Moscow wants to "teach Sweden a lesson", and, .... annex it. QUESTION TO OUR commie & MAGA members

Will you fight Moscow - Mongol pig - dogs if they attack us ?

  • No, we´ll try to make a sweet deal with Moscow - Mongol imperialists

    Votes: 1 25.0%

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
unfortunately , Not just Trump...

View attachment 949950
Ahhhh, look at the Russian robot spewing pootin propaganda.
Well their technology is powerful anyway

Given Israel's unrestricted access to USA's military industrial complex so is Israel's.
Yet, after 7 months they couldn't pacify an area the size of Luxembourg equipped with WW2 type of weapons.

So it is not all about technology, but about sacrifice, fighting spirit and the society accepting martyrs.
And Sweden is typical European transgender fag nation with its population not ready to fight anby war or accept any coffins arriving from any wars.
Given Israel's unrestricted access to USA's military industrial complex so is Israel's.
Yet, after 7 months they couldn't pacify an area the size of Luxembourg equipped with WW2 type of weapons.

So it is not all about technology, but about sacrifice, fighting spirit and the society accepting martyrs.
And Sweden is typical European transgender fag nation with its population not ready to fight anby war or accept any coffins arriving from any wars.
Yikes.....not a very good evaluation....hmmmm

Time to rethink!

Now Israel? They could have gone in much harder than they did. They actually showed some pretty good restraint.

Yikes.....not a very good evaluation....hmmmm

Time to rethink!


Look, at least 50.000 Russians have died.
Still, Russian society is quiet, no protests whatsover.
That is the difference to fag nations.

Maybe you rethink what happens once a fraction like 500 dead soldiers arrive in Swedish or US capitol.
I doubt you can swallow any sizeable casualities, Russians have proven they can.

Yes....I have Ukrainian friends ( family I grew up with who were next door neigbors ) who talk to home regularly. They say that the Ukrainian losses are massive and very much underreported.

Two things I know from them that most board members here do not know....Ukraine is getting spanked pretty hard...annnnd Ukrainians absolutely despise black people. It's a cultural thing with them, they see them as somehow unfinished humans. Surprisingly, despite my very dark complexion. I never got that from them or at least they hid it well.

Sweden and Russia have been hostile toward each other for ages.
No, we haven't
If they try massive slaughter will happen like nothing seen in since WW2.
Sweden will be annihilated within a year. We (speaking of the country) have no fighting spirit and the male population is made up of bullies-against-the-weak on one hand and pussies on the other. We have no disipline what-so-ever.
No, we haven't

Sweden will be annihilated within a year. We (speaking of the country) have no fighting spirit and the male population is made up of bullies-against-the-weak on one hand and pussies on the other. We have no disipline what-so-ever.
Geez....I didn't know
No, we haven't

Sweden will be annihilated within a year. We (speaking of the country) have no fighting spirit and the male population is made up of bullies-against-the-weak on one hand and pussies on the other. We have no disipline what-so-ever.
Geez....I didn't know
No one told you? The Yankees wanted us in NATO not because of our manpower but to have a forward base of operations against Russia. The Finns, on the other hand, will fight any oncomer even if all they have are rocks and a bottle of Koskenkorva.
Whilst other nations were doing cold-war things they rejected shouldering responsibility, instead prefering doing Pippi longstocking things.
Now that there might be a security situation they chose to freeload inside NATO.
Let me put you in your place. As a neutral nation, Sweden showed more guts than anyone else during WW II. A lot depended on luck (this is true) but remaining neutral gave us the opportunity to save thousands upon thousands of Jews from Norway, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, etc. We invested in peace while everyone else was illegally invading, murdering, and torturing innocent men, women, and children .... looking for WMDs that didn't exist .... and we knew it. Fast forward to the CIA assassinating Olav Palme in 1986 thus destroying our neutral status by the false fear of an onslaught from Russia. So, here we are incompetent idiots kissing Washington's arse as members of NATO, willing now to send our boys to some fake American threat .... and probably (as you say) "freeloading" off the Yankee tit. The title of this thread is "Moscow wants to teach Sweden a lesson". Yes, and we deserve it.

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