'Amount Of Meth Pouring Across The US Southern Border Is Skyrocketing' - Still No 'Emergency'

Without NAFTA reform imported methamphetamine will continue to displace meth made in the USA. We must do something to stop it.

With an estimation of 1 Million illegals projected to criminally cross our southern border in 2019, the amound of illegal drugs illegally entering the US is exploding...

'Law enforcement officials are confiscating substantially larger amounts of methamphetamine as Mexican drug cartels increasingly push the drug into U.S. markets.

A drug-tracking system from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) indicates that a total of 347,807 law enforcement meth seizures were submitted to various labs across the country in 2017,
according to a Wall Street Journal report. The number is a 118 percent hike from 2010 submissions.

U.S. meth-related deaths hit 6,762 in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is approximately 3.5 times the amount in 2011. While specific data beyond 2016 is not currently available, provisional data through July 2018 indicates that meth-related deaths are still climbing.

The flood of meth, a popular synthetic drug that is made in labs, has made it much more affordable for U.S. consumers and inflamed the drug overdose crisis
currently plaguing the country.

“Everybody’s biggest fear is what’s it going to look like if meth hits us like fentanyl did”

Despite Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer having declared the situation at our southern border a 'crisis' / 'emergency' in the past, what will it take for Democrats to admit there is one now?

The Amount Of Meth Pouring Across The US Southern Border Is Skyrocketing
From your own link

“They’re flooding it through tunnels, they’re flooding it through ports of entry, they’re flooding it between ports of entry,” stated DEA Special Agent Doug Coleman.

A wall isn't going to stop oit. They ALREADY come through tunnels/ MOre wall...more tunnels...and there's still those "ports of entry"
No one ever said only one thing would stop or slow illegal entry. As each method is implemented resources can be used at another location.

We can't get into the stupidity of saying we can't put up a wall because the tunnels will still be there but we can't close the tunnels because there is no wall. We can't use more agents at the ports of entry because they are needed for the tunnels.

See. Stupid.
With an estimation of 1 Million illegals projected to criminally cross our southern border in 2019, the amound of illegal drugs illegally entering the US is exploding...

'Law enforcement officials are confiscating substantially larger amounts of methamphetamine as Mexican drug cartels increasingly push the drug into U.S. markets.

A drug-tracking system from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) indicates that a total of 347,807 law enforcement meth seizures were submitted to various labs across the country in 2017,
according to a Wall Street Journal report. The number is a 118 percent hike from 2010 submissions.

U.S. meth-related deaths hit 6,762 in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is approximately 3.5 times the amount in 2011. While specific data beyond 2016 is not currently available, provisional data through July 2018 indicates that meth-related deaths are still climbing.

The flood of meth, a popular synthetic drug that is made in labs, has made it much more affordable for U.S. consumers and inflamed the drug overdose crisis
currently plaguing the country.

“Everybody’s biggest fear is what’s it going to look like if meth hits us like fentanyl did”

Despite Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer having declared the situation at our southern border a 'crisis' / 'emergency' in the past, what will it take for Democrats to admit there is one now?

The Amount Of Meth Pouring Across The US Southern Border Is Skyrocketing
You should stop using meth.
Thank you for adding Nothing to the discussion
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...
"what will it take for Democrats to admit there is one now?"

Obviously, it will take getting the demtards out of Congress.
"Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

Constitution of the United States - We the People

The government is supposed to be keeping out invaders, what's up?
you need more drug sniffing dogs, more scanners, as well as more agents at our legal border crossings.... that can catch the bulk of it.

WHY is Trump not doing this? He was given the money for it in last year's and this year's budget.
Additional border patrol agents would be more helpful than a wall. And less expensive. How about no wall, but we get more border patrol agents and better technology? Surely we can all agree that that would at least help prevent meth getting into the country, right? RIGHT?!

But we know you Trump supporters would never agree to that. This "emergency" argument has NOTHING to do with preventing meth getting into the country. This is 100% about Trump trying to half-fulfill the idiotic idea that he campaigned on, and nothing more.
Indiana in the United States of America is the meth capital of the WORLD. How is a wall going to change that?
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...

One has nothing to do with the other. What a stupid statement. Human trafficking is the issue with Mexico and controlled by the cartels. Innocent young girls get abused daily. Drugs are not the only issue.
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...

One has nothing to do with the other. What a stupid statement. Human trafficking is the issue with Mexico and controlled by the cartels. Innocent young girls get abused daily. Drugs are not the only issue.

Speaking of stupid...did you not read the OP?
The wall isn't going to address human trafficking. There are tunnels under the existing bits of wall. More wall...more tunnels...and that ignores the fact that with just tools from my shed I could cut a hole in the wall big enough to drive a truck through in a day.

You think people with an economic incentive to do that can't?

You want to curb illegal aliens? Go after the jobs they come here for. Make employers pay dearly for hiring them and you'll have your solution.

But that wouldn't punish brown people...so you have no interest in that
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...

One has nothing to do with the other. What a stupid statement. Human trafficking is the issue with Mexico and controlled by the cartels. Innocent young girls get abused daily. Drugs are not the only issue.

Speaking of stupid...did you not read the OP?

And? The OP only relays part of the message. Only an idiot would be this myopic. Aka you.
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...

One has nothing to do with the other. What a stupid statement. Human trafficking is the issue with Mexico and controlled by the cartels. Innocent young girls get abused daily. Drugs are not the only issue.

Speaking of stupid...did you not read the OP?

And? The OP only relays part of the message. Only an idiot would be this myopic. Aka you.

I was responding to the OP. You were off topic. Idiotic is thinking a wall (that Mexico ISN'T paying for) equals border security. What is myopic is thinking a wall will do anything with our broken immigration system.
  • The number one state that has now taken over as the meth capital of the U.S. and the meth capital of the world is Indiana. Indiana has busted thousands of meth labs, and it’s particularly problematic in Vanderburgh County, which is the area around Evansville. It’s gotten so bad in this so-called meth capital of the world and meth capital of the U.S. that public officials are warning people that trash left outdoors could be corrosive, toxic or flammable.
What is the Meth Capital of the US | Also Meth Capital of the World?

Are we sure it's not going TO Mexico...

One has nothing to do with the other. What a stupid statement. Human trafficking is the issue with Mexico and controlled by the cartels. Innocent young girls get abused daily. Drugs are not the only issue.

Speaking of stupid...did you not read the OP?

And? The OP only relays part of the message. Only an idiot would be this myopic. Aka you.

I was responding to the OP. You were off topic. Idiotic is thinking a wall (that Mexico ISN'T paying for) equals border security. What is myopic is thinking a wall will do anything with our broken immigration system.

It will help. I am not an expert but...I listen to former Navy Seals.

Dan Crenshaw defends President Trump and border wall in first-floor speech in Congress

With an estimation of 1 Million illegals projected to criminally cross our southern border in 2019, the amound of illegal drugs illegally entering the US is exploding...

'Law enforcement officials are confiscating substantially larger amounts of methamphetamine as Mexican drug cartels increasingly push the drug into U.S. markets.

A drug-tracking system from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) indicates that a total of 347,807 law enforcement meth seizures were submitted to various labs across the country in 2017,
according to a Wall Street Journal report. The number is a 118 percent hike from 2010 submissions.

U.S. meth-related deaths hit 6,762 in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is approximately 3.5 times the amount in 2011. While specific data beyond 2016 is not currently available, provisional data through July 2018 indicates that meth-related deaths are still climbing.

The flood of meth, a popular synthetic drug that is made in labs, has made it much more affordable for U.S. consumers and inflamed the drug overdose crisis
currently plaguing the country.

“Everybody’s biggest fear is what’s it going to look like if meth hits us like fentanyl did”

Despite Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer having declared the situation at our southern border a 'crisis' / 'emergency' in the past, what will it take for Democrats to admit there is one now?

The Amount Of Meth Pouring Across The US Southern Border Is Skyrocketing
From your own link

“They’re flooding it through tunnels, they’re flooding it through ports of entry, they’re flooding it between ports of entry,” stated DEA Special Agent Doug Coleman.

A wall isn't going to stop oit. They ALREADY come through tunnels/ MOre wall...more tunnels...and there's still those "ports of entry"

Idiotic is thinking a wall (that Mexico ISN'T paying for) equals border security.

Look shit for brains, there are more ways to pay than with pesos. For instance shit for brains, just keeping a bunch of worthless wetbacks IN mexico is worth money to get rid of them. And shit for brains, getting them out of my country will pay for the wall, many times over, in savings. Got it shit for brains?

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