Political Use Of "Fascist"

You choose to justify the wrong because you support it. I'm not justifying child sex changes, just describing the real [process. The fact your side picks something that affacts a very small number of people to obsess about is a show of the overall fanaticism on the right. There is no Nazi Medical estabishment, unless you count what was created due to anti abortion fanatics who believe its OK to force women to give birth to children that die outside of the womb almost immediately. You guys are no better than jihadists and Shari'a.
wrong is sterilizing children.

and actually the jihadists practice FGM (female genital mutilation) like you.
No I think she was crying. She sure is a poor candidate, you guys really fucked up
You should stop "thinking" then. Trump is the poor candidate, She beat his punk ass in that debate. And she did it so badly he didn't want to debate her again.
You should stop "thinking" then. Trump is the poor candidate, She beat his punk ass in that debate. And she did it so badly he didn't want to debate her again.
Your candidate is quite possibly the worst in the United States history. Trump whipped her ass in that debate and even the moderators had to lie to save her ass. Harris wouldn't do a fox debate with Trump, she declined. Trump was tired of fighting with the moderators and the candidate. He was right, he is usually. right.
this is why you're losing.

Harris has campaigned for 4 months and Trump for 4 years, yet she's either winning or in a statistical tie according to most polls. Trans issues are not even part of the diiscussion.
Your candidate is quite possibly the worst in the United States history. Trump whipped her ass in that debate and even the moderators had to lie to save her ass. Harris wouldn't do a fox debate with Trump, she declined. Trump was tired of fighting with the moderators and the candidate. He was right, he is usually. right.
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Sane Americans are laughing at you.

Harris has campaigned for 4 months and Trump for 4 years, yet she's either winning or in a statistical tie according to most polls. Trans issues are not even part of the diiscussion.
yes they are.

they're why you're losing.


"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
Just not playing your games this time around.

My "game" is the pursuit of knowledge.

You aren't equipped to "play my game."

You are one of those invited guests who doesn't even bring a box of cake; you bring nothiing to the table. Merely one of those message board freeloaders with no message.
The aim of this thread is twofold.

The obvious one is that calling any on the Right a Fascist, or Nazi, or Socialist, or any of the realted terms is not just false, but is so juvenile and lacking knowledge.
It is consistent with every other lie the Democrats have advanced, and their followers have been ordered to repeat.

But the reason I enjoy providing the sort of exegesis is that government school grads and those who get their information from the legacy media have never been exposed to. (Forgive me for ending the sentence with a preposition!).

I will posit that the characteristics that identify Fascists, Nazis, Socialists, Jacobins, Maoists and the current Democrat Party are the very opposite of the characteristics that are the basis of our Constitution, and those of Americanism.

Today's political milieu is dominated by the Far Left..........

.....and there is no Far Right.

One is either a Democrat or an American.

I wonder how many recognize the banner behind which the Chicago Teacher's Union is marching:

"Thousands of red-shirted Chicago Teachers Union members flooded into Chicago’s aptly named Union Square Park at noon today to demonstrate for solidarity and workers’ rights. Protesters embraced radical revolutionary imagery, wearing shirts with Che Guevara on them and holding signs emblazoned with the “iron fist.”

Occupy Chicago and anarchist groups as well as the Progressive Labor Party, International Socialists, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and others stood alongside teachers chanting for solidarity…” Radical left coalesces around Chicago Teacher protest

Who do you suppose they are all voting for?
My "game" is the pursuit of knowledge.

You aren't equipped to "play my game."

You are one of those invited guests who doesn't even bring a box of cake; you bring nothiing to the table. Merely one of those message board freeloaders with no message.
He's good at parroting hashtags in bold letters. That's all I've ever seen him do.
I blame the government school system.
Today's Democrat socialists never have an original thought. They are Bots who think in hashtags and memes , slogans are their Forte. They are a simple bunch headed for all the ruination A I will provide.
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