Americans DON'T want immigration!

Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.

I, an immigrant, interviewed six people for an open position recently. Five of them were not born in the US. The one who was turned out to be the least qualified for the position. I hired a Muslim who was born in Pakistan because he was the best candidate.

This country has always attracted the best and the brightest. You want to condemn America to mediocrity.
I would love an open border, kinda like the take- a penny- add a penny honesty system . But people kinda abuse that, and illegal aliens doubly. I want to be naive enough to believe in human nature, except I know what scoundrels and liars people can be. Once we get past the illegal alien thing, what else do we accept:Head hunting cannibals? Homosexual marriage? Opps.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.

I, an immigrant, interviewed six people for an open position recently. Five of them were not born in the US. The one who was turned out to be the least qualified for the position. I hired a Muslim who was born in Pakistan because he was the best candidate.

This country has always attracted the best and the brightest. You want to condemn America to mediocrity.
For every one of these stories we get a couple thousand or more lawn mowers or toilet cleaners. Legal immigration you moron. And make them have skills we want and need. The rest of them can stay home.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.

I, an immigrant, interviewed six people for an open position recently. Five of them were not born in the US. The one who was turned out to be the least qualified for the position. I hired a Muslim who was born in Pakistan because he was the best candidate.

This country has always attracted the best and the brightest. You want to condemn America to mediocrity.
Of course we have no way to verify that story.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.

I, an immigrant, interviewed six people for an open position recently. Five of them were not born in the US. The one who was turned out to be the least qualified for the position. I hired a Muslim who was born in Pakistan because he was the best candidate.

This country has always attracted the best and the brightest. You want to condemn America to mediocrity.
Of course we have no way to verify that story.

I have many stories like that.

Of course there are many extremely talented native born Americans. I have met them. Some have eight or nine zeroes in their bank accounts.

But the point is that this country attracts the best and the brightest from around the world. America is at the leading edge of technical innovation on the plant. Over half of the STEM PhDs in this country are from abroad. America benefits enormously from this.

To close the borders completely is a sign of insecurity and smallness. I came to this country because I believe in it and I love it. The OP harkens to a Little America that can't compete.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.

I, an immigrant, interviewed six people for an open position recently. Five of them were not born in the US. The one who was turned out to be the least qualified for the position. I hired a Muslim who was born in Pakistan because he was the best candidate.

This country has always attracted the best and the brightest. You want to condemn America to mediocrity.
Of course we have no way to verify that story.

I have many stories like that.

Of course there are many extremely talented native born Americans. I have met them. Some have eight or nine zeroes in their bank accounts.

But the point is that this country attracts the best and the brightest from around the world. America is at the leading edge of technical innovation on the plant. Over half of the STEM PhDs in this country are from abroad. America benefits enormously from this.

To close the borders completely is a sign of insecurity and smallness. I came to this country because I believe in it and I love it. The OP harkens to a Little America that can't compete.
Greedy folks like to keep the world to themselves..
Once again liberals get it wrong.

Americans don't want ILLEGAL immigration.
Once again liberals get it wrong.Americans don't want ILLEGAL immigration.
The OP says all immigration.

The title says 'Immigration'.

Most Americans do not want illegal immigration.

Most Americans do not want open borders, where drug dealers, human traffickers, MS-13 members, child molesters ,and social program moochers waltz into our country, threatening this country and sucking up our tax dollars.

Most Americans don't want millions of our tax dollars going to bail out / support Sanctuary Cities that defy / violate US law IOT protect, defend, and support these illegals / criminals, especially when we have our own homeless, disabled vets, etc we should be taking care of.

Most Americans don't want criminal illegals who get deported and keep coming back again and again to be slapped on the wrist and released. I sure as hell don't want some criminal POS illegal who killed an American citizen while DUI deported only to have him come back into the US illegally...again. (IMO, if an illegal kills an American citizen and gets deported - the US giving him back his life - if the murdering illegal comes back into this country - if caught he should be given the death penalty.)

Liberals continue to try to 'milk' the human aspect of the issue while intentionally ignoring and distracting from the CRIMINAL aspect of the issue.

Coming to the United States is NOT a Constitutional Right for foreigners. Doing so LEGALLY is a privilege!
Americans want to enforce what our immigration laws say; That anyone seeking to immigrate to America must be able to pass a physical and must have the means to take care of themselves ie a job waiting for them or a skill set that will guarantee their self support.
They must be able to produce proper ID and they must not be a felon or an ex convict.
That seems perfect to me; often times when we go outside of the founders of our nations words we go astray.
Just break out the founding documents of our nation and you will find the answers to almost anything regarding our laws and customs.
Today so many people are too smart by half. Just open up a history book!
Once again liberals get it wrong.Americans don't want ILLEGAL immigration.
The OP says all immigration.

The title says 'Immigration'.

Most Americans do not want illegal immigration.

Most Americans do not want open borders, where drug dealers, human traffickers, MS-13 members, child molesters ,and social program moochers waltz into our country, threatening this country and sucking up our tax dollars.

Most Americans don't want millions of our tax dollars going to bail out / support Sanctuary Cities that defy / violate US law IOT protect, defend, and support these illegals / criminals, especially when we have our own homeless, disabled vets, etc we should be taking care of.

Most Americans don't want criminal illegals who get deported and keep coming back again and again to be slapped on the wrist and released. I sure as hell don't want some criminal POS illegal who killed an American citizen while DUI deported only to have him come back into the US illegally...again. (IMO, if an illegal kills an American citizen and gets deported - the US giving him back his life - if the murdering illegal comes back into this country - if caught he should be given the death penalty.)

Liberals continue to try to 'milk' the human aspect of the issue while intentionally ignoring and distracting from the CRIMINAL aspect of the issue.

Coming to the United States is NOT a Constitutional Right for foreigners. Doing so LEGALLY is a privilege!

I agree. But the OP says immigration, not illegal immigration. Read the link.
I think many Americans would prefer zero Immigration, but most support some Immigration. This response reflects Americans' frustration with our broken Immigration System. Personally, i'm fine with legal, limited, and strictly monitored Immigration. Illegal Immigration has to be ended immediately. And more strict requirements need to be made on those seeking to come here. Then there's Immigration enforcement. Clearly, the laws aren't currently be enforced properly. Far too many people are allowed to break our Immigration laws.

Serious Immigration reform needs to happen. Hopefully Trump can take the Courts back and get his reforms through. I give him some props, he's already addressing our broken system more aggressively than any other President i've ever seen. But so much more needs to be done. It'll take getting the Courts back, to make it happen. We've seen recently how easily Democrat activist Judges have thwarted his reforms. I wish Trump all the best in this endeavor. It's time for change.

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