America’s Rotten Academic Establishment Vomits Out More Demented Anti-White Rhetoric

Blacks have paid taxes to get taught that we were slaves. So whites can pay taxess to be taught how complete slavery was in America as well as how complete Jim Crow was. Racist whites can stop whining because the shit should not have happened so you just have to suck it up just like have had to suck it up every year we learned about slavery, jim crow and Kings murder.
See, this is the bullshit. You're a race hustler.

Not at all. I point out the obvious.

I had a boss, a few years back. Now, the man never said anything I would classify as racist in the whole 7 years I worked with him.

In the Summer of 2012, we had three people leave our department, and being the friendly kind of department we were, we invited him to join us for a farewell lunch. He had done this in 2010 and 2011 when WHITE people left our department.

The three people who left were.

1) A Chinese American lady who had been with the company for 9 years, and established many of our vendor relationships on the Pacific Rim.
2) An African American lady who had been with us for 2 years.
3) A white intern who had been with the company for all of three months.

NOW- Guess which one of these three people he took time out of his busy schedule to join us for lunch with?

Well, if you guessed the White Intern, you'd be right.

This same boss a year later let go of a black female contractor to create a headcount vacancy for one of his drinking buddies.

That's the nature of racism in America, not just the overt kind, but the subtle kind.

Why would you racist segregate the lunches, wouldn't it have been better to have all three at the same lunch?

Blacks have paid taxes to get taught that we were slaves. So whites can pay taxess to be taught how complete slavery was in America as well as how complete Jim Crow was. Racist whites can stop whining because the shit should not have happened so you just have to suck it up just like have had to suck it up every year we learned about slavery, jim crow and Kings murder.

Yet you suck xidens dick like he was some saint, when he actually joined with other segregationist to block civil rights legislation. He said he didn't want his kids going to school in racial jungles. I'm sure you're going to make some excuse that xiden has evolved since then, yet you refuse to allow others the same consideration. That just makes you just a run of the mill commie hack.

Can anyone name a specific school where Critical Race Theory is being taught to our children?
There are none. It is primarily taught in law school.
They were told to be upset about it, so they are. Can't let the crazies go un-riled up. They might forget to vote if that happens.
Yep. But hey, the right doesn't see race.

Blacks have paid taxes to get taught that we were slaves. So whites can pay taxess to be taught how complete slavery was in America as well as how complete Jim Crow was. Racist whites can stop whining because the shit should not have happened so you just have to suck it up just like have had to suck it up every year we learned about slavery, jim crow and Kings murder.

Yet you suck xidens dick like he was some saint, when he actually joined with other segregationist to block civil rights legislation. He said he didn't want his kids going to school in racial jungles. I'm sure you're going to make some excuse that xiden has evolved since then, yet you refuse to allow others the same consideration. That just makes you just a run of the mill commie hack.

Wrong answer son. Biden didn't block civil rights legislation and trump was found guilty of racial discrimination by no less liberal of a justice department than the Nixon DOJ. Do you know how bad the discrimination must have been for the Nixon administration to bust trump? Republicans have not evolved, they've become more racist as a party. You are an example of that. So excuse me if I don't want to join the party of voter suppression and the anglo saxon heritage caucus.
The truth is not anti white. Just face it, the delusion of granduer is finished. Hoad white men done what was right, history would show that white men did what was right. But when you make the claim of your supremacy and brag about what you have done, it means you accept the good and the bad.
Oh yeah, and hurricanes and snowstorms are because of Trump and Republicans, huh. You people are dangerously stupid.

Here's the thing, buddy. The last five recessions (2020, 2008, 2001, 1990, 1981) happened when Republicans were in charge

Why do you think that is?
Yet, you are going to throw him under a bus and call him a RACIST (big buzzword these days), based upon some circumstantial "evidence" that consists of four events.

Seven years you knew him, and you decided to brand him since he missed a couple of going-away parties and let a contractor go.

Hardly circumstantial. I pointed out the obvious, that he valued white employees more than people of color, despite the merits of their contributions. Not because he was racist, he probably never even thought in those terms. But he did favor people who were like himself.

It's a good idea to be nice to interns which you might want to hire in the future. The people who are leaving the company are unlikely to ever come back.

Smart boss, you have. Not sure why you have to bring race into it.

Um, because he did go to these kinds of events for WHITE people who left the company and were unlikely to come back.
And that's ok when black's do it eh ? The double standards are reaching epic levels, just as well as the hypocrisy.

Went into a big box store not long ago, and everyone working was black, now you explain to the class what that's about ???? Come on now, come up with a good one for us.

Uh, it's a big box store. They pay shitty wages. They probably couldn't afford white employees. Especially in the age of Covid.
We need to start the beheadings soon.

Aren't you a nice piece of shit.
Because the democrats kicked out your idiot trump your answer is to execute them. No matter who they are. You fucking stinking grub. And you wonder why that authoritarianist attitude got trump kicked out.
You know nothing and shouldn't be allowed on here. You're a disgrace and an embarrassment to democracy. You sanctamonius arrogant prick.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

Fortunately, I was able to send my daughter to a STEM school where that garbage wasn't taught.
My grands are in a private Christian school (taken out of the corrupt public school system), and they love it, and they have improved greatly in their grades, and in their mental states of mind's. Fact.

They also attended in person school instruction for the entire time Covid-19 has been around. They were out for a few days when someone on staff became sick with it, but then got right back at it once the school was cleaned. It's a crying shame what has happened to the public school system in this COUNTRY, and how fearful people have become.

You're setting them up to be the standard hypocritical godbotherering Republican. Well done

Then you make a complete hypocrit of your politics by suggesting the public's school system is corrupt. They didn't mind using it when they couldn't afford private education. They didn't mind the socialism provided by some other taxpayers to pay for the school. Then in the next breath you complain about some one bludging on your taxes.
I'll bet some taxpayer money is included in the correct school they attend.

You are a hypocrite of Olympic proportions.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

Fortunately, I was able to send my daughter to a STEM school where that garbage wasn't taught.
My grands are in a private Christian school (taken out of the corrupt public school system), and they love it, and they have improved greatly in their grades, and in their mental states of mind's. Fact.

They also attended in person school instruction for the entire time Covid-19 has been around. They were out for a few days when someone on staff became sick with it, but then got right back at it once the school was cleaned. It's a crying shame what has happened to the public school system in this COUNTRY, and how fearful people have become.

You're setting them up to be the standard hypocritical godbotherering Republican. Well done

Then you make a complete hypocrit of your politics by suggesting the public's school system is corrupt. They didn't mind using it when they couldn't afford private education. They didn't mind the socialism provided by some other taxpayers to pay for the school. Then in the next breath you complain about some one bludging on your taxes.
I'll bet some taxpayer money is included in the correct school they attend.

You are a hypocrite of Olympic proportions.

Public schools are sewage dumps. They were decent before the federal govt took over and ruined them.
We need to start the beheadings soon.

Aren't you a nice piece of shit.
Because the democrats kicked out your idiot trump your answer is to execute them. No matter who they are. You fucking stinking grub. And you wonder why that authoritarianist attitude got trump kicked out.
You know nothing and shouldn't be allowed on here. You're a disgrace and an embarrassment to democracy. You sanctamonius arrogant prick.

Our installed invalid is a stench and disgrace to the country.
Oh yeah, and hurricanes and snowstorms are because of Trump and Republicans, huh. You people are dangerously stupid.

Here's the thing, buddy. The last five recessions (2020, 2008, 2001, 1990, 1981) happened when Republicans were in charge

Why do you think that is?

Not even close to correct. Dems were responsible for three of those recessions. 2020, 1981, and 2001.
We need to start the beheadings soon.

Aren't you a nice piece of shit.
Because the democrats kicked out your idiot trump your answer is to execute them. No matter who they are. You fucking stinking grub. And you wonder why that authoritarianist attitude got trump kicked out.
You know nothing and shouldn't be allowed on here. You're a disgrace and an embarrassment to democracy. You sanctamonius arrogant prick.

Our installed invalid is a stench and disgrace to the country.

Brilliant researched and not a hint of bias or fact to misconstrue your beliefs.
A direct extract from the Republican party " How to hate democrats for dummies".
You're pathetic. You must be terribly frustrated with me.
They aren’t tracking it evidently. I don’t live in a nutty leftist state, but I can imagine that if folks in the NE are speaking out about it at their school board meetings there is at the very least talk of adding it to their curriculum. Don’t be so naive. If they are teaching it in college, it most certainly will be in K-12 if not already. You know it, but don’t care.

Well, I do care.

So let's see if we can boil down the objection to CRT to it's base component. Fragile White People who don't want to admit that the nice life most of them used to enjoy (before Republicans fucked it up) was paid for on the backs of people of color, whether it be blacks brought over as slaves or Native Americans who were slaughtered so that we could take their land.

To which I say, "Get over yourself". You can have an honest evaluation of history, or you can have a Disneyfied version to reinforce your own self-worth.

You and others like you are too busy lamenting what happened in the past to deal with the present. That is the entire problem with the left. Any individual can make the conscious decision in the US to work hard and make it TODAY. Unfortunately, because of the constant leftiest drum beat of excuses, this isn’t happening as it should. Instead, many wain’t around on handouts instead of taking advange of the litany of opportunities.

A simile I have used in the past is apropos here. The left is like the team that gets a bad call in the first quarter and spends the rest of the game pouting and complaining about it instead of playing the rest of the game. That team will most certainly lose.
Do you think its about teaching students (correctly I might add) that the Founding Fathers enslaved other people?

This isn’t the question. Kids have been taught about the history of slavery for decades. This is about vilifying certain races of people simple due to their race and something that perhaps their forefathers did. This is about the the ridiculous notion of unconscious bias that, of course, evidently only exists among certain races.

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