected world of Journalism and law enforcement? you are correct. If you want to listen to proven GOP pundits / Liars and their dupes, go ahead. Take another couple of years to come up with a democratic lie LOL
franco for a educated man you sure put a lot of faith in a piece of shit political party to not believe they lie just as much as the other party........sorry living in California all the years i have have soured my opinion of your pathetic little party.....
The Democrats do, whenever they get 60 votes in the Senate, the house and the presidency. In the last 50 years that has happened once for 34 days in session, and we got the greatest social reform of the last 55 years at least. Obamacare. all the new b******* GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. A disgrace the last 30 years. Only total BS brainwashing makes it we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world, and it just gets worse no matter how the economy is doing.
they sure stuck a flag in your ass franco....
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
What I am told by the respected world of Journalism and law enforcement? you are correct. If you want to listen to proven GOP pundits / Liars and their dupes, go ahead. Take another couple of years to come up with a democratic lie LOL
franco for a educated man you sure put a lot of faith in a piece of shit political party to not believe they lie just as much as the other party........sorry living in California all the years i have have soured my opinion of your pathetic little party.....
All the problems California has are due to Republican give away to the rich and thus less federal aid, not to mention the fact the GOP has 4 years blocked an ID card which would end your illegal immigration problem. We are talkin National politics here not California politics. You can't seem to get past that.
they sure stuck a flag in your ass franco....
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
What I am told by the respected world of Journalism and law enforcement? you are correct. If you want to listen to proven GOP pundits / Liars and their dupes, go ahead. Take another couple of years to come up with a democratic lie LOL
franco for a educated man you sure put a lot of faith in a piece of shit political party to not believe they lie just as much as the other party........sorry living in California all the years i have have soured my opinion of your pathetic little party.....
All the problems California has are due to Republican give away to the rich and thus less federal aid, not to mention the fact the GOP has 4 years blocked an ID card which would end your illegal immigration problem. We are talkin National politics here not California politics. You can't seem to get past that.
give me a break franco....Californias problems are because of people with your mindset,and like i have told you time and time bring up an id card out there and you will be called a racist....
We are talkin National politics here not California politics. You can't seem to get past that.
i bring up California because that state is the state your party thinks is just the greatest...they seem to set the pace for you miserable cant seem to get past that....
My masculinity isn't toxic ... but it's pretty greasy and sweaty.

MBJ. Calling MBJ.

Come in MBJ.
franco there is lots of bullshit on both sides......
Not even close. Most Republican voters live on an imaginary planet where Hillary is a convicted Criminal and the rich pay too much in taxes and Trump is a great businessman etc etc.
wonder why you dont think its even close,mmm could it be?......California is a slightly different world then were you are franco....and they seem to set the pace for you lefties....and in California there is a lot bullshit that flows out of Sacramento....
And remember you may think something is full of s***, but we are talking about lies here, lies that the GOP bases everything on. Pure misinformation and hate propaganda.
up above franco you said bullshit,which means just about you are narrowing it down to just lies....and remember,a lie has to be proven, so just because you might think its a lie,doesnt mean it is.....
when the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement says it's a lie, and only the GOP garbage hate propaganda machine and Trump say it is true, and only GOP dupes believe it, that is known as a lie. That's why I told you I'm defining BS as lies here. All of them on the GOP side, that's all they have.. they believe Hillary Obama Lerner holder are criminals, the rich pay too much in taxes, 47% don't pay any taxes at all,and everything is just fine under this garbage GOP tax rates and policy, though we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world, and it just keeps getting worse. Average wages going up means nothing when most of it goes to the 1%.... Not to mention they called the Obama economy horrible when it is no different then the Trump economy, until he finally messes it up.... He got a little bump, only cost a trillion dollars in debt LOL...

If every billionaire and millionaire were removed from the planet, neither you, nor I, would be one iota better off financially. However, hundreds of millions would no longer have jobs, and they would definitely be victims of the loss.

In this country there are millions of pies to be cut up, and the only pies that you, or I, should be concerned with are the ones we prosper from.
Sorry about facts and reality, semidupe.
until you pull that flag out of your ass franco i will think the only facts you know is what they are telling you.....dumbass...
What I am told by the respected world of Journalism and law enforcement? you are correct. If you want to listen to proven GOP pundits / Liars and their dupes, go ahead. Take another couple of years to come up with a democratic lie LOL
franco for a educated man you sure put a lot of faith in a piece of shit political party to not believe they lie just as much as the other party........sorry living in California all the years i have have soured my opinion of your pathetic little party.....
All the problems California has are due to Republican give away to the rich and thus less federal aid, not to mention the fact the GOP has 4 years blocked an ID card which would end your illegal immigration problem. We are talkin National politics here not California politics. You can't seem to get past that.
give me a break franco....Californias problems are because of people with your mindset,and like i have told you time and time bring up an id card out there and you will be called a racist....
We are talkin National politics here not California politics. You can't seem to get past that.
i bring up California because that state is the state your party thinks is just the greatest...they seem to set the pace for you miserable cant seem to get past that....
Wrong again California boy. It is overpopulated and unicorn country. Whatever is bothering you about California doesn't happen here in New York. I am assuming because you give no evidence for anything that you say. I don't know what the hell you talkin about... I don't give a s*** what people in California think about National policy. Dems have been trying to have a national ID card for years to end illegal immigration and work. F*** California LOL.

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