Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
You forgot the most important one.

Grew up in the Catholic Church, realized they were full of it, and got the heck out.

I don't think there is as much vitriol among protestants against Catholics anymore. I think most of the hostility comes from secularists and ex-Catholics. The Protestants want to get invited to the interfaith pancake breakfast and sing Kumbaya!
You forgot the most important one.

Grew up in the Catholic Church, realized they were full of it, and got the heck out.

I don't think there is as much vitriol among protestants against Catholics anymore. I think most of the hostility comes from secularists and ex-Catholics. The Protestants want to get invited to the interfaith pancake breakfast and sing Kumbaya!
who are YOU to judge the Church?

how arrogant. You know more than a 2000+ year old Church that began with Jesus Christ Himself...
I don't hate the people of the Catholic Church but I don't believe that the religion stems from the days of Christ nor do I consider it the true church of Jesus Christ. I believe that shortly after most of the apostles were killed, that the church fell into a state of apostasy and the Catholic Church came out of a state of apostasy. We have a book that was written about this apostasy called "The Great Apostasy". You can listen to it on the following video:

The Catholics have the best architecture. And they own a lot of land. And they have a lot of shit and tons of wealth. Have any of you been to the Vatican? Taken the tour of the catacombs, with the mummified past popes and the gold and silver? Rich mofos. The extremely wealthy tend to try to exert their will. That doesn't always go over very well, especially with those who are being exerted upon.

People hate the Jehovah's Witnesses, too, but no one cares because they're not rich.
What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
It most often boils down to the reason people are anti anything. The expectations built up in one's mind are not met. It doesn't matter if those expectations are about a country's Constitution or about the Promises of Christ.

It is also about the return on the investment. What is the return on being a good citizen of one's country? One who feels safe and prosperous is going to have a different view of the Constitution and Government than those who do not feel protected and are struggling financially. The same with religion. Does it draw a person closer to God, or does it pile on doubts?
who are YOU to judge the Church?

how arrogant. You know more than a 2000+ year old Church that began with Jesus Christ Himself...

Oh, I can easily judge the Church.

In my 62 years, I've never molested an altar boy, Started a Crusade, launched an inquisition, burned a witch, tortured a heretic, collaborated with Nazis, oppressed women, dug up a corpse and put in on trial, sold an indulgence, etc.

So an organization that has done all of that, really doesn't get to tell me about "morality".
The Catholics have the best architecture. And they own a lot of land. And they have a lot of shit and tons of wealth. Have any of you been to the Vatican? Taken the tour of the catacombs, with the mummified past popes and the gold and silver? Rich mofos. The extremely wealthy tend to try to exert their will. That doesn't always go over very well, especially with those who are being exerted upon.

People hate the Jehovah's Witnesses, too, but no one cares because they're not rich.
someone asked me to be a Jehovah's Witness once, but I told them I didn't see the accident.
In my 62 years, I've never molested an altar boy, were once a practicing Catholic so by definition you molested an altar boy! After all, by your own definition every Catholic molests an altar boy! Look at your own Inquisition of Catholic nuns and priests. Your own Crusade against the Catholic Church is transparently obvious! Face it. Your own behaviors have convicted you of being Catholic. Welcome to the Dark Night of the Soul. were once a practicing Catholic so by definition you molested an altar boy! After all, by your own definition every Catholic molests an altar boy! Look at your own Inquisition of Catholic nuns and priests. Your own Crusade against the Catholic Church is transparently obvious! Face it. Your own behaviors have convicted you of being Catholic. Welcome to the Dark Night of the Soul.
Wow, that was lame, even for you.

I broke out of that sick religion at the first opportunity. Good on me.

Before that, it was more like avoiding being molested... because some of them were outright creepy.

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