Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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all are afraid of death?

The world hates true Christians so why would a Christian be afraid of death, the portal through which one must pass so as to be with Someone as awesome as Jesus Christ?

If you guys really believed that, your church wouldn't be able to make a fortune off hospitals that squeeze the last penny out of terminal patients trying to keep them alive.

You just make up stuff. You don't have a clue

Not at all. You seem to think "Fornicating" is a sin that deserves eternal punishment. That's messed up, yo!
If you guys really believed that, your church wouldn't be able to make a fortune off hospitals that squeeze the last penny out of terminal patients trying to keep them alive.
It's one thing to not believe in the Catholic Church but statements like this are simply not true.

The Catholic Church is the single largest charitable organization on the planet. No other Church, establishment or entity even comes close. Catholic Hospitals, healthcare centers, schools, etc OPERATE AS NON PROFIT establishments - many operate with annual deficits and net losses.
Oh, I can easily judge the Church.

In my 62 years, I've never molested an altar boy, Started a Crusade, launched an inquisition, burned a witch, tortured a heretic, collaborated with Nazis, oppressed women, dug up a corpse and put in on trial, sold an indulgence, etc.

So an organization that has done all of that, really doesn't get to tell me about "morality".
JoeB131 needs lies to feed his bigotry. He almost seems to enjoy displaying his ignorance.

Now maybe we should talk about the tens of millions tortured and oppressed by atheists.

And let’s not forget Karl Pearson and his fondness for eugenics.

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You took no interest in the Theology of the Body?
Nope. For the same reason I don't take moral advice from people who started crusades, collaborated with Nazis and molested altar boys, I don't take sexual advice from frustrated celibate gay men.
Now maybe we should talk about the tens of millions tortured and oppressed by atheists.

Or not. Bircher Propaganda doesn't interest me

JoeB131 needs lies to feed his bigotry. He almost seems to enjoy displaying his ignorance.
A bunch of Catholic propaganda for stuff Pope JP2 already apologized for isn't convincing.

JP2 already admitted you did all this shit. I just refuse to accept his apology.
Nope. For the same reason I don't take moral advice from people who started crusades, collaborated with Nazis and molested altar boys, I don't take sexual advice from frustrated celibate gay men.
When one is forced to dig up dirt on others to justify their stance, they are on shaky ground or perhaps it's merely shaky knees? Further, The Theology of the Body, isn't sexual advice. It's more complicated than that.
Because "I'm weeeely sowwy" doesn't undo all the damage they did.

When one is forced to dig up dirt on others to justify their stance, they are on shaky ground or perhaps it's merely shaky knees? Further, The Theology of the Body, isn't sexual advice. It's more complicated than that.
Don't care.

I stopped hearing anything the Evil Stupid Church had to say after February 23rd, 1983.
If you guys really believed that, your church wouldn't be able to make a fortune off hospitals that squeeze the last penny out of terminal patients trying to keep them alive.

I haven't done anything of the kind and most other Catholics haven't either.... You libs like those straw men, don't u?

Not at all. You seem to think "Fornicating" is a sin that deserves eternal punishment. That's messed up, yo!

WRONG (again)

I do not think fornication is a sin. I KNOW it is. And if one persists in it, that person will go to Hell if not repentant.

This is also not a belief but a FACT (though I cannot prove it to you... but libs don't listen to anything that makes sense or is objectively true)
I stopped hearing anything the Evil Stupid Church had to say after February 23rd, 1983.
How ironic

But I am sure you are a canoniz-able saint!

You have no sins on your soul, I am sure.. It can be presumed bc you ACT LIKE you are holy enough to criticize and condemn the Church Christ instituted on Earth... (which makes it true, I guess)

so yeh... you're qualified, apparently :rolleyes:
What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
Personally I think they were taught or ordered to be. I can think of no good reason to be anti-Catholic. Like EVERY Christian denomination and every other religion you have the good, the bad and the ugly. But so long as people are happy with their faith and live and let live and aren't harming anybody, why should anybody else be anti-anything?
I do not think fornication is a sin. I KNOW it is.

Right, spiritual fornication, you know like violating fidelity to God by turning to a lifeless matzo for spiritual life. The law has nothing to do with human sexuality, pervert.

How old were you when some demon convinced you to bend over and lift your skirt? Fornicator!

Sex outside of marriage to you is a sin? You feel bad about having sex before marriage? Phony.

It must really suck being you.

You are not going to hell. You are already in it.
I haven't done anything of the kind and most other Catholics haven't either.... You libs like those straw men, don't u?
Do you want to see the medical bills my family got slapped with when my parents had cancer?

How ironic

But I am sure you are a canoniz-able saint!

You have no sins on your soul, I am sure.. It can be presumed bc you ACT LIKE you are holy enough to criticize and condemn the Church Christ instituted on Earth... (which makes it true, I guess)
Oh, I've done my share of things I'm not proud of.

But it didn't involved molesting altar boys, collaborating with Nazis, starting crusades, Burning Witches (even my slutty Wiccan Ex-girlfriend), torturing heretics, starting an inquisition... well, the list can go on.
Perhaps following the teaching of Jesus directly just seems "anti-Catholic" to fervent Papists.
WRONG (again)

I do not think fornication is a sin. I KNOW it is. And if one persists in it, that person will go to Hell if not repentant.
I can't respect a God who would condemn anyone for merely loving another consenting adult.

You do realize that something like 99% of Catholics have sex before marriage, right?
Pope Francis has driven away many devout Catholics.
no, the devout ones began going to SSPX chapels and Sedevacantist ones. The thing is, though, Jesus is still abiding in HIs novus ordo Church... well, maybe some of those are not in full compliance with what Jesus wants so it is possible Jesus has "abandoned" those ones (God knows). But the everyday Catholic Churches (most) never conformed to the hideous BS following V2 anyway...
Because "I'm weeeely sowwy" doesn't undo all the damage they did.
Tell me how that "damage" affected you. For example, have you turned your back on the US for events that led up to and through the Civil War?

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