American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

No one wants to see American civilians killed in this total fuck up of Biden’s making.

There is no reason to believe that the Taliban can be trusted to do what they promised…And Biden can’t be trusted to protect them all until they are safely out.

This blunder is going to hang around Democrat necks for decades.

By blunder, you mean ending the war and getting all Americans out.
This is the kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Unrealistic wishful thinking versus reality.
Then prove otherwise is occurring. Prove Americans are not getting out. Prove Americans are getting killed.

G'head, I'll wait...

and there was no mass panic or Taliban takeover when Trump drew down the troops ...
Why would there be? We still had troops there. They panicked when the last of our troops left.

By blunder, you mean ending the war and getting all Americans out.
No, being a clusterphuk operation doing it. You Progs always say you know better. I hope soldiers returning there do not die for nothing to correct how Biden did the extraction.
Once again. Where am I incorrect?
The Afghanistan fiasco will have no effect on Mr. Biden's reelection chances, for it is obvious that he will be super lucky if he is able to just finish his first term.

Bless his little heart!
Joe has assured the Chinese take over of Taiwan. He has shown he will do nothing.
What I am telling you is I am not trolling here. Now debate me on point or get to steppin.
There are 40,000 Americans still stuck there, just today the Taliban opened fire on protestors, and are blocking access to the airport for evacuations.
How's that for going "smoothly"?

It is a disaster. Why do you think they are sending 4000 troops in??
So now there will be more troops there than BEFORE the withdraw.
yeah.... real smooth
There are 40,000 Americans still stuck there, just today the Taliban opened fire on protestors, and are blocking access to the airport for evacuations.
How's that for going "smoothly"?

It is a disaster. Why do you think they are sending 4000 troops in??
So now there will be more troops there than BEFORE the withdraw.
yeah.... real smooth
The Taliban will keep their word. We can send in forces to retrieve our citizens without issue. NO ONE except the people on scene know why Taliban opened fire. We will not be sending in 40,000 troops. Where did you get those numbers?
As for the shooting. We DO know that Taliban have warned civilians not to cause trouble. Not to steal, rape, riot, or anything.

Biden was warned...the US Government were in country for 20 years. However, nothing will come from this. By 9/11 we will be gone and the Taliban will rightfully rule their own land. No fag flags, no LGBTQRRUHSF, No Zionist politicians with ulterior motives.
A Muslim state. Something 99% of Afghans support
Will media cover a hostage crisis with Biden administration like it did the Carter administration or will they continue to protect Biden as they have since he took office? Will Biden be mentally up to the task? Hostage crisis in 1979-80 pushed Carter to his limits mentally and physically by Carter's own admission. If hostages taken or Americans murdered in cold blood how much of an impact would that have on Biden re-election chances in 2024?
Every morning when Carter wakes up he prays and thanks God for 2 things:
1. Still being alive at 96yo
2. For Joe Biden taking his place as the worst President in US history

Everything Biden has touched / done has already ended in massive failure

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