Americans That Want Illegal immigration Stopped At the Border Are Not Racist!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This past thursday the Philadelphia Inquirer ran an article by Trudy Rubin one of the paper's franchise journalists who specializes in foreign affairs where she rightfully criticized President Trump for withdrawing the U.S. from the United Nations Human Rights Council which the White House did because of this group's repeated criticism of the government of Israel. However in my eyes she committed an egregious wrong in this article in jumping on the outrageously bad band wagon seen all over TV media in America of labeling those American's that support President Trump's overall effort to get tougher on illegal immigration at the border as racist and bigots against people of color. Specifically, she wrote President Trump makes "constant efforts to whip up fears of a refugee invasion that will submerge his white base in an ocean of blacks and browns". Common sense indicates this is a dog whistle labeling us Americans that agree with President Trump in his decision (not the specifics) to take dramatic action to stop the half a million plus immigrants illegally coming to our country every year as racist and bigots. It's an unjust and inaccurate criticism. These illegal immigrants that are in our country and are coming into our country are in the wrong and in the wrong big-time for the economic harm they cause in our country and for the utilization of our country's assets across the spectrum they bring at the expense of American citizens; this is not to say that in order to solve this problem we should not legalize the ones that have been here for like over five years but justice for the American people indicates the illegal immigrants are clearly in the wrong!

Even focusing on the demographics of the illegal immigrant population from a national origin standpoint and finding that as a compelling reason to stop the illegal immigration flow is not racism or unfairness of any type! Even focusing on the fact that a high number of the illegal immigrants are from countries south of America's border is not racism against the Hispanic race it is a fair consideration this factor has and will affect America detrimentally! One this demographic factor has caused wide spread areas of America to be areas where the Spanish language is heavily used instead of English, America's common language since its birth, and this area is growing due in large part to illegal immigration. This is bad for America as it weakens us as a country but equally important it deprives us non-bilingual Americans from quality of life standpoints as we are unable to engage in the business and social interactions that are conducted in Spanish in these areas. Secondly, the influx of Hispanic immigration into America has weakened America from a diversity standpoint. Different cultures differ in strengths and weaknesses. Cultures differ on their views of truth, duty, acceptability of confrontation, toleration of ineffectiveness that is avoidable, throughout society expectations that merits of the issue will guide decisions instead of politics, democracy, etc.. A specific example of this issue is reflected when considering that there has been an abundance of books written on the Japanese culture's superiority in producing great manufacturing businesses. America's past strength has been the broad demographic cultural diversity of its people which has created an American culture in America that strives for across the board excellence and which has drawn from the strengths of its diversity of cultures. With the illegal immigration in America over the past thirty-five plus years and what looks like the indefinite future trend America's make-up will become heavily weighted with an Hispanic culture and the valuable benefits of America being a melting pot culture will be diminished! Thirdly, many of us Americans think that there is some deep rooted problem with these cultures that exist south of America's borders with their long running alarming problems like corrupt police; drug and/or criminal gangs that continually thrive even thought they're heavily about killing, kidnapping and extorting and the lack of broad based prosperity in these countries we don't know what specifically is the cause of these problems but we definitely don't want these catastrophic problems in America and we believe prudence calls for not wanting massive numbers of people from these alarmingly broken countries emigrating to America because they pose a risk of bringing this alarming brokenness to America! This is not an unfair position and analogy would be consider the many experiences in America where a corporation takes over a competitor and consider the experience of employees in the acquired company the staff in the acquiring company don't want hear about the way things work in the acquired company in their view your company lost your ways are at minimum suspect they don't want to hear it they expect you to do their way, I am not saying that is wise, but it is fair!

President Trump critics need to keep in mind that many of us Americans that want more aggressive action against illegal immigration on the border including stop releasing illegal immigrants into society where authorities just give them a court date and they don't show aren't in agreement with President Trump with many of his policies on immigration we think they are unwise and don't reflect good values. President Trump "zero tolerance" policy on immigration should be called the "Zero IQ" policy because of how stupid the policy is! Anyone with a minimal understanding of America's immigration problem knows that a big part of the core of the problem is that America lacks the resources to detain and process for deportation all the illegal immigrants in this country. Why the Trump Administration would begin this zero tolerance policy of prosecuting every illegal entry into this country as a misdemeanor crime is stupid beyond words considering the country doesn't have the resources to responsibly do this they should have stuck with the sensible policy of only uniformly prosecuting illegal immigrants that have illegally crossed America's border for the second time.

The other incredibly stupid thing the Trump administration did on immigration is not recognizing the harm and optics of separating children of illegal immigrants from their parents at the border as their parents are held to insure they shop up at immigration hearings. The medical profession tells us clearly that the stress this causes on some of these children will cause serious injury to them they will carry for the rest of their life. Why the administration in its policy creation wouldn't try to mitigate this family separation as much as possible is utterly foolish. Granted the problem is difficult with the Flores case settlement the administration cannot indefinitely detain families the children have to be released in a relatively short period of time. The administration policy change just implemented this week where if both parents are caught only prosecute one parent is a smart policy. Even beginning an initiative by the administration would have been smart where they tell the illegal immigrant parent we have to separate you from your children because you have to go before a Judge now is there anyone in your home country from your family that can take the children the American government will pay for the plane ticket for this family member to come to America and take custody of your children and pay for the return tickets for that person and the children to go back to the home country. The administration would have been smart to create relief options to stop the separation for these families once it has begun meaning after the separation if the parent deems the separation is too much and wants out as long as the adult has been in custody for thirty days allow them to plead guilty to the misdemeanor and get time served and then be deported with their family so there is no longer any separation and for asylum cases have no time requirement allow the case to be withdrawn with no plea requirement and just immediately deport the family so there is no separation. Critics of the illegal immigration family separation policy need to fully understand that many American citizen families where the parent has committed a crime undergo family separation where the children are really hurt by the parent separation as the parent has to spend time in the criminal justice system this is not the government's fault it is the parents fault. The American government as a virtuous government should try to reduce this problem as much as possible but it needs to protect the American people's interest and stop the illegal immigration game going on where illegal immigrants escape the hearing and deportation process!
Americans who want the Mexican border *sealed*...only people with valid documents ("border integrity/border security") allowed to cross it....are not racist.

Mrs bambu visited America before the pandemic. She entered from Canada. She was face-scanned, finger printed, and all her documents thoroughly checked.
Then, and only then was she allowed into the US.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the country people are seemingly waltzing in over the Mexican border anytime they feel like it.
Your country, your choices, as always...but it seems rather ridiculous to me, that, in 2021 that is allowed to happen.
Thirdly, many of us Americans think that there is some deep rooted problem with these cultures that exist south of America's borders with their long running alarming problems like corrupt police; drug and/or criminal gangs that continually thrive even thought they're heavily about killing, kidnapping and extorting and the lack of broad based prosperity in these countries we don't know what specifically is the cause of these problems but we definitely don't want these catastrophic problems in America and we believe prudence calls for not wanting massive numbers of people from these alarmingly broken countries emigrating to America because they pose a risk of bringing this alarming brokenness to America!
Of course we do, it's the insatiable appetite for drugs here, so there is a catastrophic problem on both sides of the border.
I agree it is wrong to denounce all who want tighter state control of border crossings into the U.S. as “racist” or “chauvinist.” I myself am one of those people.

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