

Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Is admitting a crime has been committed. Now the word is obscene, hurtful, racist, demeaning, offensive to Hispanic as “Illegal Aliens” and must not be used in relating to Illegal Aliens. Obama cannot grant them amnesty because it would be admitting they have committed a crime and are criminals. So he call it Comp. Immg. Reform without and not enforce the fines, back taxes, learni English,etc. Blank amnesty.

In criminal law, a sovereign act of oblivion or forgetfulness (from Greek amnestia, forgetfulness) granted by a government, especially to a group of persons who are guilty of (usually political) crimes in the past. It is often conditional upon the group's return to obedience and duty within a prescribed period. pardon.
Read more: amnesty: Definition, Synonyms from

Amnesty (ăm'nəstē), in law, exemption from prosecution for criminal action. It signifies forgiveness and the forgetting of past actions. Amnesties are usually extended to a group of persons during a period of prolonged disorder or insurrection. The criminals are offered a promise of immunity from prosecution if they will abandon their unlawful activities. After a revolution or civil war the victorious side will often extend amnesty to the losers; e.g., the United States granted a qualified amnesty to the Confederate forces after the Civil War. An amnesty is distinguished from a pardon, which is an act of forgiveness after the criminal has already been convicted.
Read more: amnesty: Definition, Synonyms from

Ps, Gerald suggest we should stop and frisk Chicagoans for guan if there is reasonable suspicions, but cannot do the same it there is reasonable or probable to identify Illegal Aliens who are as much of a threat as terrorist. “Stop an Frisk?” Really and he want to run for the senate? Wouldn’t that be racial profiling?
Its all about the votes and cash. Doesnt matter if they are hispanics or martians doesnt matter if you broke the law or not, doesnt matter if you cost regular joe taxpayer a fortune, doesnt matter if they add to the deficit all that matters is the VOTES BABY and its not just an Obama thing Reagan did alot more to screw this up he gave millions amnesty and left the border wide open.

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