Americans dishearten me at times

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes. DK. when you start losing everything becomes too complex to discuss. Right?

no, but I certainly don't have the time to drive a square peg of knowledge in your round hole of non-acceptance
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
no, but I certainly don't have the time to drive a square peg of knowledge in your round hole of non-acceptance

RWA, he said you have a "hole".
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
no, but I certainly don't have the time to drive a square peg of knowledge in your round hole of non-acceptance

Yeah. I'm straight.

Dk. I've kicked your ass so many times it's not funny. Remember when I first joined and they made you a mod out of pity? those were the days.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

Some of the articles I've read in the last two days have saddened me unbelievably. The way they've completely maligned a man that truly changed the world for the better is not only indicative of a very vindictive group of people, but completely cowardly and heartless that they waited til AFTER he died to do it. The articles on Slate, one by Ted Rall, and another by palast and hitchens are so heinous that its beyond comprehension that someone could be that hateful towards a man they most likely had never even met.

I'll have to check those articles out.
Most criticism I've heard recently has been repectfully given.
one by Ted Rall, and another by palast and hitchens are so heinous that its beyond comprehension that someone could be that hateful towards a man they most likely had never even met.

I'll have to check those articles out. Most criticism I've heard recently has been repectfully given.

Ted Rall. Respect. Oxymoron.
Well said, DK. RR will go on in history as having been a great president and a great person. As far as the pundits, to whom you refer, I doubt they'll go on in history at all in any significant way.

I think what many people fail to realize is that our political makeup in this country looks rather like a bell curve. Except in extremely rare instances every election season we see the most successful politicians striving to garner their support from the center of the aforementioned bell curve. Take the case of GWB in 2000. He advertised himself as a compassionate conservative, a uniter not a divider, and denied any propensities towards nation building. I think most of us now understand the real GWB at this point as being nothing related to his self promotions. But, this is not about any of that, DK. Thanks for your words concerning Ronald Reagan. I share your admiration and respect for him and I'm certain we'll miss him and his extraordinary skills as a true uniter, compassionate conservative, etc.

Psycho. Bush is very similar. You libs said the same things about reagan that you're saying about bush now. You'll flip on your opinion of Bush as well, as it becomes more and more moronic to call him a bad president. Liberals have always been on the wrong side of history. You called reagan wreckless, just like you call bush. You said his policies on the soviet union would never work. They did. Does the phrase "always wrong" mean anything to you? It should, it describes you and your brainless cohorts perfectly.
You're just full of shit, rtwngAvngr. Obviously you don't read well and let your senseless ramblings and opinions overtake any semblace of good reasoning you might otherwise garner. Were it not for good Democrats, such as myself, voting for RR due to our belief in him as advertised, he would have never been President at all. But, we did vote for him and I'm still thankful for that. As far as the latest emergence of middleground Republicans is concerned, I think he's toast. But, again, I don't think this thread is about any of that. I do think it is a rather oblique attempt by DK to pay a tribute to Ronald Reagan and I'm glad he did it.

Originally posted by Psychoblues
You're just full of shit, rtwngAvngr. Obviously you don't read well and let your senseless ramblings and opinions overtake any semblace of good reasoning you might otherwise garner. Were it not for good Democrats, such as myself, voting for RR due to our belief in him as advertised, he would have never been President at all. But, we did vote for him and I'm still thankful for that. As far as the latest emergence of middleground Republicans is concerned, I think he's toast. But, again, I don't think this thread is about any of that. I do think it is a rather oblique attempt by DK to pay a tribute to Ronald Reagan and I'm glad he did it.


blah blah blah. you idiots are today still insisting that reagonomics didn't work. All reputable sources show it did. Tax cuts are working again now, and you imbeciles sit there and deny it with a straight face.

Don't act like libs were always behind reagan and that bush is SO different. It's a sad pathetic lie that just will not work. Sorry. Here's a couple bucks, buy a ticket for the clue train.
If I were as desperate as you seem to be, rtwngAvngr, I don't think I would be extending the "cluetrain" offer with hardearned trickledown dollars. Sad? No. Hilarious? No. Inaccurate is about as good as I can come up with concerning your claims. And that's assuming that they weren't being made through pure ignorance.

Originally posted by Psychoblues
If I were as desperate as you seem to be, rtwngAvngr, I don't think I would be extending the "cluetrain" offer with hardearned trickledown dollars. Sad? No. Hilarious? No. Inaccurate is about as good as I can come up with concerning your claims. And that's assuming that they weren't being made through pure ignorance.


Sad? Yes. Just discredit one of them. Don't you grow weary of always being wrong and looking like an idiot.

Your post is just fluff and nothingness.
Its not true, the myth about "Reagan Democrats" being responsible for Reagan's two election victories. Are you telling me that in 1984, the election in which Mondale won 1, count em 1 state that without so called Reagan Demos that he would've lost? No way. I'll look up the results for the 80' election also but I don't believe that was close either.

Reagan Demos voted for him because what the Demos put forth was a complete waste of time and even rabk and file Demos knew it. Walter Mondale? Get real, same thing will happen to John Kerry he doesn't have a clue either.

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