Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation

their opposition to the President elected by the people

....well, NOT really elected by the people....more like the electoral college...somewhat like GWB....don't you think?..........LOL
And BTW old even republicans are coming out in critical speeches against the vileness in our WH they fear 2018 election day .....but not you You want to be the last lady standing?
Yes, the Washington Establishment is stepping up their opposition to the President elected by the people, not the Party, who was sent to Washington to change the way things are done in Washington.

The Washington Establishment career politicians can NOT allow Trump to succeed, allowing the people to actually begin to believe the PEOPLE can decide for themselves who should be in Washington. That would make the career Washington Establishment politicians an 'endangered species'...
Easy take it easy Decide WHO should be in Washington??? This utter moron you helped put there has lost how many already that HE's put there?? Face the truth ,,he doesn't know his ass from his elbow
....well, NOT really elected by the people....more like the electoral college...somewhat like GWB....don't you think?..........LOL

God, you are so f*ing have no clue how our election process works, how the Electoral College process works.

And BTW old even republicans are coming out in critical speeches against the vileness in our WH they fear 2018 election day .....but not you You want to be the last lady standing?
Yes, the Washington Establishment is stepping up their opposition to the President elected by the people, not the Party, who was sent to Washington to change the way things are done in Washington.

The Washington Establishment career politicians can NOT allow Trump to succeed, allowing the people to actually begin to believe the PEOPLE can decide for themselves who should be in Washington. That would make the career Washington Establishment politicians an 'endangered species'...
Easy take it easy Decide WHO should be in Washington??? This utter moron you helped put there has lost how many already that HE's put there?? Face the truth ,,he doesn't know his ass from his elbow
And yet he kicked your criminal candidate's ass...

While you're chasing rainbows, the rest of us will be focused on the dirt coming out about the democrats.
This is going to be fun

Yes, yes......your ilk should be "proud" with what you've accomplished during these 7 months while having FULL control of D.C...............LOL
And BTW old even republicans are coming out in critical speeches against the vileness in our WH they fear 2018 election day .....but not you You want to be the last lady standing?
Yes, the Washington Establishment is stepping up their opposition to the President elected by the people, not the Party, who was sent to Washington to change the way things are done in Washington.

The Washington Establishment career politicians can NOT allow Trump to succeed, allowing the people to actually begin to believe the PEOPLE can decide for themselves who should be in Washington. That would make the career Washington Establishment politicians an 'endangered species'...
Easy take it easy Decide WHO should be in Washington??? This utter moron you helped put there has lost how many already that HE's put there?? Face the truth ,,he doesn't know his ass from his elbow
And yet he kicked your criminal candidate's ass...

Easy Trump is up and down like a whore's drawers........and he kicked no ones ass He won a narrow race and the states that put him over the top are very much in doubt now
Easy Trump is up and down like a whore's drawers........and he kicked no ones ass He won a narrow race and the states that put him over the top are very much in doubt now
Whatever you snowflakes have to tell yourselves, after predicting that 'landslide victory'.

Easy Trump is up and down like a whore's drawers........and he kicked no ones ass He won a narrow race and the states that put him over the top are very much in doubt now

On one of the latest polls (after Charlottesville), in the 3 states that helped Trump win (WI, PA and MI) TWO-THIRDS of those polled stated that Trump is "an embarrassment".......Go figure...LOL
Easy Trump is up and down like a whore's drawers........and he kicked no ones ass He won a narrow race and the states that put him over the top are very much in doubt now
Whatever you snowflakes have to tell yourselves, after predicting that 'landslide victory'.

Could the polls have been so wrong or could there have been another reason ?? I wouldn't put anything past republican thievery
Why isn't Trump impeached yet?

Months ago you morons said "we got him now!"

Now you are saying: "We got him now!"

In another 6 months you'll be saying "We got him now!"

You morons are a laugh riot.
Whatever you snowflakes have to tell yourselves, after predicting that 'landslide victory'.

THREE MILLION more votes for Hillary is just about what someone would call a "landslide victory".....You see, polls gauge people's votes NOT the electoral college's whims.........Find a grown up to explain the difference to you.
Why isn't Trump impeached yet?

How can Trump get impeached with a majority of GOP ass kissers in Congress??

Naaahh, Trump will not ever be impeached......resignation, is much more likely.
Could the polls have been so wrong or could there have been another reason

Actually, the polls were on target......REMEMBER, that most pollsters gauge INDIVIDUALS' opinions.......not the electoral college.
While you're chasing rainbows, the rest of us will be focused on the dirt coming out about the democrats.
This is going to be fun

Yes, yes......your ilk should be "proud" with what you've accomplished during these 7 months while having FULL control of D.C...............LOL
Considering how bad the swamp really is, I'm not surprised things aren't happening quicker.
Things will change after the voters remove those who are standing in the way of progress.
Whatever you snowflakes have to tell yourselves, after predicting that 'landslide victory'.

THREE MILLION more votes for Hillary is just about what someone would call a "landslide victory".....You see, polls gauge people's votes NOT the electoral college's whims.........Find a grown up to explain the difference to you.
Do you hear how stupid you sound?

You're still crying about an insignificant popularity contest that has nothing to do with picking the President, further exposing your ignorance regarding our election process.

YOU snowflakes are the ones who predicted your national security endangering felon would win in a landslide victory...only to have her rejected by American voters ... AGAIN!

Then you hilariously declare POLLS gauge people's votes, not actual votes, and 'not the electoral college'.

Every time you post you further expose how you have no f*ing clue about our election process and that you are as dumb as a pile of dirt ... or a violent, pee-throwing moron who thinks 'you have to perpetrate violence to protect non-violence'.

There are no Russians but hang onto that while sucking your thumb and holding your doodle in your safe space

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