Amoral, Immoral, Moral: What do they mean to you?


Aug 25, 2010
Hello, my name is Mary and I am fourteen years old, just shy of fifteen. My mother and I were discussing the diffrences between amoral, immoral, and moral and how the meanings have changed over the years.
Merriam Webster's definiton of the words include:
Amoral - being neither moral nor immoral; specifically lying outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply; lacking moral sensibility
Moral - of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior; ethical; expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior; conforming to a standard of right behavior; sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment; capable of right and wrong action
Immoral - not moral; conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles
I believe that these definitons are correct however people look at immoral, moral, and amoral things different depending on their culture. Like, in other countries it might be okay for an eleven-year-old could be prostituted and it would not be moral or immoral but amoral to them. It is neither good nor bad. I also believe that babies are born with a set of moral values already. The simple basics on what is right and wrong. Example: Not killing people. My mother believes that new borns' morals are developed on how they grow up, what TV shows they watch, how their parents act around them.
My question is what do you think about this post? Are babies born with a blank slate or do they already know left from right? What are your definitons of moral, amoral, immoral? Do you believe that the media is corrupting America's children?
Please leave a comment with your response. I'm eager to hear what your thoughts are!
Hello, my name is Mary and I am fourteen years old, just shy of fifteen. My mother and I were discussing the diffrences between amoral, immoral, and moral and how the meanings have changed over the years.
Merriam Webster's definiton of the words include:
Amoral - being neither moral nor immoral; specifically lying outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply; lacking moral sensibility
Moral - of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior; ethical; expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior; conforming to a standard of right behavior; sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment; capable of right and wrong action
Immoral - not moral; conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles
I believe that these definitons are correct however people look at immoral, moral, and amoral things different depending on their culture. Like, in other countries it might be okay for an eleven-year-old could be prostituted and it would not be moral or immoral but amoral to them. It is neither good nor bad. I also believe that babies are born with a set of moral values already. The simple basics on what is right and wrong. Example: Not killing people. My mother believes that new borns' morals are developed on how they grow up, what TV shows they watch, how their parents act around them.
My question is what do you think about this post? Are babies born with a blank slate or do they already know left from right? What are your definitons of moral, amoral, immoral? Do you believe that the media is corrupting America's children?
Please leave a comment with your response. I'm eager to hear what your thoughts are!

First of all, one word of advice, starting your post with age/sex and being a teenager is a BAD idea. Most people will think you are a troll (i.e. actually, 47, male, lives in mom's basement.) and if you are ACTUALLY 15/female then the above mentioned trolls will start sending you nasty, nasty, PM's (again, male, 47, basement dweller)

If you are a troll, interesting forum to select, well played, well played.

As for answering the question (if you is trollin i suppose you will get some satisfaction out of this) yes amoral implies lack of morality, while immoral implies opposition to it. To reference the old Dungeon's and Dragon's Alignments, amoral would be lawful/chaotic/true neutral while immoral would be lawful/chaotic/neutral evil.
I believe that babies are born knowing the difference between "right and wrong". That being said, they must be rewarded or punished to 'encourage' the proper behavior.
Example: a baby will take something from another (and they will look around to see who is watching), and unless they are 'encouraged' to share, they 'learn' to steal. It is the same way with bearing false witness or hurting another. If the behavior is guided towards the 'moral' side, the child is more likely to carry the behavior into adulthood. If 'bad' behavior is tolerated or encouraged ("isn't that cute!) the child is more likely to become immoral and carry that behavior into adulthood.
Well....I think we are born with knowing certain moral not killing another human being....this could be from God, searing right from wrong in to our heads, or from the evolution of man...a survival gene mutation of sort.

After that point, I believe your mother is right, our environment (upbringing) reinforces this, adds a lot of caveats to it, or down right defies it.

What do i think about your post? Good question.

You speak to well for the age you claim to be. You also use semicolons and colons.

You're a troll and a liar as far as i am concerned.


What do i think about your post? Good question.

You speak to well for the age you claim to be. You also use semicolons and colons.

You're a troll and a liar as far as i am concerned.

I don't think so.

What do i think about your post? Good question.

You speak to well for the age you claim to be. You also use semicolons and colons.

You're a troll and a liar as far as i am concerned.

Now now, some teens do know how to compose grammatically correct paragraphs.

My 15 yo is a grammar nazi, which is a good thing since she gets graded on being one lol.

Now, for a 14 yo gal to pose this question on an adult message board with her "moms" blessing, meh.

Last 15 year old "girl" who posted on here really was a 40 year old man lmao.

What do i think about your post? Good question.

You speak to well for the age you claim to be. You also use semicolons and colons.

You're a troll and a liar as far as i am concerned.

Now now, some teens do know how to compose grammatically correct paragraphs.

My 15 yo is a grammar nazi, which is a good thing since she gets graded on being one lol.

Now, for a 14 yo gal to pose this question on an adult message board with her "moms" blessing, meh.

Last 15 year old "girl" who posted on here really was a 40 year old man lmao.

Troll. And if it was me with the buttons i would be looking for the ban button just based on the fact of the claimed age :lol:
This give me an opprotunity for a BOXXY PIC

What do i think about your post? Good question.

You speak to well for the age you claim to be. You also use semicolons and colons.

You're a troll and a liar as far as i am concerned.

It may just be that she's home-schooled.:)
My mother believes that new borns' morals are developed on how they grow up, what TV shows they watch, how their parents act around them.
My question is what do you think about this post? Are babies born with a blank slate or do they already know left from right?

I tend to believe that your mother is more likely to be right about the issue. Babies are born with personality tendencies and hard-wired ways of perceiving and interacting with the world around them, but exposure to culture weighs heavily on their behavioral development. Whatever one sees repeatedly becomes the norm, no matter how screwed up it is. This is why you will see women who were abused as children marry (and stay with) abusive men, and you will see abused children, who hated the abuse from their parents, abuse their own children.

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