Americas favourite pervs

This is rich coming from an English pig - England being the most child-fucking culture in the West! My god, you subhuman, soccer-rioting Islam whores who GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO COVER UP A CHILD-RAPE EPIDEMIC. I'm sorry you whinging, sniveling pommie crybaby inbreds are too far up your own assholes to realize that your culture is so sex-crime-ridden, I would never allow any female I cared about to visit the Pisslam semen receptable you IRA fodder call a country. If any fellow American doesn't believe me, I suggest you start reading the BBCunt and Guardiabomination to see the vicious, dehumanizing odium that these muslim human condoms have for us "bloody seppos."
This is rich coming from an English pig - England being the most child-fucking culture in the West! My god, you subhuman, soccer-rioting Islam whores who GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO COVER UP A CHILD-RAPE EPIDEMIC. I'm sorry you whinging, sniveling pommie crybaby inbreds are too far up your own assholes to realize that your culture is so sex-crime-ridden, I would never allow any female I cared about to visit the Pisslam semen receptable you IRA fodder call a country. If any fellow American doesn't believe me, I suggest you start reading the BBCunt and Guardiabomination to see the vicious, dehumanizing odium that these muslim human condoms have for us "bloody seppos."

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