American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

So then you know the Taliban hasn't arrested or killed any Americans.
No I don't know that. You don't. I have not seen any reports that the taliban has arrested or killed Americans like they have killed Afghans that have worked with Americans. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
No I don't know that. You don't. I have not seen any reports that the taliban has arrested or killed Americans like they have killed Afghans that have worked with Americans. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
But you were blaming your lack of knowledge on the left. Does this mean you're claiming the right is as unscrupulous as the left?
To all you hopeful idiots saying the Americans we left behind are not hostages, get ready. Shit is getting ugly fast.
To all you hopeful idiots saying the Americans we left behind are not hostages, get ready. Shit is getting ugly fast.

I'm sure that's what you hope for as you keep a box of kleenix next to your screen.

Reality. Most of those people will be leaving in the next few days. You'll probably get the occassional idiot who refuses to leave because he think's he's doing God's Work.
When biden was vp the U.S. sent something like a Billion $$ in cash to Iran for 6 U.S. Navy personal being held hostage. Now we leave 10- 15,000 Americans to be hostages for the Taliban. What is this disaster going to cost us.
We are in real trouble because of the democrats feeling it is necessary to destroy America.
When and how do we stop it.
When biden was vp the U.S. sent something like a Billion $$ in cash to Iran for 6 U.S. Navy personal being held hostage. Now we leave 10- 15,000 Americans to be hostages for the Taliban. What is this disaster going to cost us.
We are in real trouble because of the democrats feeling it is necessary to destroy America.
When and how do we stop it.

Actually, we did nothing of the sort.

In this case, the Taliban are going to let our people leave because they want international good will and diplomatic recognition, things they didn't have in 2001 when the whole world was kind of okay with the US invading them.
Yes. Weapons Bush (and Obama And Trump) gave the Afghan Security Forces. Afghan Security Forces that switched sides the minute they were able to do so. I'm glad you aren't totally fucking dense. Bush gave these people weapons. This is on him.

You see, it would be like if we fought WWII by giving weapons to some Nazis hoping they would fight other Nazis....

Actually, it is kind of what we did in WWII. We have Stalin a bunch of weapons to fight the war and then were all shocked when he kept Eastern Europe.

Here's the thing. We want to be this world super power, but you don't get to be a world super power unless you are really willing to have an Army that is large enough to do fight the war. The active duty component of the US Army today is less than 500K.

If your security strategy is based on outsourcing the fighting to other people, sometimes you are going to contract bad actors.
Look here, you don’t want to hold Joe accountable for a disastrous pull out where he walked away from the proper way to do things…

1. Get all civilians out of the country

2. Destroy all strategic assets, including weapons systems, ammo, vechicles, bases of operation, and communications equipment belonging to the United States that couldn’t be evacuated…

3. Then and only then, pull all remaining US forces out.

We were there to eradicate those who attacked us on 9/11/01 with overwhelming support from BOTH sides of the political isle.

Now you can disagree with how we fought that war, and I do. We should have gone in with overwhelming force and destruction, killed and captured those responsible, and left! But, we didn’t.

We went there and tried to surgically pick off our enemies…mistake. It always is when you tie our military’s hands in ROE.

BUT, it is what it was…we got OBL, and at that point we should have left. But, the manner in which we did so matters. And now you have a fuck up that’s going to cost lives…Maybe even on our shores again, and THAT, is 100% Biden’s screw up.
Actually, we did nothing of the sort.

In this case, the Taliban are going to let our people leave because they want international good will and diplomatic recognition, things they didn't have in 2001 when the whole world was kind of okay with the US invading them.

They don’t give two shits about anything other than the caliphate. But your support and trust of them is noted.

So whether he negotiated or not doesn't matter. All that matters is he was VP. That means he negotiated with terrorists.

yeah his admin, the one he was a part of did.

and he currently is
Look here, you don’t want to hold Joe accountable for a disastrous pull out where he walked away from the proper way to do things…

1. Get all civilians out of the country

You mean civilians who stayed there even though they knew we were going to pull out and the situation is dangerous.

"Oh, help me Mr. Biden, save me from my own stupidity".

The sad thing is, he will, and you won't give him any credit

2. Destroy all strategic assets, including weapons systems, ammo, vechicles, bases of operation, and communications equipment belonging to the United States that couldn’t be evacuated…
Sorry, equipment isn't worth wasting more lives.

As John Kerry once said, how do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?

3. Then and only then, pull all remaining US forces out.

Again, we really didn't have a say in the matter. We were there under the invitation of a government that no longer exists. Our ability to evacuate people or demolish eqipment was limited by the SOFA we signed with the Ghani government.

We were there to eradicate those who attacked us on 9/11/01 with overwhelming support from BOTH sides of the political isle.

Now you can disagree with how we fought that war, and I do. We should have gone in with overwhelming force and destruction, killed and captured those responsible, and left! But, we didn’t.

Wow, guy, you really think that was what this war was about? Really? Hold on, I think we have an image for your naïve thinking.


As long as the Zionists, Oil Companies and War Profiteers dictate our foreign policy, we are going to get into messes like this.

We went there and tried to surgically pick off our enemies…mistake. It always is when you tie our military’s hands in ROE.

BUT, it is what it was…we got OBL, and at that point we should have left. But, the manner in which we did so matters. And now you have a fuck up that’s going to cost lives…Maybe even on our shores again, and THAT, is 100% Biden’s screw up.
Actually, if we lose lives, it's because of our overall policies...

Here's how we don't lose lives.
Pull all our forces back to our own shores.
Tell the Zionists to go fuck themselves
Take the money we spend on defense and dedicate it to alternative energy independence. Then they'll all be sitting on a worthless commodity no one needs.

They don’t give two shits about anything other than the caliphate. But your support and trust of them is noted.

Hey, I'm a pragmatist. The Taliban, unlike our own leaders, seem to have the capability to learn. They know what they did wrong last time and they aren't likely to do it again.
yeah his admin, the one he was a part of did.

and he currently is
Uh, false. If he didn't negotiate with terrorists, he didn't negotiate with terrorists. It's that simple.

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