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With Illegal Aliens self-deporting back to Mexico taking their American born children with them, some are claiming to be having problem adjusting. Some are claiming having to learn Spanish as a problem. But how is this different from Illegal Aliens bringing children who have spent all their lives in Mexico being brought to a country where they do not know the language or the culture and their parent do not know the language either? And they have to attend ESL classes provide by the taxpayers to learn English.

Some of these children never adjust and assimilate because their parent don’t and drop out of school and join gangs for their peers. At least the parent that self deport know the language and they and the children already know the culture. Children born in the country often start school here not able to speak English because their parents don’t speak English.

Deportation unite families and illegal immigration separate families. Many of those self deporting are being united with families they left behind years ago. It is a very good thing they are going home. Children are meeting grand parents and family they would not necessary know. And it appears that most returning home are doing quite well.
Those that expect to return here after the economy recover will be repeat offenders and are felons.

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:
Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
See: Unlawful entry a crime since '29 - Rocky Mountain News -- June 11, 2006

This is the most convoluted nonsense I have ever heard. To begin with, most of the time a Hispanic has several children, some born in the United States and some born in a foreign country. We deport the parents and do not think about the rights of their American born children.

The one thing that the anti - immigrants don't think about is the fact that in a few years, those born in the United States and then forced out via cruel and unusual treatment of their parents can and WILL return to the United States. When that happens, they will have learned Spanish and forgotten English. They will have no support system and become dependent on the welfare system. They will have been deprived of an education. Most of this is due to the anti - immigrants failure to understand the economics of their own country and the laws as was demonstrated above. Let's help "LilOLady out:

Title 8 USC 1325 is in a CIVIL section of the law. It is entitled IMPROPER ENTRY. When you are on the receiving end of a divorce, you become a defendant in a CIVIL legal process; however, you do NOT become a criminal. The same holds true for Title 8 actions. As evidence of this, Title 8 (EIGHT) mentions criminal acts under Title 18 (EIGHTEEN) of the United States Code. That is because Title 8 is a civil section of the law and cannot impose a criminal penalty. I will present the entire statute Title 8 USC 1325 and explain the statute the OP misquoted (My comments are in red):

8 USC § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

Notice Title 8 USC 1325 is about an IMPROPER act, not an unlawful one nor an illegal act

a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Notice, this Section (a) deals with defining THREE different things (numbered subsections): improper time or place, avoidance of examination or inspection and the misrepresentation or concealment of facts.
Any alien who
(1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or
(2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or
(3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

We have three distinct acts that 8 USC 1325 deals with above and a foreigner can be fined under Title 18 or imprisoned, etc., etc. HOWEVER, those crimes are specific to what is mentioned in THAT section (subsection 3.) Read them carefully with me. If you make a false or misleading representation or if the foreigner willfully conceals a material fact, that person will be tried under Title 18. The fines and terms are listed for the convenience of those researching the issue, but improper entry is NOT listed in Section 3 above. It's because entry is NOT a crime.

(b) Improper time or place; civil penalties
Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
(1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
(2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.

Here you go if you can read the above subsection (b) The penalties for entering the United States improperly only nets the offender a civil fine not exceeding $250

Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

Again, the offender must pay a civil fine of up to $250 and it has NO bearing on whether or not they are penalized for the crimes of avoidance of examination or inspection and the misrepresentation or concealment of facts

(c) Marriage fraud
Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.
(d) Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.*****

Editorial note: If a foreigner is detected at the border and does NOT flee and does not lie to authorities, they can be charged up to $250 civil penalty and deported. If the foreigner comes here and is NOT detected, they are not committing a crime, but if they are stopped pursuant to probable cause, they can be detained and deported - which is all civil.

It is both inaccurate and dishonest to refer to them as "illegal aliens." Perhaps more idiotic, the continued practice of calling people criminals absent Due Process has led to the same principles being applied to the activists on the right. Many of the anti - immigrants have been victims of their own failed strategies, namely failing to realize that by denying the immigrant Due Process, the rules are THE ANTI - IMMIGRANT CAN BE DENIED DUE PROCESS. It's a little provision of the 14th Amendment called the "equal protection of the laws."

This is rather an odd post, who defends illegal aliens? The part about '' inaccurate and dishonest..." this is the most ignorant thing I have read in a long time. You don't understand your own community or understand what is at stake here, and that is readily apparent by this singular post.
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This is rather an odd post, who defends illegal aliens? The part about '' inaccurate and dishonest..." this is the most ignorant thing I have read in a long time. You don't understand your own community or understand what is at stake here, and that is readily apparent by this singular post.


Who defends "illegal aliens?" The answer would be, usually an immigration attorney or notario if it's a Hispanic immigration legal advocate. The point is, NOBODY is an illegal freaking thing until they have been arrested on probable cause, booked, jailed, made bail, etc., etc. and then been found guilty and sentenced by a judge and / or jury.

After nearly losing my life due to bad precedents set by the anti - immigrant lobby, I am more than aware of what is at stake with the kinds of strategies people such as yourself employ. The precedents you help establish are the same ones getting people like you and your supporters screwed. I can't tell you nothing new here. Had you read the many links I've left in this thread, you should be able to figure out why I am opposed to calling people "illegal" any damn thing. Look, if you don't like little brown people, you could call them wetbacks, sand ni%%ers, spics, etc. I'd have more respect for you.

The National Socialists among us know why they're deliberately twisting and misrepresenting the statutes. They hate the little brown people. Quite frankly, I don't give two hoots in hell about your private war. What I know is this:

Either man is born with Rights or he is not. If we look to government for our Rights, we're screwed to the wall forever. I know that all men (and it applies to women as well) came into this world with unalienable Rights. Perhaps that is a foreign concept to you, but it is mentioned as a principle held by the founding fathers when they signed on to the Declaration of Independence. That term unalienable Rights has a meaning.

Unalienable Rights vs Inalienable Rights

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Is the Declaration of Independence "Law?"

What I know is that the founding fathers fully understood the workings of our system of jurisprudence. Here is what one of them said:

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." - Thomas Paine

I preached that message to people that wanted to be where I was at the time. The fact that I warned people of where anti - immigrants with the same message you hear on this thread from Dumb and Dumber is well documented and that they were sufficiently warned:

Waffle House Terrorists - Waffle House Terrorist Plot - Esquire

That's only ONE of many documented instances. The fact that I'm still around while ALL of my contemporaries are in jail, prison, working as snitches or dead is all the validation I will ever need that the course I've taken is the correct one.

I am not denying to any human being on this earth their unalienable Rights, the most prominent being Liberty. Yes, MaryL, all these concepts have a meaning.

Your argument is that by denying to a segment of society the Rights to which they were born with is destroying America is absolutely without merit. THAT my friend is why the National Socialists cannot have an actual debate. They have to resort to name calling and turning every thread into a running joke.

It's not funny to me. We're talking about my future, your future and the future of generations yet to be born. The real reason that foreigners are here is because it is profitable. It's profitable for business; it's profitable for commerce; everybody benefits.

If you have this fear that the little brown people are going to take over, then maybe it's time to have a real debate about the issues, leave the name calling and all that using jumbo sized letters along with the repetition of lies at the door and focus on the facts.

You aren't going to stop immigration. You're losing. Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic in America. You can institute a Guest Worker program with no automatic path to citizenship or you can force politicians that disagree with you to flip flop on the issue. What you cannot do is to change the bottom line. The bottom line is you're losing.

You clearly do not understand the economics of your own country and you probably don't care. It's your Right to neglect your education. But, my challenge to you is that if you want to debate me on each point - point by point, you can take the debate to the following:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: Index

We can do it here if you lack the intestinal fortitude to debate in a forum that won't be allowed to become a circus like this thread became. Fact versus Fact and no smilies, badgering, B.S. or repetition of a lie. Present your case, do a point / counterpoint and allow the readers to make up their own mind based upon the substance rather than the fluff.

You would know where I stand if you followed the links, but let's face it. You are supporting a Democracy / mob rule / lynch mob. The name calling and fancy posts by little boys that could not succeed in the real world are only showing serious readers that you don't have a case.

"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck” - Frederick Douglass
'We deport the parents and do not think about the rights of their American born children. '

Pure unadulterated BS!!! We CAN'T deport american born children! That is one of their rights. The parents come here fully aware that they are here illegally and it's against the law! They get pregnant in order to have a stepping stone to this country. When they are caught and deported, they are asked if they have a relative, friend or other, to see for their child/ren. If not, then the state takes them in - unless - the parent chooses to take their child/ren with them!!! More often than not, they choose to leave their children here! Which in in itself is a big tragedy and just inhuman on THEIR part!!!

I worked in immigration law for six years. I can tell everyone on this board you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. The children don't have a say in whether or not they go to Mexico and their parents take them back more often than not.

Of course they don't have a say - THEY ARE CHILDREN! The PARENT'S decide. Wrong, more often than not they DON'T take them with them. And YOU can tell the WORLD that I don't have a clue and THAT means nada.
The one thing that the anti - immigrants don't think about is the fact that in a few years, those born in the United States and then forced out via cruel and unusual treatment of their parents can and WILL return to the United States. When that happens, they will have learned Spanish and forgotten English. They will have no support system and become dependent on the welfare system. They will have been deprived of an education."
Just more idiotic liberal non sense.

No, we are not "depriving" deported illegals of an education.

Their country of origin has schools they can attend.

We do not owe them an education!!! Period!! :evil:

Sunni just nailed it out the ball park.
The one thing that the anti - immigrants don't think about is the fact that in a few years, those born in the United States and then forced out via cruel and unusual treatment of their parents can and WILL return to the United States. When that happens, they will have learned Spanish and forgotten English. They will have no support system and become dependent on the welfare system. They will have been deprived of an education."
Just more idiotic liberal non sense.

No, we are not "depriving" deported illegals of an education.

Their country of origin has schools they can attend.

We do not owe them an education!!! Period!! :evil:

Sunni just nailed it out the ball park.

With those knockers you are the typical dumb blonde. That post was demolished as for the misrepresentation it was right out of the chute.

Sorry I had to use too many big words for you.
Just more idiotic liberal non sense.

No, we are not "depriving" deported illegals of an education.

Their country of origin has schools they can attend.

We do not owe them an education!!! Period!! :evil:

Sunni just nailed it out the ball park.

With those knockers you are the typical dumb blonde. That post was demolished as for the misrepresentation it was right out of the chute.
Hey, HG he likes your knockers!! :lol:
With those knockers you are the typical dumb blonde. That post was demolished as for the misrepresentation it was right out of the chute.

Sorry I had to use too many big words for you.

Let's see, you tried to play tough-guy, now you're trying to play smart-guy...neither is working for you at all. In fact, that last post makes you look really, really stupid. Maybe you should wait and grow up a little more before shooting your mouth off so much.
The one thing that the anti - immigrants don't think about is the fact that in a few years, those born in the United States and then forced out via cruel and unusual treatment of their parents can and WILL return to the United States. When that happens, they will have learned Spanish and forgotten English. They will have no support system and become dependent on the welfare system. They will have been deprived of an education."
Just more idiotic liberal non sense.

No, we are not "depriving" deported illegals of an education.

Their country of origin has schools they can attend.

We do not owe them an education!!! Period!! :evil:

Sunni just nailed it out the ball park.

I bet you've been nailed a lot givent hat you are a drunk and a retard who would fuck a dog
You may sober up tomorrow, but you will never recover from the show you are putting on tonight.
You don't forget a languge just because you learn another. You got to be pretty stupid to do that. I speak three and never forgot one even though I only speak English now on a daily basis.
You don't forget a languge just because you learn another. You got to be pretty stupid to do that. I speak three and never forgot one even though I only speak English now on a daily basis.

Was this post supposed to be in response to something on this thread?
Just more idiotic liberal non sense.

No, we are not "depriving" deported illegals of an education.

Their country of origin has schools they can attend.

We do not owe them an education!!! Period!! :evil:

Sunni just nailed it out the ball park.

With those knockers you are the typical dumb blonde. That post was demolished as for the misrepresentation it was right out of the chute.

Sorry I had to use too many big words for you.

I am a guy you fuckin clown, what next? Sunni Man is actually the Statue of Liberty and Liability is really John Belushi?:cuckoo:
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