Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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So we have this bizarre moment when an 82 year old Catholic is protecting a woman's right to choose, and a New York Playboy is taking them away because he's pandering to the religious crazies.

That makes it an easy choice for me to make, however bizarre the situation...
You actually base your vote on what Joe whatever says?


You may want to consult Jesus instead.. just a thought

Well, I was talking to Jesus just the other day and he told me that a bad Catholic is much better than a good conman who fantasizes about having sex with his daughter. He even compared the pathetic sycophants around trump to a swarm of flies on a rotting corpse or a pile of dog shit.

And I agree. Now fuck off before I get my swatter.
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The Pope and America's second Catholic President...

I'm sure most of the world's other 1 billion Catholics would think you are nuts, too.
I'm sure I'm putting some posters on Ignore..

Fed up with the crap
Apparently not very.

If they had any faith at all they wouldn't turn to a lifeless matzo to worship and eat for spiritual life

Tell that to the Pope prancing around as he was a dignitary and representative of Christ who, as the Gospels show, would rather be tortured and crucified than to do what Catholics do at mass.

Which is exactly what the Romans were doing when practicing Mithraism, the secret MYSTERY RELIGION of the Roman government and military, whose 7 sacraments the Church follows identically. An ascetic anti female religion whose priesthood consisted of celibate men only.

If you don't believe me, look it up.

So then why does anyone on earth still turn to a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, to worship and eat for spiritual life mr. rational science guy.

Take your time....
The religion/deity dates back as far as 1000 BC. It eventually was incorporated into Zoroastrianism - Persia.

Hundreds of years later, Mithras Cults emerged and The Mithras Roman cults you're referring to were in direct competition with Christianity during the 1st century. They incorporated some of the same rituals that Christians were practicing (Primarily eating bread with water NOT wine) BUT were not known to be practiced prior.

As far as "7 sacraments" there's also cleansing of the head with water - but that was a common practice in a myriad of religions and cults at the time. There aren't too many other similarities as far I am aware. All out feuds emerged between Christianity and Mithras followers - to the point that leaders of the Church denounced Mithraism as heretical.

Caesar Nero was rumored to have been associated with Mithraism at the time; Nero began persecuting Christians, etc - and to top it off, Nero's "religion" was in direct competition with Christianity at the time. Shortly there after, John of Patmos was imprisoned on the Island of Patmos. And from there, The Book of Revelation was revealed.

Babylon (Ways of the World) Vs. Jerusalem (Spirituality) "Babylon The Great" and "The Prostitute of Babylon" could have been referring to Rome at the time - (Conservative Christian Jews would have likely thought so). On the other hand, it could have been referring to Jerusalem since Jerusalem SHOULD HAVE BEEN the foundation of their spirituality but instead, it gave way to the ways of the world by rejecting and persecuting Christians. (It likely meant the entire areas that persecuted Christians, hence "The Great" part.)

Then there is mention of destruction of the city in one day - The fire that devastated Rome - and there's the utter destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. Which one is it? Both, imo - Rome was set ablaze (Either by NERO or Christians - it's still somewhat disputed) and Jerusalem was destroyed in one day.

So the material city burned - Rome - followed by the destruction of the Spiritual City (Jerusalem).

The Book of Revelation is written in both material and spiritual ways. The material aspects allude to the physical issues, persecutions, etc that Christians were suffering at the time. The spiritual background alludes and tells the story of "why" these things would (or could) happen if Christians did not follow God's commands as Jesus Christ directed them to. It's not necessarily written in "chronological order" - spiritually it is written in an eternal sense and much of it can take place over decades, centuries and millennia - and yes, it can have dualistic meanings and yes, some events may even repeat in many ways. "Many of the first will be the last and many of the last will be the first"

I'll finish with this - God gives us a blue print - to follow direction - if we follow his blue print, then there would be no controversy over this or that. Instead, Christians - Jews - and many other religions choose to not only fight others they fight within themselves. This entire nonsensical conspiracy theory of the Church "being this" or "being that" was caused because Christians and others did not follow the teachings of God, his Prophets and his son. And it's happened over and over and over again throughout history.

For example, you're so hell bent on disparaging Catholics because they eat bread and wine at mass - the body and blood of Christ - in rememberence of Jesus sacrificing his body and blood for our sake - that you accuse an entire Church of being something it was directly opposed to. What if Christians truly followed Christ's message of "turn the other cheek" -

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[b] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Did Jesus mean to be "perfect" in the sense of never sinning and persecuting those who sin and/or do not share your same beliefs? Of course not. Being perfect in the spiritual sense means that if you sin or fall off course, acknowledge and humble yourself in the material world so that your spirit will continue to be perfect, without guilt, shame etc. And certainly do not persecute others if they fall off course. Guide and teach them the way a loving parent would.

Early Christians - God Bless them - were so full of faith and spirit that they let their faith and spirit become something different than what Jesus taught and died for. They were given gifts from the Spirit and with those gifts came power - and some used that power to become authoritative (not just among fellow Christians) but against people of different beliefs and even their own "Flesh and Blood" - Other Jews. They became violent at times within Rome - feuding with/ eliminating other rival religions/cults - Mithraism being one - while other sects would teach separation from the Law, The Prophets, the Old Testament, etc.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."
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What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
I personally see no Biblical justification for a Pope.

If all Pope’s had been great examples of Christian men I might have a different view but we have seen good share of truly bad Popes.


Was Peter the first pope? The answer, according to Scripture, is a clear and emphatic “no.” Peter nowhere claims supremacy over the other apostles. Nowhere in his writings (1 and 2 Peter) did the Apostle Peter claim any special role, authority, or power over the church. Nowhere in Scripture does Peter, or any other apostle, state that their apostolic authority would be passed on to successors. Yes, the Apostle Peter had a leadership role among the disciples. Yes, Peter played a crucial role in the early spread of the gospel (Acts chapters 1-10). Yes, Peter was the “rock” that Christ predicted he would be (Matthew 16:18). However, these truths about Peter in no way give support to the concept that Peter was the first pope, or that he was the “supreme leader” over the apostles, or that his authority would be passed on to the bishops of Rome. Peter himself points us all to the true Shepherd and Overseer of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:25).
It has great depth.

Are you easily imposed upon?
Um, yeah, when the religious right keeps on putting in Republicans because they are right with Jesus, and they screw things up for the rest of us, then, yes, I am being imposed on.

You think I support abortion and gay marriage because I care about those things? Nope. I support them because the Religious whackadoos oppose them and keep voting for bad candidates trying to have their way.
I am not a Roman Catholic, but there is much that I like about the Roman Catholic church. I like the beautiful churches, the schools and colleges, the charitable works, the Biblical scholarship and Biblical archaeology. I have read The New Jerusalem Bible. That is a Roman Catholic translation that quietly acknowledges several areas where Roman Catholic doctrines contradict passages of the Bible.

I do not like, and cannot easily forgive, the thousands of Christians that the Roman Catholic Church burned at the stake during and prior to the Protestant Reformation.

These include Bishop Cranmer, who wrote the first Book of Common Prayer for the Church of England, and William Tyndale, who made the first English translation of the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew.

During the Protestant Reformation Protestants sometimes killed Roman Catholics, but there was nothing that matched the extent and cruelty of the Inquisition, and of Queen Mary I, who tried to suppress the Church of England, and restore Roman Catholicism to England by force.

Of course, the Roman Catholics do not do that any more. Nevertheless, I would appreciate an official apology by the Pope and the College of Cardinals.
Um, yeah, when the religious right keeps on putting in Republicans because they are right with Jesus, and they screw things up for the rest of us, then, yes, I am being imposed on.

You think I support abortion and gay marriage because I care about those things? Nope. I support them because the Religious whackadoos oppose them and keep voting for bad candidates trying to have their way.
Ah, you think there are good candidates to vote for. Cute. Are you aware there are "whackadoos" who support abortion and gay marriage, but those "whackadoos" haven't the same effect on you? It's religion that is your kryptonite, not "whackadoos".
If all Pope’s had been great examples of Christian men I might have a different view but we have seen good share of truly bad Popes.
Which means we have seen a good share of truly good Popes. Yet it is the bad Popes, not the good ones that influence you?
Ah, you think there are good candidates to vote for. Cute. Are you aware there are "whackadoos" who support abortion and gay marriage, but those "whackadoos" haven't the same effect on you? It's religion that is your kryptonite, not "whackadoos".
Not at all. If you take out the Religious whackadoos, we could go back to what we had pre-Reagan, where government didn't hold down the working man for the rich to do what your priests do to Altar Boys.
Are you aware of the apology/confession Pope John Paul II made for all this in 1993? If you have time, try a Google search.
Thank you for pointing that out. It improves my esteem for the Roman Catholic Church.

I do not think any Christians need to apologize for the Crusades in the Holy Lands. The Muslims were interfering with Christian pilgrimages to Christian Holy Sites.
Not at all. If you take out the Religious whackadoos, we could go back to what we had pre-Reagan, where government didn't hold down the working man for the rich to do what your priests do to Altar Boys.

Why so bored by 98% of priests who are good people? Are you equally angry at teachers and Boy Scout leaders? Probably not. Why? Because over 95 percent of these are good people. What about stepfathers? Are you on a rampage against them and other male family members?

Did you never talk to your grandparents about the politics of their own day? Did you ever speak to them about religion and its influence in their day? Bureaucracy is the problem in government as it controls so much of it. And Bureaucrats aren't even elected by the people, who all the same tell the people what to do and how to do it.
Thank you for pointing that out. It improves my esteem for the Roman Catholic Church.

I do not think any Christians need to apologize for the Crusades in the Holy Lands. The Muslims were interfering with Christian pilgrimages to Christian Holy Sites.
That's a good reason to slaughter thousands of people.

"OOoh, you are interfering with my ability to grovel in front of a sky pixie! DIE INFIDEL SCUM!!!"

The world will be a better place when Religion is abolished.

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