American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

Uh, yeah, here's the thing buddy.

We go through life thinking our culture is the best, and then we wonder why people don't want us imposing it on them....

The Taliban are just the latest in a long line of people who told us to go fuck ourselves.

Maybe, and this is a crazy idea, we need to stop trying to impose our views on other countries.
Ideals of American Revolution spread to Europe and was the end of monarchs of Europe ending with Russian Revolution of 1917.
Ideals of American Revolution spread to Europe and was the end of monarchs of Europe ending with Russian Revolution of 1917.

Wow. Are you fucking retarded? I really need to ask this, because it is clear that you are pretty ignorant of history, and the thinking of French and German philosophers that had a lot more to do with the ending of monarchies than a bunch of rich slave rapists who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.
My response to 9/11.

Go into Afghanistan to kill Al Qaeda. Don't try to change the government. Don't try to "build Democracy".

Don't pull all your troops out with the job unfinished in 2003 so you can go get revenge on Saddam for making your Dad look bad, like Bush did.

Our Job was over in 2011 when Bin Laden was killed, not in Afghanistan, but hiding out in Pakistan watching porn near the Pakistani Military Academy.

We shouldn't have still been there 10 years later, still hopelessly trying to get the Afghans to build their own country.
The Taliban and AQ are linked...but thanks for displaying your ignorance on the matter.
I just told you. Jews and the Oil Companies...

I'm sorry you believe whatever crap they tell you on Corporate Media
You vote Progressive Socialist. In the United States we have Jewish people. We have plenty of Jewish people in politics, education, media and entertainment. Most are on the Progressive Socialist side that you support. And you throw Jewish people under the bus even as you vote for them and support them.
I certainly hope you are right about the Taliban letting Americans home and not killing them.....but sadly we will have to wait and see, we are at the mercy of the Taliban now, thanks to Joey Xiden and the failed Dem Admin

Yet it was Trump who negotiated with terrorists.
Comparisons are very much there when talking about bringing down a presidency.

The only ones trying to draw a comparison are lunatics like you. There is no comparison. Starting with the fact that the Taliban is not holding any U.S. hostages. Again, your lust for American blood is noted and rejected.
You are one anti American piece of trash...

Not at all.. I served my country proudly.

I also point out when it does stupid things.

The arming of Islamic militants in Afghanistan to tweek the Russians was a terrible idea. We are STILL paying a price for it. So are the Afghan people. They've been at war for 43 years now.
"Orderly peaceful manner?" You must be on hallucinogenic drugs! It's chaos in Afghanistan right now. The Taliban will "honor that?" These savages will honor nothing. Worried that Americans will "come in and have a last hurrah?" Biden doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that. If our people do get out I wonder how many millions in U.S. tax dollars he will pay in bribes to Taliban to do it?

Donald Trump made a deal with those "savages", leaving the Afghan government out of the deal, and with no plan to bring out anybody.

Who Is supposed to suffer any consequences for that assclown?

And just how many billions did Trump pay the Taliban?
Will media cover a hostage crisis with Biden administration like it did the Carter administration or will they continue to protect Biden as they have since he took office? Will Biden be mentally up to the task? Hostage crisis in 1979-80 pushed Carter to his limits mentally and physically by Carter's own admission. If hostages taken or Americans murdered in cold blood how much of an impact would that have on Biden re-election chances in 2024?
Wishful thinking?
What's he negotiating? What prisoners did Biden get released?
was he not the VP during the Obama admin?

He was negotiating the emergency evacuation of americans right now…or at least someone in his admin. is

turn in the news
was he not the VP during the Obama admin?

He was negotiating the emergency evacuation of americans right now…or at least someone in his admin. is

turn in the news

So whether he negotiated or not doesn't matter. All that matters is he was VP. That means he negotiated with terrorists.


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