American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

Donald Trump made a deal with those "savages", leaving the Afghan government out of the deal, and with no plan to bring out anybody.

Who Is supposed to suffer any consequences for that assclown?

And just how many billions did Trump pay the Taliban?
Biden rejected Keystone Pipeline, border policy, and lower taxes. All of them Trump policies. He didn't have to follow through with this one if he didn't want to. Now it's convenient to blame his withdrawal fuck-up on Trump. I doubt the withdrawal would have been this bungled under Trump. Forces on ground would have air support to have an orderly withdrawal. Biden said Afghan Army was one of the most powerful militaries on earth. This is 100% Biden's failure and he tries to blame everyone but himself. Liberal's in press are turning against him as he is an incompetent senile old man.
Donald Trump made a deal with those "savages", leaving the Afghan government out of the deal, and with no plan to bring out anybody.

Who Is supposed to suffer any consequences for that assclown?

And just how many billions did Trump pay the Taliban?
Trump is not President. Why don't Biden take responsibility for his poor leadership?

The only ones trying to draw a comparison are lunatics like you. There is no comparison. Starting with the fact that the Taliban is not holding any U.S. hostages. Again, your lust for American blood is noted and rejected.
And historians.
Not at all.. I served my country proudly.

I also point out when it does stupid things.

The arming of Islamic militants in Afghanistan to tweek the Russians was a terrible idea. We are STILL paying a price for it. So are the Afghan people. They've been at war for 43 years now.
What do you think the price will be for the weapons systems Biden just handed the Taliban?

Or is that different somehow?
You mean the weapons Bush sent into Afghanistan knowing the dope dealers we propped up couldn't hold on to the country?
Heroin and hashish is the cash crop for Taliban as well. Dope lord's finance Taliban.
You mean the weapons Bush sent into Afghanistan knowing the dope dealers we propped up couldn't hold on to the country?
It's fuedalism over there. With enough money warlords will switch sides in the middle of a battle.
We have no idea if the taliban has arrested or killed any Americans. The leftist press won't tell us. They will protect the regime. We know that the British and French are going block by block to get their people out. They told us. Otherwise we don't know jack.
It's more similar to LBJ's mess. Just when we needed leadership in Vietnam and the Tet uprising was defeated, the freaking President of the United States went on T.V. announced that he gave up and the V.C. won. They managed to blame it on Nixon.
Heroin and hashish is the cash crop for Taliban as well. Dope lord's finance Taliban.
Yes, it is now. The Taliban when they took over in 1996 burned all the poppy fields, but when Bush toppled them, Karzai's bunch of thugs brought it back. Then the Taliban realized, hey, if the westerners want to fuck up themselves, have at it.

It's fuedalism over there. With enough money warlords will switch sides in the middle of a battle.
Absolutely. Doesn't that point out how stupid Bush and Trump were for continuing it, and why Biden was right for putting an end to it?

It's more similar to LBJ's mess. Just when we needed leadership in Vietnam and the Tet uprising was defeated, the freaking President of the United States went on T.V. announced that he gave up and the V.C. won. They managed to blame it on Nixon.

Wow, where did you learn your history from? After the Tet Offensive, it became clear to everyone the government was lying about how they had the situation under control. LBJ didn't run again when it was clear his own party wouldn't support him. (Also, the guy was tired, dying in 1973, he wouldn't have lived out another term.)

Nixon ran on having a "Secret Plan" to end the war in Vietnam. Turns out it was so secret even he didn't know what it was. His actual actions were to escalate the war by illegally invading Cambodia, overthrowing it's legitimate government and bombing the snot out of it and escalating the bombing of North Vietnam, killing more people. More Vietnamese and Americans died AFTER Nixon got in than before.

Then he went to Paris and pretty much sold out our allies, agreeing to withdraw if the North Vietnamese promised to not topple the South right away.
You know exactly what my question was. Your ignorance of your own buffoons actions won’t save you here.

Yes, I know what your question was, and my statement stands. Bush gave the Afghans BILLIONS in our weapons, knowing damned well they would eventually fall into the hands of the Taliban after we left.

This is the stupidity of how we fought these wars. We kept trying to outsource them to people we couldn't rely on because they had their own agendas.

So, yeah, the Taliban might cause trouble with the weapons Bush gave them. So what?
Yes, I know what your question was, and my statement stands. Bush gave the Afghans BILLIONS in our weapons, knowing damned well they would eventually fall into the hands of the Taliban after we left.

This is the stupidity of how we fought these wars. We kept trying to outsource them to people we couldn't rely on because they had their own agendas.

So, yeah, the Taliban might cause trouble with the weapons Bush gave them. So what?
I’m talking about the weapons that Biden just gave them….your deflection aside.
I’m talking about the weapons that Biden just gave them….your deflection aside.

Biden didn't give them any weapons.

Bush gave weapons to Afghan Warlords if they pinky-swore they'd fight the Taliban for us.
Instead, they switched sides to the Taliban, and brought their weapons with them.

So again, this kind of falls on Bush.

Now- if Bush had actually called up a draft and put together an army of AMERICANS large enough to do the job, instead of outsourcing the war to Drug-Dealing Warlords who were going to switch sides as soon as it was easy to do so, we might be having a different discussion.
Biden didn't give them any weapons.

Bush gave weapons to Afghan Warlords if they pinky-swore they'd fight the Taliban for us.
Instead, they switched sides to the Taliban, and brought their weapons with them.

So again, this kind of falls on Bush.

Now- if Bush had actually called up a draft and put together an army of AMERICANS large enough to do the job, instead of outsourcing the war to Drug-Dealing Warlords who were going to switch sides as soon as it was easy to do so, we might be having a different discussion.
Taliban fighters can be seen in recently released videos celebrating the seizure of US Humvees, tanks and assault weapons from Afghan security forces as the Biden administration begins its troop withdrawal before the Sept. 11 deadline.

A Taliban commander told Sky News that his fighters had taken a cache of weapons from Afghan security personnel that included 70 sniper rifles, 900 guns, 30 Humvees, 20 pickup trucks and 15 armored vehicles.

The report also said the Taliban had a shipping container full of satellite phones, grenades and mortars, with many having labels saying: “Property of the USA Government.”

Biden rejected Keystone Pipeline, border policy, and lower taxes. All of them Trump policies. He didn't have to follow through with this one if he didn't want to. Now it's convenient to blame his withdrawal fuck-up on Trump. I doubt the withdrawal would have been this bungled under Trump. Forces on ground would have air support to have an orderly withdrawal. Biden said Afghan Army was one of the most powerful militaries on earth. This is 100% Biden's failure and he tries to blame everyone but himself. Liberal's in press are turning against him as he is an incompetent senile old man.

You should have learned something about Keystone XL 12 years ago. It only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands.
Biden didn't give them any weapons.

Bush gave weapons to Afghan Warlords if they pinky-swore they'd fight the Taliban for us.
Instead, they switched sides to the Taliban, and brought their weapons with them.

So again, this kind of falls on Bush.

Now- if Bush had actually called up a draft and put together an army of AMERICANS large enough to do the job, instead of outsourcing the war to Drug-Dealing Warlords who were going to switch sides as soon as it was easy to do so, we might be having a different discussion.

The warlords are for themselves.. They have also fought the Taliban.

These petty tribal leaders want their own individual fiefdoms.
Taliban fighters can be seen in recently released videos celebrating the seizure of US Humvees, tanks and assault weapons from Afghan security forces as the Biden administration begins its troop withdrawal before the Sept. 11 deadline.

Yes. Weapons Bush (and Obama And Trump) gave the Afghan Security Forces. Afghan Security Forces that switched sides the minute they were able to do so. I'm glad you aren't totally fucking dense. Bush gave these people weapons. This is on him.

You see, it would be like if we fought WWII by giving weapons to some Nazis hoping they would fight other Nazis....

Actually, it is kind of what we did in WWII. We have Stalin a bunch of weapons to fight the war and then were all shocked when he kept Eastern Europe.

Here's the thing. We want to be this world super power, but you don't get to be a world super power unless you are really willing to have an Army that is large enough to do fight the war. The active duty component of the US Army today is less than 500K.

If your security strategy is based on outsourcing the fighting to other people, sometimes you are going to contract bad actors.

The warlords are for themselves.. They have also fought the Taliban.

These petty tribal leaders want their own individual fiefdoms.

And here in lies the problem. If you get a Afghan Warlord in a tent with a Taliban Cleric, they'd probably agree on 99% of things... The Warlords were opportunists in that a lot of them switched sides and saw the American invasion as an opporunity to enrich themselves, but everyone knew they were going to switch sides right back the minute we left. Which is pretty much what they did.
We have no idea if the taliban has arrested or killed any Americans. The leftist press won't tell us. They will protect the regime. We know that the British and French are going block by block to get their people out. They told us. Otherwise we don't know jack.
Huh? There are no rightie journalists? There are no rightie news outlets? What world do you live in?

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