America's Ukraine Hypocrisy

Biden's handlers have the usual Democrat response to a foreign crisis. Screw over the American poor and middle classes as much as possible.
Yes there is. However ignoring how we got here, is utter ignorance. Do you learn from your mistakes, or do you repeat them?

No doubt you’re extremely upset about the US military adventures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen….

But I’m guessing not.
It’s not a matter of ignoring how we got here, contrary to your dishonest self serving effort to frame the matter. Rejected. It remains a matter of what Putin has done and is doing.

Are you seriously so stupid as not to grasp the probability that once Putin is allowed to get away with this aggression, he will consolidate and move on to say Moldova?

Hiding your head in the sand is an unwise policy, gimp.
I haven’t made a single strawman argument no matter how often you make that stupid and dishonest claim. I support my arguments. You don’t. The record speaks for itself. So toddlenoff how, child.

This is a STRAWMAN you made since I was talking about America meddling in other countries affairs and the article also did similar no mention of Russian invasion in the article at all

"But that doesn’t alter the responsibility of Putin for the war he started and is waging like the evil scumbag he is."

You are trying to drag in the Russian invasion shit shame on you.


"A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one."

You have been exposed.
It’s not a matter of ignoring how we got here, contrary to your dishonest self serving effort to frame the matter. Rejected. It remains a matter of what Putin has done and is doing.

Are you seriously so stupid as not to grasp the probability that once Putin is allowed to get away with this aggression, he will consolidate and move on to say Moldova?

Hiding your head in the sand is an unwise policy, gimp.
Lol. The old Hitler wants to conquer the world thinking, dumb Americans STILL believe.

Who will stop the most aggressive nation in the world? Any ideas?
It’s not a matter of ignoring how we got here, contrary to your dishonest self serving effort to frame the matter. Rejected. It remains a matter of what Putin has done and is doing.

Are you seriously so stupid as not to grasp the probability that once Putin is allowed to get away with this aggression, he will consolidate and move on to say Moldova?

Hiding your head in the sand is an unwise policy, gimp.
As I thought. You’re a hypocrite. The US can invade anytime it wants, but that fuckin’ Putin wants to conquer the WORLD!
This is a STRAWMAN you made since I was talking about America meddling in other countries affairs and the article also did similar no mention of Russian invasion in the article at all

"But that doesn’t alter the responsibility of Putin for the war he started and is waging like the evil scumbag he is."

You are trying to drag in the Russian invasion shit shame on you.


"A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one."

You have been exposed.
No. My argument is not a strawman. It is a valid statement about assigning guilt. Your argument lacks any shred of logic. You appear not to grasp the meaning of a “strawman argument.” Your ignorance is astounding.

Your dishonesty remains exposed.
This didn't happen in a vacuum and the Victor writes the history. Sort of pointless to divvy out blame now.
In the 1990's a decade of civil wars in Africa saw an unprecedented 10 MILLION civilian deaths ... more than half of them children.

The world never noticed.
No. They didn’t. That is a sad reality. And wars (complete with atrocities) like the Congo are still ongoing. Everything Russia is doing in Ukraine? They practiced first in Syria. With far less attention.
Lol. The old Hitler wants to conquer the world thinking, dumb Americans STILL believe.

Who will stop the most aggressive nation in the world? Any ideas?
Your argument is a total deflection, as you know. But it’s no secret. We all know it.

The USA didn’t invade Ukraine and isn’t the nation waging war there. Who did? Yes! That’s right! Putin’s Russia. And you can’t deny the probability of Putin learning the “lesson” that nobody will stand up to his aggression — so that places like Moldova are likely next targets.

He doesn’t have to be Hitler, you dolt, for us to learn the lessons of history. If you’re an American, YOU are the dumb American. I’d you’re not an American, your opinion about the intelligence of Americans is of even less value. Gfy.
I wonder if we had real-time non-stop video of the atrocities that have gone on in Syria, Somalia, The Congo, Central America etc. we would be similarly outraged?
Probably not. According to some, folks are only outraged b/c. . .. "they wypipo." :heehee:

As I thought. You’re a hypocrite. The US can invade anytime it wants, but that fuckin’ Putin wants to conquer the WORLD!
Nothing I said implies hypocrisy. You have no valid argument, so your lashing out like a little bitch. Of course, the reason for that is obvious. You are a little bitch.

When was the last time, by the way, that the United States invaded another nation to take it over? Be specific. Be accurate. And this time, try being honest.
Nothing I said implies hypocrisy. You have no valid argument, so your lashing out like a little bitch. Of course, the reason for that is obvious. You are a little bitch.

When was the last time, by the way, that the United States invaded another nation to take it over? Be specific. Be accurate. And this time, try being honest.
Lol. Yeah because our criminal government didn’t take over a nation that makes killing and destroying so cool.

Was 20 years in Afghanistan a take over? We still have troops in Germany an Japan. Does that count?

Please tell me your 15 years old.
Lol. Yeah because our criminal government didn’t take over a nation that makes killing and destroying so cool.

Was 20 years in Afghanistan a take over? We still have troops in Germany an Japan. Does that count?

Please tell me your 15 years old.
You may be even more mentally retarded than you’ve previously sounded. Very sad.

First, you call my government “criminal.” I don’t. Have they or any of them ever behaved criminally? Yes. But that’s a different proposition, you sack of stupid.

Second, I never said killing and destroying is cool. It isn’t even remotely a reasonable thing to derive from anything I have said. So, you’re a retarded asshole or an incorrigible liar. Maybe both.

And no. Our actions in Afghanistan were obviously not a “take over.” Back to you being a retard. And no, our troops in Germany and Japan is also not a “take-over” of those lands and obviously doesn’t “count.” Ever hear of treaties, you fuckwit simpleton hack?

Beyond that, fuck off. You’re an asshole on your best day. Sadly, this wasn’t even a good day for you, gimp.
You may be even more mentally retarded than you’ve previously sounded. Very sad.

First, you call my government “criminal.” I don’t. Have they or any of them ever behaved criminally? Yes. But that’s a different proposition, you sack of stupid.

Second, I never said killing and destroying is cool. It isn’t even remotely a reasonable thing to derive from anything I have said. So, you’re a retarded asshole or an incorrigible liar. Maybe both.

And no. Our actions in Afghanistan were obviously not a “take over.” Back to you being a retard. And no, our troops in Germany and Japan is also not a “take-over” of those lands and obviously doesn’t “count.” Ever hear of treaties, you fuckwit simpleton hack?

Beyond that, fuck off. You’re an asshole on your best day. Sadly, this wasn’t even a good day for you, gimp.
Think better.
It would help if you could think at all. But obviously, you can’t. You being a full blown retard an all.
This is such a good column and exposes fully fools like you.

please read…and learn…

Reliable Conservatives

Second, this business of Putin being the latest “threat” to . . . well, everything. Kind of like the way Americans would probably be threatened by Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact and Russia being able to station troops and missiles on the other side of San Diego, in Ciudad Juarez.

Yeah. We’d abide that.

Just as we did the Russians sidling up to the coast of America, via Cuba, back in 1962.

But Putin – Russia, actually – is supposed to abide NATO sidling right up to her equivalent of Ciudad Juarez, via the Ukraine – which the Western powers assured Russia would never become part of NATO.

This is insane – or something much worse.

Anyone not entirely an idiot understands that the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO is an even more obnoxious and even more alarming prospect for the Russians than the hypothetical prospect of Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact would be for Americans – especially American “conservatives.” While Mexico has never been part of the modern United States, Ukraine has been part of Russia for most of both their histories.

America braying at the Russians over the Ukraine is surely beyond galling to the Russians given how America dealt with states that tried to leave America.

Not to mention what America did recently in Iraq – which was Blitzkrieged in a manner that was remarkably like Operation Barbarossa –
Reliable Conservatives - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk
For decades elements of our ruling class have been lusting for a NATO-Russian conflict in the interests of the CCP.

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Sorry to belabor the matter, but what issue is more important?

Devotion to the CCP:

And we could talk about Feinstein, Swalwell, Hunter Biden
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Kolomoisky’s plan: Entangle NATO and Russia in war. Achieving CCP world domination much easier than expected.

Here’s Kolomoisky laughing at you:

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