Amid CV19 Lockdowns and Arrests, Where’s ANTIFA and ACLU?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
One preaches opposition to fascism, the other in support of Civil Liberties.

Not even a cricket chirp the past two months as people are arrested for standing on a street corner and surfing the ocean waves.

It’s almost as if their stated agendas are facades for exactly the opposite agendas....

One preaches opposition to fascism, the other in support of Civil Liberties.

Not even a cricket chirp the past two months as people are arrested for standing on a street corner and surfing the ocean waves.

It’s almost as if their stated agendas are facades for exactly the opposite agendas....

The ACLU is utterly useless. I stopped donating to them and following them on Facebook a few weeks ago. All they have been talking about for the past two months is the need to get prisoners in jail out of harm's way of the virus, while ignoring every other breach of our civil liberties across the country. They've completely jumped the shark with their priorities.
One preaches opposition to fascism, the other in support of Civil Liberties.

Not even a cricket chirp the past two months as people are arrested for standing on a street corner and surfing the ocean waves.

It’s almost as if their stated agendas are facades for exactly the opposite agendas....

The ACLU has decided only SJW approved civil liberties are worth defending, and the power of authority is OK as long as it is only applied to people low on the pity totem pole.

So, for example, with their opposition to the clarifications on Title IX based claims regarding bad college hookups set up by DeVos, the fact that one party is a woman, and thus oppressed, and one party is a man, and thus an oppressor, the need for due process is lessened for the so called oppressor in the name of Social Justice.

Thus social justice replaces actual justice.

They wish us to accept the shackles presented by the tyrannical overlords without resistance.

They'll scream discrimination when they realize those same shackles will be forced upon them too.


One preaches opposition to fascism, the other in support of Civil Liberties.

Not even a cricket chirp the past two months as people are arrested for standing on a street corner and surfing the ocean waves.

It’s almost as if their stated agendas are facades for exactly the opposite agendas....

The ACLU is utterly useless. I stopped donating to them and following them on Facebook a few weeks ago. All they have been talking about for the past two months is the need to get prisoners in jail out of harm's way of the virus, while ignoring every other breach of our civil liberties across the country. They've completely jumped the shark with their priorities.

They have shifted from direct civil liberty work, i.e. power vs. lack of power in discrete cases, to basing their view on the pity totem pole of oppressed identities. Thus the need to protect women accusing men of harassment or misbehavior is more important than protecting the men accused.

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