President Trump's convention Speech gets a "C"!

He spoke the truth, that is what matters, and the truth will be the end of the corrupt dems and their media puppets.
Was he telling the truth when he says he could stop all wars just by picking up the phone.

Why in the fuck does he not do it right now?
we have illegal immigrants that have been in the country twenty to thirty years working and thus helping the economy - the American people justly don't want such people deported.
You are wrong.

We want them gone yesterday.

Replaced with immigrants who came here legally or waited to immigrate until they could come here legally.

Just like a country without a border isn't a country. A country that doesn't enforce it's laws is lawless.

Allowing ANY illegal immigrant to remain creates a tacit acceptance of the illegal immigration.

Zero tolerance. You come here will NEVER be safe from deportation.
Biden never dildoed a “dead” major prime time speech like ole Don Trump delivered last night - Old Grumpy Don Trump should’ve fake WWF wrestled with Hulk Hogan and pulled out an AR15 firing blanks into the air like fight fight fight the speech entirely. probably would’ve went over better. Vlad Putin would have loved that.

Vlad Putin is probably going to call for Donald Trump to stand down and let JD take the top of the ticket after that rambling incoherent speech last night.

Oh, there were plenty of WTF deer in the headlights faces when the last great white Hope Messiah just didn’t come through on his very big night - it was like seeing Melania felt she had to clap for Kid Rock while her face was saying what the fuck!
You seem panicked. Your party destroyed itself all in the quest to destroy one man. Just remember that MAGA is not a person, it's plainly just love of country and the Constitution.
You Marxist IDIOTS used to be held in-check by the DNC, but now you IDIOTS have taken over the party and decided to drive it into the ground.
Nice going there, stupid.
Donald Trump's speech last night at the Republican Convention showcased Donald Trump's strength and weakness and why he had his successes and failures as President; to many Americans this nonideal candidate will be okay with them because they understandably believe that Donald Trump will make their lives better. This writer tries to follow wisdom which leads to the conclusion that you should not vote for a candidate who neither seems to have the awareness of what is good or the expected commitment to pursue the good. President Trump showed in his speech that he is no fool, he understands one major cause of inflation and he will be bold in correcting that cause, he understands the harm of illegal immigration and will correct it. Donald Trump displays common sense and strength to accomplish good things.

The problem and it is a mega and frequently seen problem with Trump is that he often isn't fully aware what is good in a situation and/or he doesn't care about what is fully good in a situation. Like on the illegal immigration problem he wants to do mass deportation; we have illegal immigrants that have been in the country twenty to thirty years working and thus helping the economy - the American people justly don't want such people deported. President Trump wants to in an expedited manner bring back manufacturing to our shores that is great that can only be done slowly for we do not have the skilled workforce and or the bodies to do such factory jobs. President Trump if he was fully wise he would be calling for legislation to empower and guide him legislation that first and foremost protects our current domestic industries; one example in the media recently is how imports of mattresses is causing the elimination of a lot of jobs in our domestic mattress manufacturing industry.

Trump he really is intermittent on staying with the good. He wants to stop the taxation of tips; America's tax system fairly taxes earned income to be fair to non-tipped workers there is no reason tipped workers should be able to exclude wage income from the taxman. Trump wants to lower taxes on everyone and he submits this will increase tax revenue so the national debt can be chipped away with this revenue because it happened with the 2017 tax cuts that was the case back then because the 2017 legislation allowed taxpayers to bring back revenue parked off shore and pay a low rate, but this revenue bump won't occur with a future tax cut legislation because the monies has already been brought back. President Trump wants to build an Iron Dome system across America how many hundreds of billions of dollars will that cost and why do we need it because Trump's policy is that he isn't getting us into any wars. President Trump says once he is reelected he will speedily drive down inflation and lower interest rates. What a bunch of gobbly goop Trump could implement policies that lower inflation but it would take time and in America the Federal Reserve Chairperson control's interest rates President Trump in a second term could lower expenses which drive inflation but the effect of such development would take time.
Sounds like nothing new being proposed. Same agenda as 2016 and 2020.
The measured written speech showed very little similarity to the speeches he has given for years. Somebody told him that his usual abrasive rhetoric would hurt him badly in the upcoming election, so he chose to soften his approach -- this time. Nobody believes he had a sudden change of heart. This was an attempt to change the persona he has so diligently projected throughout his life. He couldn't even keep the promise he made to not mention Biden by name. He couldn't help himself when he claimed Biden was worse than the 10 worst presidents combined. Does that sound like softened rhetoric to you? He's also trying to distance himself from Project 2025, a 900-page plan written by his closest allies for him. Even his Maga cult doesn't believe him when he absurdly claims he didn't know anything about it, or who came up with it. Trump is what he is and is incapable of changing anything. Especially with one speech. Trump is a mean and nasty jerk. Always has been. Always will be.

That's right.

Even so, scummy, lying conman Trump is better than the filthy commie dems. If you are an accelerationist or commie, vote dem to destroy America. If you want to slow down the slide down the shidder, vote rep.

unity hannity.jpg
Zero tolerance. You come here will NEVER be safe from deportation.
You mean when your parents brought you here as a young child and you went to school, went to work in higher skilled professions and now you are hard-working contributor to this economy and may have you served in the military.

Don Trump wants to break those families apart great grandmother‘s grandfathers grandmothers father‘s mothers children siblings - rip them apart to appease white grievance.

The hardest working menial labor force in this country are those parents if Dreamers that brought their kids with them to make a better life as families are wont to do.

And now MAGA’s lie and lie and lie some more calling them filth; while screaming that they want to give those menial jobs to the black population.

Screw Don Trump, the lying anti-democracy racist, fascist and all his little mini white fascists flashing their hate filled signs in the display of blind idolatry for their last great white hope to take this country backwards to a place we never should’ve been.
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You seem panicked. Your party destroyed itself all in the quest to destroy one man
That one man attempted to disenfranchise 81 million votes against him. He is a fascist. Wake up. Get out of your fake Christianity, sociology, psychology, and your dimwitted support for a narcissist racist fascist.

A dimwitted registered Republican 20 year-old who still lives with his AR 15 clutching libertarian Trump loving dad shot at Donald Trump‘s head. And all of us who want sensible gun control to keep idiots like this from letting mass murders like this happen. We are supposed to tone it down.. that is bullshit.
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Fact-checking Trump's speech accepting the GOP nomination

The former president made false claims on a variety of topics, from taxes to crime to foreign policy, in his address at the Republican National Convention.

President Trump's convention Speech gets a "C"!

What was wrong, not enough lies?

Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

That one man attempted to disenfranchise 81 million votes against him. He is a fascist. Wake up. Get out of your fake Christianity, sociology, psychology, and your dimwitted support for a narcissist racist fascist.

A dimwitted registered Republican 20 year-old who still lives with his AR 15 clutching libertarian Trump loving dad shot at Donald Trump‘s head. And all of us who want sensible gun control to keep idiots like this from letting mass murders like this happen. We are supposed to tone it down.. that is bullshit.
Blah blah fucking blah. :206:
The measured written speech showed very little similarity to the speeches he has given for years. Somebody told him that his usual abrasive rhetoric would hurt him badly in the upcoming election, so he chose to soften his approach -- this time. Nobody believes he had a sudden change of heart. This was an attempt to change the persona he has so diligently projected throughout his life. He couldn't even keep the promise he made to not mention Biden by name. He couldn't help himself when he claimed Biden was worse than the 10 worst presidents combined. Does that sound like softened rhetoric to you? He's also trying to distance himself from Project 2025, a 900-page plan written by his closest allies for him. Even his Maga cult doesn't believe him when he absurdly claims he didn't know anything about it, or who came up with it. Trump is what he is and is incapable of changing anything. Especially with one speech. Trump is a mean and nasty jerk. Always has been. Always will be.
You are entitled to your jaundiced preconceived opinion. It doesn’t make you right.

He is who he is. But people can be surprising. A near death experience such as he went through has changed the course of many lives. New attitudes and previously untapped abilities do have fren shine through.

Has he been abrasive? Of course. He speaks his mind. But that doesn’t rule out a change like the kind we may be now seeing a small glimmer of.

Frankly, I don’t need a kinder gentler Trump. But I do hope he keeps his focus on changing the system with his growth.
A for Ancient
A for Annoying
A for Absolutely dead moth-eaten dad repetitious vile incompetent dull spiritless humdrum lifeless monotonous truthless mundane stale stodgy stuffy stupid ugly tedious goofy tiring trite unintelligent rotten pathetic Etc etc etc.
/——/ I love watching you libtards lash out in anger as your dear leaders swirl the toilet like a breakfast burrito.
You remind me of a golfer who threw his expensive bag of clubs into a water hazard after missing an easy shot.
Too funny.😂
Lol, just like the idiot Obama claimed trump needed to have a magic wand to do the things he said he was going to do. then of course Trump did exactly that.
I ❤️ the photo you chose! Our great-great grandchildren will know it well.
Lol, just like the idiot Obama claimed trump needed to have a magic wand to do the things he said he was going to do. then of course Trump did exactly that.
trump didn't need a magic wand to explode the deficit, just an ordinary pen.
Donald Trump's speech last night at the Republican Convention showcased Donald Trump's strength and weakness and why he had his successes and failures as President; to many Americans this nonideal candidate will be okay with them because they understandably believe that Donald Trump will make their lives better. This writer tries to follow wisdom which leads to the conclusion that you should not vote for a candidate who neither seems to have the awareness of what is good or the expected commitment to pursue the good. President Trump showed in his speech that he is no fool, he understands one major cause of inflation and he will be bold in correcting that cause, he understands the harm of illegal immigration and will correct it. Donald Trump displays common sense and strength to accomplish good things.

The problem and it is a mega and frequently seen problem with Trump is that he often isn't fully aware what is good in a situation and/or he doesn't care about what is fully good in a situation. Like on the illegal immigration problem he wants to do mass deportation; we have illegal immigrants that have been in the country twenty to thirty years working and thus helping the economy - the American people justly don't want such people deported. President Trump wants to in an expedited manner bring back manufacturing to our shores that is great that can only be done slowly for we do not have the skilled workforce and or the bodies to do such factory jobs. President Trump if he was fully wise he would be calling for legislation to empower and guide him legislation that first and foremost protects our current domestic industries; one example in the media recently is how imports of mattresses is causing the elimination of a lot of jobs in our domestic mattress manufacturing industry.

Trump he really is intermittent on staying with the good. He wants to stop the taxation of tips; America's tax system fairly taxes earned income to be fair to non-tipped workers there is no reason tipped workers should be able to exclude wage income from the taxman. Trump wants to lower taxes on everyone and he submits this will increase tax revenue so the national debt can be chipped away with this revenue because it happened with the 2017 tax cuts that was the case back then because the 2017 legislation allowed taxpayers to bring back revenue parked off shore and pay a low rate, but this revenue bump won't occur with a future tax cut legislation because the monies has already been brought back. President Trump wants to build an Iron Dome system across America how many hundreds of billions of dollars will that cost and why do we need it because Trump's policy is that he isn't getting us into any wars. President Trump says once he is reelected he will speedily drive down inflation and lower interest rates. What a bunch of gobbly goop Trump could implement policies that lower inflation but it would take time and in America the Federal Reserve Chairperson control's interest rates President Trump in a second term could lower expenses which drive inflation but the effect of such development would take time.
Donald Trump is a fucking fruit loop! He's a psychopathic liar. A grifter. A con man. A carnival clown. And the absolute worst President we could ever nominate.
Was he telling the truth when he says he could stop all wars just by picking up the phone.
What do you think?

Trump on trade deal with China

Former President Donald Trump claimed that he struck a trade deal with China, requiring the country to purchase $50 billion worth of American products. “They buy $50 billion worth,” he said at the Republican National Convention Thursday.

Facts First: The claim that China bought $50 billion worth of American product as a result of a trade deal is false.

Trump is referring to what is known as the Phase One deal he struck with Beijing in December 2019.

While the deal required China to buy $50 billion worth of American agricultural products by the end of 2021 – Beijing did not live up to its commitment.

US agricultural exports to China recovered from the trade war but did not reach the levels in the Phase One commitments, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

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