Americans got screwed

padisha emperor said:
What am I doing, dillo ? asking the pope ?


I asked rwngatwr....don't remeber his correct name

You are speaking to a group of inviduals here Dish---each with his or her own viewpoint---we are not a single voice--please treat our individuality with respect.
padisha emperor said:

it is rtwngAvngr, only him.
My question was only for him.
That's why it's good to use the quote feature, it puts the name of the person that you are referring to.
Of course.
But when I said that it was not for Dillo, I thought he was able to understand it was not for him.
posted by me :
I asked rwngatwr....don't remeber his correct name

posted by dilloduck :
You are speaking to a group of inviduals here Dish---each with his or her own viewpoint---we are not a single voice--please treat our individuality with respect.

It is clear.....a child could understand it.
The Great Karnack will answer.

The answer is "PadeshaEmperor, Wade, Ali, and a can of Vienna Sausages"

have you all this "great sense of humour", in USA ?
Yes ? it should be certainly not funny everyday...with a such humour....

Now, please, Great karnack, can you answer ? in 2003 ? Before ? after ?
I heard that Chiracs' party may have used funds received from Saddam to fund his election.----What if this turns out to be true?
dilloduck said:
I heard that Chiracs' party may have used funds received from Saddam to fund his election.----What if this turns out to be true?

Wasn't somebody fired over that? Was it Chirac's protege? I think it was the man that Sarkozy replaced?
padisha emperor said:

have you all this "great sense of humour", in USA ?
Yes ? it should be certainly not funny everyday...with a such humour....

Now, please, Great karnack, can you answer ? in 2003 ? Before ? after ?

What's the difference?
rtwngAvngr said:
OUr sales to saddam are different, because we had the courage to do the right thing when Saddam refused to abide by U.N. resolutions.

Padesha, You say wrong things.

That argument might hold up if it were not the USA who gave Saddam most of his WMD's and capabilities to build them. We sure didn't care about the "moral" arguments or UN resolutions when we thought he was on "our side".

wade said:
That argument might hold up if it were not the USA who gave Saddam most of his WMD's and capabilities to build them. We sure didn't care about the "moral" arguments or UN resolutions when we thought he was on "our side".


Context boy, context. We built him up to fight communism and iran. The french armed him and violated resolutions for their own profit AFTER the imposition of all the sanctions. Have you seen any of the oil for food scandal coverage? DO you think that effected their decisions? Or is it right wing propaganda?
wade said:
That argument might hold up if it were not the USA who gave Saddam most of his WMD's and capabilities to build them. We sure didn't care about the "moral" arguments or UN resolutions when we thought he was on "our side".

Wade. al...That spew, the "we gave him the weapons" crap.

Let's say your neighbor comes by one day and says...I hear noises outside my house
at night, I think I have prowler, I afraid they'll come in, what should I do?

Wade says..well don't you have a gun? No I don't, says the neighbor.
Well look says wade, I have a couple take this one for protection.
Sure thanks and the neighbor goes home.

A year later the neighbor goes nuts and starts shooting people from the house.

What should Wade do? After all Wade DID give the gun
to his neighbor. Should he sit and just watch?
Wade answer for me.
USA sold so much more weapons to Saddam than France.

the context...only this world in your mind.
So, it authorized the dictatorshop in Chile and other countries, the trade of weapon with a dictator....

On my continent, it is not called "the context". But the "opportunism". the bad opportunism. the hypocrite one.
padisha emperor said:
Wade answer for me.
USA sold so much more weapons to Saddam than France.

Excuse me? You and Wade are both WAY off base.

France from 1973-1990 13%
USA from 1973-1990 1%


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