America’s Rotten Academic Establishment Vomits Out More Demented Anti-White Rhetoric

And that's ok when black's do it eh ? The double standards are reaching epic levels, just as well as the hypocrisy.

Went into a big box store not long ago, and everyone working was black, now you explain to the class what that's about ???? Come on now, come up with a good one for us.

Uh, it's a big box store. They pay shitty wages. They probably couldn't afford white employees. Especially in the age of Covid.
You really are a first class racist idiot.
Blacks have paid taxes to get taught that we were slaves. So whites can pay taxess to be taught how complete slavery was in America as well as how complete Jim Crow was. Racist whites can stop whining because the shit should not have happened so you just have to suck it up just like have had to suck it up every year we learned about slavery, jim crow and Kings murder.

Yet you suck xidens dick like he was some saint, when he actually joined with other segregationist to block civil rights legislation. He said he didn't want his kids going to school in racial jungles. I'm sure you're going to make some excuse that xiden has evolved since then, yet you refuse to allow others the same consideration. That just makes you just a run of the mill commie hack.

Wrong answer son. Biden didn't block civil rights legislation and trump was found guilty of racial discrimination by no less liberal of a justice department than the Nixon DOJ. Do you know how bad the discrimination must have been for the Nixon administration to bust trump? Republicans have not evolved, they've become more racist as a party. You are an example of that. So excuse me if I don't want to join the party of voter suppression and the anglo saxon heritage caucus.

Your deflection notwithstanding, xidens history tells a different story.

But political experts and education policy researchers say Biden, a supporter of civil rights in other arenas, did not simply compromise with segregationists — he also led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students. His legislative work against school integration advanced a more palatable version of the “separate but equal” doctrine and undermined the nation’s short-lived effort at educational equality, legislative and education history experts say.

Now keep on sucking that dick son, and swallowing that propaganda. What you don't realize is you just proved your status of commie hackdom. LMAO

Why would you racist segregate the lunches, wouldn't it have been better to have all three at the same lunch?

They didn't all leave on the same day. Man, are you fucking retarded.

It was your lack of communication skills that left the topic open for questions, and you're calling me a retard? Run along commie, you're boing as hell.

Not even close to correct. Dems were responsible for three of those recessions. 2020, 1981, and 2001.

Okay, you tell yourself that.

As a matter of fact, the only Democrat recession in my lifetime was 1980, under Jimmy Carter.
You and others like you are too busy lamenting what happened in the past to deal with the present. That is the entire problem with the left. Any individual can make the conscious decision in the US to work hard and make it TODAY. Unfortunately, because of the constant leftiest drum beat of excuses, this isn’t happening as it should. Instead, many wain’t around on handouts instead of taking advange of the litany of opportunities.

Most people work hard and still struggle, Cleetus. The idea that you can overcome 400 years of institutionalized racism by "working hard" is laughable. It just means that if some racist cop sees you driving a nice car, he assumes you stole it.

A simile I have used in the past is apropos here. The left is like the team that gets a bad call in the first quarter and spends the rest of the game pouting and complaining about it instead of playing the rest of the game. That team will most certainly lose.

Actually, it's kind of a stupid analogy (not a simile), because the team has continued to get bad calls all through the game.

It was your lack of communication skills that left the topic open for questions, and you're calling me a retard? Run along commie, you're boing as hell.

Uh, Corky, I specifically said "Summer of 2012". Most non-retards would have realized Summer is several months long. Nobody is trying to steal your helmet, Corky.
Not even close to correct. Dems were responsible for three of those recessions. 2020, 1981, and 2001.

Okay, you tell yourself that.

As a matter of fact, the only Democrat recession in my lifetime was 1980, under Jimmy Carter.
Timing of election is part of that. Trump has a legit excuse. And this economy today is not real growth. It is fiat currency growth. Lots of inflation headed our way with some of here now.
Timing of election is part of that. Trump has a legit excuse. And this economy today is not real growth. It is fiat currency growth. Lots of inflation headed our way with some of here now.

Actually, what's happening is what happens in every recession. We get out of it by spending.
Most people work hard and still struggle, Cleetus. The idea that you can overcome 400 years of institutionalized racism by "working hard" is laughable. It just means that if some racist cop sees you driving a nice car, he assumes you stole it.

Institutionalized racism is another myth/excuse cooked up by the left. You bought it. Provide specific examples that exist today please. Don’t give me the unconscious bias crap either as if we are supposed to buy that people, well, only white people, are biased, are not aware of this bias and don’t act on this supposed bias.

Actually, it's kind of a stupid analogy (not a simile), because the team has continued to get bad calls all through the game.

Actually, the team that you are referring to never even got a bad call to begin with. The better analogy(your are correct) is the current Dallas Cowboys still moping and complaining about a bad call the 1972 Cowboys got. The current team is getting makeup calls every game, but as long as they continue to dwell on the call that doesn’t even affect the current game, they will never win.

How is this for a simile. You are like a lemming willing to follow your masters over a cliff.
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Timing of election is part of that. Trump has a legit excuse. And this economy today is not real growth. It is fiat currency growth. Lots of inflation headed our way with some of here now.

Actually, what's happening is what happens in every recession. We get out of it by spending.

Not by spending trillions of fiat. Economy is going to shoot into the stratosphere this summer and an epic collapse later after all of the govt bucks are gone. We don't get out of this one by spending. Too late for that.
Institutionalized racism is another myth/excuse cooked up by the left. You bought it. Provide specific examples that exist today please. Don’t give me the unconscious bias crap either as if we are supposed to buy that people, well, only white people, are biased, are not aware of this bias and don’t act on this supposed bias.

Everyone has an unconscious bias.. but when white people are in most of the positions of power, that translates into a bias for white people.

I told the story of my ex-manager who didn't have time to attend events for two long-term employees who were women of color, but he totally went out of his way to go to an event for an intern who was white and pretty.

Actually, the team that you are referring to never even got a bad call to begin with. The better analogy(your are correct) is the current Dallas Cowboys still moping and complaining about a bad call the 1972 Cowboys got. The current team is getting makeup calls every game, but as long as they continue to dwell on the call that doesn’t even affect the current game, they will never win.

Except, of course, that really doesn't apply. Blacks are more likely to be arrested. They are less likely to get jobs.

Here's one from the world I work in. Resume Writing. They did a study where they sent out resumes with identical experience and education, but the only difference is half of them had white names like "Emily" and "Greg" and half of them had black names like "Jamal" and "Lakeisha"

Guess which resumes got the callbacks?

Not by spending trillions of fiat. Economy is going to shoot into the stratosphere this summer and an epic collapse later after all of the govt bucks are gone. We don't get out of this one by spending. Too late for that.

Wow, you really are drinking the orange koolaid, aren't you?
And that's ok when black's do it eh ? The double standards are reaching epic levels, just as well as the hypocrisy.

Went into a big box store not long ago, and everyone working was black, now you explain to the class what that's about ???? Come on now, come up with a good one for us.

Uh, it's a big box store. They pay shitty wages. They probably couldn't afford white employees. Especially in the age of Covid.
You really are a first class racist idiot.
Can you believe that he exposed himself like that ??? Wow, what a lax in careful trolling that was.. lol .... That was a highly racist statement he just made, otherwise just like his new president Biden would have done. You go Joe Biden Jr. JoeB.
The last slave died over40 years ago. Live in the past and stay in the past. White people can’t help pull you forward when you would rather exhibit grudges.
White people should be done pulling anyone foward, otherwise if so be it the case. It's time to let go now. They (the ones guilty), are trying to shove the past down the white man's throat now, otherwise to hell with any progress or hope that was given to those who began to see a huge change for the better in America, because it's vengeance time now against the white man, who has otherwise already made the sacrifices, apologies, and the correction's nessesary to complete the problems of the past, and have since moved on into the future.
Can you believe that he exposed himself like that ??? Wow, what a lax in careful trolling that was.. lol .... That was a highly racist statement he just made, otherwise just like his new president Biden would have done. You go Joe Biden Jr. JoeB.

Just being realistic. I have no desire to work in a Big Box Store, do you?

White people should be done pulling anyone foward, otherwise if so be it the case. It's time to let go now. They (the ones guilty), are trying to shove the past down the white man's throat now, otherwise to hell with any progress or hope that was given to those who began to see a huge change for the better in America, because it's vengeance time now against the white man, who has otherwise already made the sacrifices, apologies, and the correction's nessesary to complete the problems of the past, and have since moved on into the future.

Except we haven't fixed the problems. We just did the bare minimum to keep people from rioting in the 1960's. Then we spent the next 50 years clawing back any progress... and here we are. We have riots again. Big surprise.

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