American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

Unpack that. Not tracking.

Nothing, they won the war. To the winner go the spoils.

Uhhh no... of course not. He probably helped coordinate for China.

China is gonna roll in and a lot of people are gonna make a lot of money.

America really fucked this up.
China isn't gonna roll in. They don't want the same shit to happen to them that happened to Russia and the US. They'll just work out mining contracts with the Taliban and interfere with their political direction.....but the Taliban hasn't been fighting a war. They were just committing crimes. Most of them were hiding out in Pakistan.

And we just left. They didn't win jack squat. They just waited till our troops were pulled out and sent a bunch of dirty ragheads to set up checkpoints all over dirt trails and roads. They'll let their fighters start fucking babies and cutting off heads for fun.
China isn't gonna roll in. They don't want the same shit to happen to them that happened to Russia and the US. They'll just work out mining contracts with the Taliban and interfere with their political direction.....but the Taliban hasn't been fighting a war. They were just committing crimes. Most of them were hiding out in Pakistan.

And we just left. They didn't win jack squat. They just waited till our troops were pulled out and sent a bunch of dirty ragheads to set up checkpoints all over dirt trails and roads. They'll let their fighters start fucking babies and cutting off heads for fun.
China is coming in, already in work.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Hua Chunying stated on Monday that Beijing will pursue a constructive role in establishing “peace and reconstruction” in Afghanistan. Russia – for its part – has ordered only a partial evacuation of its Kabul embassy staff, according to Putin’s special representative to Afghanistan: “Our embassy will stay in contact with specially assigned representatives of the Taliban higher leadership to work out a permanent mechanism of ensuring safety of our embassy and continued communication.” While Moscow considers the Taliban a terrorist organization, its Foreign Ministry already said that the mullahs’ political liaison office is not one – much like the Trump and Biden Administrations did when they negotiated with the Taliban.

Your admiration of the Taliban is noted

Uh, yeah, here's the thing buddy.

We go through life thinking our culture is the best, and then we wonder why people don't want us imposing it on them....

The Taliban are just the latest in a long line of people who told us to go fuck ourselves.

Maybe, and this is a crazy idea, we need to stop trying to impose our views on other countries.
The Brits are doing it the right way. They have an airborne regiment that are getting their people out.

Meanwhile Joe Dufus is depending upon the good will of Obama's Taliban buddies to protect our people.

Dat boy ain't right in the head, is he?

By blunder, you mean ending the war and getting all Americans out.
No idiot. By "blunder" I mean the manner in which Biden pulled out, leaving civilians, weapons, and ammo behind...Hell, they abandoned Bagraham which could have done a better job with evacuation than the airport.

Instead we have chaos, and our Government telling people that they can't ensure the safety of American's making their way to the airport...

It was a blunder...
Uh, yeah, here's the thing buddy.

We go through life thinking our culture is the best, and then we wonder why people don't want us imposing it on them....

The Taliban are just the latest in a long line of people who told us to go fuck ourselves.

Maybe, and this is a crazy idea, we need to stop trying to impose our views on other countries.
Do you even know why we were in Afghanistan?
Oh you absolutely are, either that you are simply ignorant. there are A LOT of American's hiding in Afghanistan at this moment.

No one denied a lot of Americans are still there. As far as how many are in hiding, no doubt there are some, but no one knows how many. The F-77 for Afghanistan is not very accurate.
They are not in control of hinterlands and nobody is hoping Americans get killed. You socialist only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. The Taliban don't give a shit about international good will. They want to be a hermit kingdom for Islamic fundamentalist.
I certainly hope you are right about the Taliban letting Americans home and not killing them.....but sadly we will have to wait and see, we are at the mercy of the Taliban now, thanks to Joey Xiden and the failed Dem Admin
I certainly hope you are right about the Taliban letting Americans home and not killing them.....but sadly we will have to wait and see, we are at the mercy of the Taliban now, thanks to Joey Xiden and the failed Dem Admin
Road to airport not open as of 5 hours ago. Situation critical.
Every morning when Carter wakes up he prays and thanks God for 2 things:
1. Still being alive at 96yo
2. For Joe Biden taking his place as the worst President in US history

Everything Biden has touched / done has already ended in massive failure
LoL. Biden's Afghanistan failure will live in infamy.
You're already plotting how you can use what is happening in Afghanistan against Biden in the midterms. If you weren't, you wouldn't even be discussing this as a possibility.

This is WHY your country is in the toilet. You don't care what happens to the country, you only care how you can use it to further your own agenda.
I'm discussing it because it is probably going to happen. I don't play political games with people's lives like the Democratic Party does. The fact that you accused me of this is a door that allows people to see how your politically obsessed mind works.
What would have been your response to 9/11?

My response to 9/11.

Go into Afghanistan to kill Al Qaeda. Don't try to change the government. Don't try to "build Democracy".

Don't pull all your troops out with the job unfinished in 2003 so you can go get revenge on Saddam for making your Dad look bad, like Bush did.

Our Job was over in 2011 when Bin Laden was killed, not in Afghanistan, but hiding out in Pakistan watching porn near the Pakistani Military Academy.

We shouldn't have still been there 10 years later, still hopelessly trying to get the Afghans to build their own country.

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