Americans like Canada more than Canadians like the U.S., new opinion poll finds


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I told you guys. I'm doing my best every chance I get to educate Canadian but it is an uphill climb when dealing with the uninformed. When a nation is docile and obedient, lacking curiousity, well, the efforts of some to paint America as satan will resonate.

It have never been my opinion and I have not been shy about this when the subject ever arises. If I ever ran in politics I would make sure Canadians knew the truth. We need the confidence that we lack. We need to understand facts, not propaganda.

According to the survey, 75 per cent of American respondents had positive impressions of Canada, with only 12 per cent holding a negative view. That makes Canada the most favourably viewed country by Americans, beating out Great Britain, France, Japan and Germany.
This favourability also extends to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appears far more popular in the States than in his own country. Sixty-two percent of Americans familiar with Trudeau view him in a positive light — almost an exact flip of Canadians, of whom 58 per cent have a negative impression of their own leader.

“There’s a partisan divide there — Democrats are much more positive (toward Canada and Trudeau) than Republicans,” Arnold explained. “But even then, you’ve got 42 per cent of Republicans who are positive toward Trudeau.”
Notably, Americans are also far more aware of Trudeau than previous Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with 72 per cent saying they’re aware and 55 per cent expressing familiarity with the Liberal leader — making him the second best-known world leader in the U.S., second to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“I think the fact that Americans do feel good about Canada bodes well for us in the future, especially as we go into a period where there are tariffs or isolationism sentiments coming out of the U.S.,” Arnold continued.
How do Canadians feel about the U.S.?

It appears Americans’ positivity toward Canada is somewhat unrequited, with 53 per cent holding positive impressions of the U.S. — but also 40 per cent viewing the States in a negative light.

When it comes to their recent presidents, 57 per cent of Canadians are positive on Joe Biden — whereas 75 per cent are negative on Donald Trump. Notably, Conservative voters were more likely to hold more negative views of all world leaders — with the exception of Trump and French politician Marine Le Pen.
I told you guys. I'm doing my best every chance I get to educate Canadian but it is an uphill climb when dealing with the uninformed. When a nation is docile and obedient, lacking curiousity, well, the efforts of some to paint America as satan will resonate.
You might be doing your best, but you've always prefaced it all on your hard-on for Canada's police.

That's made it all into it being your personal issues as opposed to being a sincere batch of concerns.

You need to start afresh and then give everybody time to forget your personal problem that motivates you. You can't get away with suggesting that the police would place two plainclothes officers in a hospital lineup just to watch 'you'!

So good luck with ever getting me to let you get away with that!
I told you guys. I'm doing my best every chance I get to educate Canadian but it is an uphill climb when dealing with the uninformed. When a nation is docile and obedient, lacking curiousity, well, the efforts of some to paint America as satan will resonate.

It have never been my opinion and I have not been shy about this when the subject ever arises. If I ever ran in politics I would make sure Canadians knew the truth. We need the confidence that we lack. We need to understand facts, not propaganda.

According to the survey, 75 per cent of American respondents had positive impressions of Canada, with only 12 per cent holding a negative view. That makes Canada the most favourably viewed country by Americans, beating out Great Britain, France, Japan and Germany.
This favourability also extends to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appears far more popular in the States than in his own country. Sixty-two percent of Americans familiar with Trudeau view him in a positive light — almost an exact flip of Canadians, of whom 58 per cent have a negative impression of their own leader.

“There’s a partisan divide there — Democrats are much more positive (toward Canada and Trudeau) than Republicans,” Arnold explained. “But even then, you’ve got 42 per cent of Republicans who are positive toward Trudeau.”
Notably, Americans are also far more aware of Trudeau than previous Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with 72 per cent saying they’re aware and 55 per cent expressing familiarity with the Liberal leader — making him the second best-known world leader in the U.S., second to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“I think the fact that Americans do feel good about Canada bodes well for us in the future, especially as we go into a period where there are tariffs or isolationism sentiments coming out of the U.S.,” Arnold continued.
How do Canadians feel about the U.S.?

It appears Americans’ positivity toward Canada is somewhat unrequited, with 53 per cent holding positive impressions of the U.S. — but also 40 per cent viewing the States in a negative light.

When it comes to their recent presidents, 57 per cent of Canadians are positive on Joe Biden — whereas 75 per cent are negative on Donald Trump. Notably, Conservative voters were more likely to hold more negative views of all world leaders — with the exception of Trump and French politician Marine Le Pen.
Canadians tend to be friendly and polite.

Around 30% of americans have no idea what those words mean, and another 20% aren't sure.
I like the idea of Canada, unspoiled woodlands, clear lakes, friendly people, etc. I don't know what the reality is.

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