America's gun crime caused by prosecutors and judges who let gun criminals go free...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Our criminal sub culture uses gun to murder each other in vast numbers and also innocent people....and yet...for all of their cries for more gun control, the anti gunners don't care. They care about getting guns away from normal, law abiding gun owners because for them it isn't gun crime that is the is guns that are the problem......

That is why all of their gun control proposals do nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters....they target people who do not commit crimes while ignoring the ones who actually do commit gun crimes. Then there is this..........

Why Did Delaware Drop 71 Percent Of Its 11,000+ Gun Charges Filed Between 2012-2014?

In Delaware, there have been over 11,000 gun charges filed, but 71 percent have been dropped in plea deals in order to put criminals behind bars. If a criminal confesses to a crime, or takes a deal since the evidence would have landed him a more lengthy prison term if he or she had gone to trial, we should all rejoice. A felon is off the streets, yet are gun charges the ones that should be axed with these legal negotiations? (via USA Today):


From 2012 to 2014, more than 11,700 felony weapon charges were filed in Delaware, and in most cases, the weapon was a gun. Yet, 71 percent of those charges disappeared before trials began.
Get this...instead of nailing a criminal with gun charges that would get him 41 years behind bars....they dropped those to get him on lesser charges that got him 8 years....

Then there is the case of Mateo Pinkston.
In late summer 2011, court documents say Pinkston walked up to a man, pointed a gun at him and took his cellphone.
Pinkston, who had already been convicted of two felonies and was a suspect in a still-unsolved homicide, was arrested by Wilmington police and charged with robbery and several gun counts.

But the Delaware Attorney General's Office cut a deal with him in 2012, agreeing to drop three weapon charges that carried a maximum of 41 years in prison in exchange for Pinkston admitting to second-degree robbery and terroristic threatening, which carried a maximum of eight years in prison.

Soon after being released from his 12-month prison sentence, Pinkston, police said, shot and killed 25-year-old Arteise Brown in Wilmington last year.
Any conviction of an unprovoked violent crime should result in a bullet to the head. There is no reason to keep such people alive.

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