Americans blame Republicans for the economy

Your claim that the Republicans where more at fault, being in power in the short term, has been clearly blown out of the water.
Truth On Target: Obama's Financial Friends: Schumer, Dodd and Barney Frank

You keep posting the same thing - opinions with nothing to back it up. Repeating something that is false over and over does not make it true.

Hey, BullFrog, quit puffing out your cheeks, and go back to the lily pad.

Once you show me something other than highly ideologically biased opinions from the likes of Fox News that have already been refuted empirically, I might.
You keep posting the same thing - opinions with nothing to back it up. Repeating something that is false over and over does not make it true.

Hey, BullFrog, quit puffing out your cheeks, and go back to the lily pad.

Once you show me something other than highly ideologically biased opinions from the likes of Fox News that have already been refuted empirically, I might.

Did you just snatch a fly with that long tongue? Good work.

I have documented clearly, for any objective individual- even Rana pipiens, that Democrats are the motivators of the mortgage meltdown. WSJ, IBD, Amereican Spectator, among other sources. Your objective is rejection.

Albert Einstein said the following:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Neither am I insane, nor do I wish to argue with Einstein.

Since I callled you a bullfrog, I hate to mix analogies, but I will no longer "cast my pearls before swine."

Be well.
Hey, BullFrog, quit puffing out your cheeks, and go back to the lily pad.

Once you show me something other than highly ideologically biased opinions from the likes of Fox News that have already been refuted empirically, I might.

Did you just snatch a fly with that long tongue? Good work.

I have documented clearly, for any objective individual- even Rana pipiens, that Democrats are the motivators of the mortgage meltdown. WSJ, IBD, Amereican Spectator, among other sources. Your objective is rejection.

Albert Einstein said the following:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Neither am I insane, nor do I wish to argue with Einstein.

Since I callled you a bullfrog, I hate to mix analogies, but I will no longer "cast my pearls before swine."

Be well.

ToroiusInfinitum said:

It seems that you fail to understand that repeating the same nonsense from different sources is indeed repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I'll let you judge your own sanity.

This is simple. There have been a few studies that have analyzed at the breakdown of loans given lent out under the CRA. Both concluded that less than 10% of the loans were to minorities and to the poor. It has also been documented that about 1% of Freddie and Fannie loans were these types of loans. It's also very simple to understand that homes did not skyrocket in price in the poor neighborhoods, or at least not to the same levels as they did in middle and upper-class neighborhoods. If you believe that lending to poor people created this bubble, you know very little about what happened in the economy, and no quotes from Sean Hannity or Anne Coulter changes that.
Torro if you think this has to do with a lack of regulation you are shooting in the dark and catching ricchocets ditto you Chic.
Once you show me something other than highly ideologically biased opinions from the likes of Fox News that have already been refuted empirically, I might.

Did you just snatch a fly with that long tongue? Good work.

I have documented clearly, for any objective individual- even Rana pipiens, that Democrats are the motivators of the mortgage meltdown. WSJ, IBD, Amereican Spectator, among other sources. Your objective is rejection.

Albert Einstein said the following:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Neither am I insane, nor do I wish to argue with Einstein.

Since I callled you a bullfrog, I hate to mix analogies, but I will no longer "cast my pearls before swine."

Be well.

ToroiusInfinitum said:

It seems that you fail to understand that repeating the same nonsense from different sources is indeed repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I'll let you judge your own sanity.

This is simple. There have been a few studies that have analyzed at the breakdown of loans given lent out under the CRA. Both concluded that less than 10% of the loans were to minorities and to the poor. It has also been documented that about 1% of Freddie and Fannie loans were these types of loans. It's also very simple to understand that homes did not skyrocket in price in the poor neighborhoods, or at least not to the same levels as they did in middle and upper-class neighborhoods. If you believe that lending to poor people created this bubble, you know very little about what happened in the economy, and no quotes from Sean Hannity or Anne Coulter changes that.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Regards to the family. Is that you on the left?
That's before I was kissed.

This is after.


Of course they do.... These are the very same people who go to the polls and vote.... People who subscribe to revisionist history and/or can't/don't want to remember history!

This "crisis" was many years in the making, and there's plenty of blame to go around.

Historical facts:

The Community Reinvestment Act was signed by Carter in 1977 and modified and enforced by Bill Clinton during his term. The CRV was designed to help blacks, living in ghettos, home owners. The government implemented the act by compelling banks to give home loans to unqualified borrowers. It is the failure to repay the loans by these high risk borrowers that triggered the housing collapse and the credit crisis.

Barack Obama worked as a "community organizer" for ACORN, a group that focused on using the CRA. As a lawyer, one of the few cases Obama's was was actually involved in was a lawsuit against CitiBank [now has its name on the new Mets' ballpark] partially to force them to make home loans to unqualfied [read black] borrowers. In 2006, Obama wrote a letter to housing officials encouraging them to continue making loans to those unqualified blacks.

In 2004, Democrats in Congress were told that the 2 government agencies behind the bad home loans were in trouble and that they were fixing the books. Instead of heeding the warning and taking action, the Democrats berated the regulator, insulted him, and told him he was wrong. They said everything was just fine because many unqualified blacks were getting loans.

Here is a video of the 2004 hearing

[ame=]YouTube - Democrats Caught Defending Freddie, Fannie[/ame]

And here is one of the Clinton administration's Affirmative Action home loan program

[ame=]YouTube - EVIDENCE FOUND!!! Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tie to all of it!!![/ame]
Hey ALLBIZ - Chris's link was from last fall, during the elections. Just saying.
At least we both agree the bankers are at the core of the problem.

Well, them and the GOP that deregulated industry so these companies could run amuck for the last 8 years.

Interesting.... So how is it that the auto-makers, also recipients of bailout money, got two months before heads rolled instead of starting with "the core of the problem"?
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.

Completely true.

Unknowing people or extreme partisans want to blame every leaf that falls to the ground on the other party but in fact, this crisis was created mainly outside of the political arena, and both parties are bit players in the grand scheme of things.
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.

Please don't forget that the economy we have right now is because of decisions and policies that the GOP majority made between 2000-2006. That is a fact with labor. And just because some dems went along, doesn't mean the Democratic party as a whole is as responsible as the GOP.

They are not all the same. If you vote GOP, expect to go back to:

Tax breaks only for the rich that don't trickle down
Record spending, not on infrastructure, but defense.
Tax breaks to companies going overseas
Oil prices to skyrocket
Middle class wages continuing to decline while CEO's pay goes up
No stem cell research
Back to war with Iran and the rest of the world hating our leaders

The GOP loves it that you think this way. Instead of acknowledging that we properly voted out the GOP bums in 06 and 08 who were directly responsible, you're being suckered into thinking that because some dems went along, that that sort of makes them even with the GOP who led us here.

Pay attention to the direction Reed & Pelosi & Obama take us. POSITIVE direction.

Where did Bush & Delay & Hastert & Rush & Boehner take us? NEGATIVE direction.
Sealy, I think our problems go back at least 15 years, maybe more. Your "blame it all on Bush" rhetoric has already worn thin. Both Parties are responsible.
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.

Completely true.

Unknowing people or extreme partisans want to blame every leaf that falls to the ground on the other party but in fact, this crisis was created mainly outside of the political arena, and both parties are bit players in the grand scheme of things.

Hey, Bullfrog, glad to see your new fall-back position. Remember when it used to be "Republicans are to blame..."?

I'd like to think my tutorials on Conservative principles brought you around. So now we are on common ground: if the political-financial system had not given mortgages to those who couldn't afford them, we wouldn't have had the mortgage meltdown.

Good boy!
Please don't forget that the economy we have right now is because of decisions and policies that the GOP majority made between 2000-2006. That is a fact with labor. And just because some dems went along, doesn't mean the Democratic party as a whole is as responsible as the GOP.

blah blah blah

it's people like you who are responsible

people who never bother to really understand

it doesn't matter if you keep 60% of your money in your left or your right pocket ...
Last edited:
Sealy, I think our problems go back at least 15 years, maybe more. Your "blame it all on Bush" rhetoric has already worn thin. Both Parties are responsible.

I don't blame it all on Bush. He couldn't have done it alone. Tom Delay and the GOP majority between 2000-2006 helped him.

And the GOP did it on purpose. Do you get that fact? They still defend sending jobs overseas. They still defend deregulating these industries. They still defend trickle down, evne though it never worked.

Did Clinton sign NAFTA? Sure did. Ok, so because he signed nafta, overlook the fact that when the GOP got control of all 3 houses, they stripped NAFTA of anything that might have protected American jobs.

But because Clinton signed NAFTA, you blame them equally. You are a fool.

So because Clinton signed NAFTA, that makes it ok to purposely deregulate the banking and housing industries and purposely send all our manufacturing jobs overseas?

Your "both parties are responsible" has worn thin.

And with your attitude, the GOP will win in 2010 and/or 2012.

This is exactly why the fucked us over so very very hard the last 8 years.

Because they know you American voters are about the dumbest people on the fucking planet. Very short memories. Look at how we were smart enough to run daddy Bush out of office for sucking, but then 8 years later elected his retarded son.

I bet you voted for him too.

And as for the last 8 years, you have already forgotten what happened. It didn't even take you a year and you forgot.
Please don't forget that the economy we have right now is because of decisions and policies that the GOP majority made between 2000-2006. That is a fact with labor. And just because some dems went along, doesn't mean the Democratic party as a whole is as responsible as the GOP.

blah blah blah

it's people like you who are responsible

people who never bother to really understand

it doesn't matter if you keep 60% of your money in your left or your right pocket ...

I just want democrats and independents to understand the spin behind the GOP's very gracious offer to share responsibility with the dems for the past 8 years.


They can't possibly suggest that it was all Dems/Freddy/Fanny's/Clinton/Carter's fault, so as long as they sell voters on the idea that "everyone can share responsibility", then that will help their chances in 2010, especially if the Dems are still struggling to fix the economy.

Ever hear a Republican accept 100% of the blame? Never.

They even put some blame on the Dems for Iraq, torture and fisa, when these things are their policies.

Anyways, I won't stop pointing this out to you idiots because apparently it is already working on you.
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.

Completely true.

Unknowing people or extreme partisans want to blame every leaf that falls to the ground on the other party but in fact, this crisis was created mainly outside of the political arena, and both parties are bit players in the grand scheme of things.

Hey, Bullfrog, glad to see your new fall-back position. Remember when it used to be "Republicans are to blame..."?

I'd like to think my tutorials on Conservative principles brought you around. So now we are on common ground: if the political-financial system had not given mortgages to those who couldn't afford them, we wouldn't have had the mortgage meltdown.

Good boy!

Have you seen how many mansions and expensive homes have foreclosed? Their homes had nothign to do with poor people.

Had more to do with over valuing the home. So rich people walked away from those crappy mortgages.

So it has more to do with the mortgage companies approving bullshit loans.

They made their money, and sold the mortgage to another bank, up and up the ladder, and then they bundled those bad toxic assets together.

If they didn't bundle those mortgages together like that, this wouldn't have happened.

This is a perfect example. Because poor people have a small role in this mess, the right wingers want to suggest that "everyone is to blame".

Very clever. I always said I'd be a Republican if they governed as well as they played politics.

And actually, they are very good at governing too, if you are rich.

None of this was by accident. The bankers all got bailed out. Suckers!!!!

And to blame the poor people. Fucking idiots. Sorry, but you really are sheeple.
I think it's funny that people try to blame either the Dems or the GOP for the economy. Our problems originated years ago in my opinion. It may be easy to point back 8 years or less and blame the majority party, but they both have blood on their hands in my opinion. We have three groups of people in this country, those who back the Democrats, those who back the GOP, and the majority....those who don't like either of you.

Completely true.

Unknowing people or extreme partisans want to blame every leaf that falls to the ground on the other party but in fact, this crisis was created mainly outside of the political arena, and both parties are bit players in the grand scheme of things.

Hey, Bullfrog, glad to see your new fall-back position. Remember when it used to be "Republicans are to blame..."?

I'd like to think my tutorials on Conservative principles brought you around. So now we are on common ground: if the political-financial system had not given mortgages to those who couldn't afford them, we wouldn't have had the mortgage meltdown.

Good boy!

Anne, Sweetheart, I know you're busy hunting down traitorous liberals and all that but pay attention!

The primary cause of the bubble was the Federal Reserve, IMO.

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