American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

The Taliban will keep their word. We can send in forces to retrieve our citizens without issue. NO ONE except the people on scene know why Taliban opened fire. We will not be sending in 40,000 troops. Where did you get those numbers?
As for the shooting. We DO know that Taliban have warned civilians not to cause trouble. Not to steal, rape, riot, or anything.

Biden was warned...the US Government were in country for 20 years. However, nothing will come from this. By 9/11 we will be gone and the Taliban will rightfully rule their own land. No fag flags, no LGBTQRRUHSF, No Zionist politicians with ulterior motives.
A Muslim state. Something 99% of Afghans support
Are you under a rock?... the Taliban are already blocking evacuations.
They broke their word the first day, and everyday so far.
"They will keep their word".... OMG dude... :lalala:

And where the hell did I say we are sending 40,000 troops - can you read?
Are you under a rock?... the Taliban are already blocking evacuations.
They broke their word the first day, and everyday so far.
"They will keep their word".... OMG dude... :lalala:

And where the hell did I say we are sending 40,000 troops - can you read?
They are blocking egress of criminals of the state. Would you let a criminal escape just because your defeated enemy said "oh he is cool".
They are keeping order. By September 11 every American will be out of country without a hair on their head harmed.
The USA does not have the right to remove the Afghan citizens WE choose just because We would like to.
They are blocking egress of criminals of the state. Would you let a criminal escape just because your defeated enemy said "oh he is cool".
They are keeping order. By September 11 every American will be out of country without a hair on their head harmed.
The USA does not have the right to remove the Afghan citizens WE choose just because We would like to.
Where the hell did this Gabe Lackmann come from?
I didn't think we could get worse than Penelope... but this dude makes Penelope look like Einstein.
Where the hell did this Gabe Lackmann come from?
I didn't think we could get worse than Penelope... but this dude makes Penelope look like Einstein.
You cannot contest my salient points so YOU engage in ad hominem.

You are the troll.

Attack my points.

No its not, funny the hostages got released the day Reagan was sworn into office.

Then its the Iran Contra affair.
Iran decided to let the hostages go because it shamed Carter which seem to be their goal and the other reason is they heard that Reagan would go to battle at the drop of a hat.
Oh it's spiraling but not because of the reasons you list.

40 years of Republican tax and economic policies, based on the completely discredit theories of Milton Friedman have set the USA on track to join Brazil and the rest of South America as second tier nations. Friedman's capitalism on steriod policies have lead to the economic situation in South America since the World Bank and the IMF imposed Friedman's economic theories on all countries looking for finanancial aid since the 1970's. One of their latest victims is the economy of South Africa. Also see Poland post communism.

Reagan adopted some, but not all of Friedman's market reforms, which have lead to rising prices, stagnant wages, increasing poverty, and a widening wealth and wage gap, everywhere they've been implemented. The USA being a prime example.
O let him out.

Trump did. Obama simply moved him from Gitmo to a prison in Pakistan. Trump asked the Pakistani's to release him from prison so they could negotiate a peace agreement with him. Well that worked out well for everyone, now didn't it.

The Hindustan Time is hardly a reliable source:

No shots are being fired, by Taliban, there is no looting, the only chaos is being caused by people trying to flee from the airport. That will end in a couple weeks as our tax dollars ferry people to our shores to live off of our tax dollars.
This is about as orderly as national collapses get. Nothing more will come from this. Before that last plane arrives from Kabul, you will have heard the last about Afghanistan.
There is also no celebratory actions by the Taliban. Why is that? Something seems off.
There is also no celebratory actions by the Taliban. Why is that? Something seems off.

The hard fact is this. You don't beat the strongest militaries in the world without discipline. These guys are hard core, religious warriors. They might not have all of the modern gear, they might look like they just fell out of a dumpster, but these are professional, stone, killers. Like our soldiers have the UCMJ, they have a few things, Pashtun Wali, and the Quran which codify, and dictate all of their actions with everyone, and everything. Truth of the matter is these guys live very strict lives.
Probably not. Carter was dealing with the aftermath of Vietnam and a military with no Rapid Deployment Force. Today we have some serious power in the region that could be brought to bear if necessary.
The hard fact is this. You don't beat the strongest militaries in the world without discipline. These guys are hard core, religious warriors. They might not have all of the modern gear, they might look like they just fell out of a dumpster, but these are professional, stone, killers. Like our soldiers have the UCMJ, they have a few things, Pashtun Wali, and the Quran which codify, and dictate all of their actions with everyone, and everything. Truth of the matter is these guys live very strict lives.
Discipline is one thing, but even when the Soviets left they were tearing down any Soviet iconography every step of the way. There is nothing like that going on now. That isn't normal, unless they aren't done fighting.
Are you under a rock?... the Taliban are already blocking evacuations.
They broke their word the first day, and everyday so far.
"They will keep their word".... OMG dude... :lalala:

And where the hell did I say we are sending 40,000 troops - can you read?

The Taliban are NOT blocking the evacuation of US citizens or any Westerners.
Discipline is one thing, but even when the Soviets left they were tearing down any Soviet iconography every step of the way. There is nothing like that going on now. That isn't normal, unless they aren't done fighting.
They are painting over the western advertising. However, the Soviets left in like 1989 or something? Movements evolve. That's like over 30 years ago.
They are painting over the western advertising. However, the Soviets left in like 1989 or something? Movements evolve. That's like over 30 years ago.
Much of that isn't the fighting forces that do it, its those who want to ingratiate themselves to the new victors. Maybe things have changed, but the overall atmosphere is not one that inspires confidence. Everybody in the world knows the Taliban are the supreme rulers of the land, so not seeing outward shows of acceptance or attempts to show the rejection of what was is sort of out of place.
Much of that isn't the fighting forces that do it, its those who want to ingratiate themselves to the new victors. Maybe things have changed, but the overall atmosphere is not one that inspires confidence. Everybody in the world knows the Taliban are the supreme rulers of the land, so not seeing outward shows of acceptance or attempts to show the rejection of what was is sort of out of place.
Dude, we are western people...I spent a year in that shithole...nothing there, at any point inspired any confidence. My raw, personal opinion is that they are (Everyone, on both sides) all hand to mouth, kiddie diddling monkeys.
However, they (Taliban) are keeping their fires low for now. Once all the western media, all the eyes of thee world go away, Sharia courts will be established and justice will be meted out.
Only thing I can say is, our government are gonna use this to fuck you and I somehow.
Nobody is taking any hostages. The Taliban have won, the last thing they need is an excuse for the Americans to come in and have a last hurrah, or worst yet, stay longer.
That is why everything has progressed, in an orderly, peaceful manner. The Americans were given a date to have their people out, and the Taliban will honor that.
You're a fuking idiot. The Taliban wasn't supposed to interfere with the Afghan government either....but the went back on that promise. What's going to stop them from doing whatever the hell they want? Sure as shiite isn't going to be that geriatric in the White House.
The Taliban wasn't supposed to interfere with the Afghan government either.
Unpack that. Not tracking.

What's going to stop them from doing whatever the hell they want?
Nothing, they won the war. To the winner go the spoils.

You're a fuking idiot. The Taliban wasn't supposed to interfere with the Afghan government either....but the went back on that promise. What's going to stop them from doing whatever the hell they want? Sure as shiite isn't going to be that geriatric in the White House.
Uhhh no... of course not. He probably helped coordinate for China.

China is gonna roll in and a lot of people are gonna make a lot of money.

America really fucked this up.

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