Amusing: Why Jews don't need Christmas trees.

Would others please start asking these guys if they believe HaShev is a prophet and the messiah. Because from his website that sure does appear to be the case.
That is a very good joke Votto and I use it every time I go to a store and see a women named Ruth.... Remember in the Jewish scriptures we are shown that Everyman has imperfections they are merely human all their deficiencies are shown... Warts and all.. None are deemed perfect that is the difference between what is taught about Jesus in the New Testament as all his warts and blemishes are hidden... This should make you think carefully about who and what is being portrayed and who is really the " crazy" ones....
I have seen anything about warts in the Tenakh.

Open sores sure.

But not warts.
It is hard to turn a frog into a prince hence warts and all...All the blemishes were left in .. If you will pardon the pun I find it easier then " kissing" up to a " sows" ear that is deemed " perfect" try not to take offence to what is being revealed ... Most of us are adults and we can figure out things for ourselves and who is telling truthes and lies... Besides everyone here can look up information on their own and figure things out if we are not too busy in our daily lives....
Would others please start asking these guys if they believe HaShev is a prophet and the messiah. Because from his website that sure does appear to be the case.
What is the link to the website please?
That is a very good joke Votto and I use it every time I go to a store and see a women named Ruth.... Remember in the Jewish scriptures we are shown that Everyman has imperfections they are merely human all their deficiencies are shown... Warts and all.. None are deemed perfect that is the difference between what is taught about Jesus in the New Testament as all his warts and blemishes are hidden... This should make you think carefully about who and what is being portrayed and who is really the " crazy" ones....
I have seen anything about warts in the Tenakh.

Open sores sure.

But not warts.
It is hard to turn a frog into a prince hence warts and all...All the blemishes were left in .. If you will pardon the pun I find it easier then " kissing" up to a " sows" ear that is deemed " perfect" try not to take offence to what is being revealed ... Most of us are adults and we can figure out things for ourselves and who is telling truthes and lies... Besides everyone here can look up information on their own and figure things out if we are not too busy in our daily lives....
It's just funny how these old wives' tales get started ... warts and all.

Would others please start asking these guys if they believe HaShev is a prophet and the messiah. Because from his website that sure does appear to be the case.
What is the link to the website please?
Moshiach Related Sites

Why do we need a Messiah?

"Then we have the Jewish Community who is required to obey the top messenger. To many verses to list, point directly to Archangel Michael as the Moshiach.
Isaiah Commentary: (IQSb,v 20-29) is a Blessing of the Prince of the Congregation (Archangel Michael), referring to the Triumphant Davidic Messiah as the same.
Daniel 12:1-3, Dan 10:21, mention obvious Messiah roles, and in the ancient Scrolls (1QM v, 1-2) States: He’s to busy fighting the transgressions and lifting the veil to do his Messiah roles, then points out, "God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael." (IQ28b Blessings- V..20)and many other scroll fragments also mentions THE Michael as the Messiah. Malakyah (Malachi) 3:1-2 1 Behold, I will send My Messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. Then suddenly He will come to His TEMPLE, the Ruler Whom you are seeking: the Messenger of the Covenant, in Whom you delight. Behold, He comes! says Yahweh of hosts. 2 But who may endure the day of His coming? And who will stand when He appears?... (Melakim I Kings 8:43) says the name of the Temple would cary his name:"MIKdaSH" Now the Hindus wait the one who "removes Death" from our lives and calls him; “Shiva” or 'Ma/heshv/ar'- Lord Conquerer of Death, which was often depicted with the Moon (NIGHT), similar to the Talmudic tradition where the Messiah was represented by the moon. Also Jews are to keep the 7th (SHEVA) day holy in rememberance of his name. Shiva is known as The 'MokSham' meaning 'Liberator' and in both Hindi and Punjabi ‘SHAM’ means ‘EVENING’ while in Judaism 'Shalem' was the liberating Evening Star who'd bring peace to YeruShalem (city of Shalem to become the city of Shalom [peace]).

Why is this Important? Cause my Hebrew last name "HaShev" matches the name used, along with my work on conquering death being their expectation similar to the Hebrews expecting Moshiach removing Death as the story of Michael the Evening Star removing the Devil (Morning Star) and his decay (death)."
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Jews don't have xmas trees because they couldn't find any land to steal that had any.
Spreading the Mudda I see...Stealing land what land are you talking about and where do you live and on whose land.... Trees were worshipped and adorned we are forbidden from doing so it is that simple.. Maybe you are from down under I understand Eucalyptus tree grow well in the Mud...
After WWII, did Jews think to themselves: "Ok, we've pissed off the Germans enough for now, let's see who else we can piss off next?" and then all moved to Palestine?
Is that your take on it Mudda... Wow... So ignorant... Did you know that the Germans didn't just slaughter their Jews during world war 2 they also slaughtered them previously during the times of the crusades and they weren't the only ones everybody got in on that game ..You see they practised killing them before going to the Middle East and slaughtering others who did not share their faith...Google it it is not hard to find ... It was easy too as they were unarmed just like they were prior to world war 2.. You see Jews have always been easy pickings because they were in small numbers in a host country and usually without power or the means to fight back... It only bothers the people who have slaughtered the Jews and their descendants when they felt like it when the Jews could fight back after all a Jew should fight fair and let their tormentors tie their hands behind their backs so they can torment and kill them without repercussions. That is what is going on today the whole world would like to tie little Israels hands behind her back so they can easily kill them like before..... But Mudda things have changed and this time we will not go quietly into the night... This time we will take you all with us like Samson did all the little bully's that only attack someone who they think can't defend themselves... That is why the whole world is so pissed off.... Wink.....
Is that your take on it Mudda... Wow... So ignorant... Did you know that the Germans didn't just slaughter their Jews during world war 2 they also slaughtered them previously during the times of the crusades and they weren't the only ones everybody got in on that game ..You see they practised killing them before going to the Middle East and slaughtering others who did not share their faith...Google it it is not hard to find ... It was easy too as they were unarmed just like they were prior to world war 2.. You see Jews have always been easy pickings because they were in small numbers in a host country and usually without power or the means to fight back... It only bothers the people who have slaughtered the Jews and their descendants when they felt like it when the Jews could fight back after all a Jew should fight fair and let their tormentors tie their hands behind their backs so they can torment and kill them without repercussions. That is what is going on today the whole world would like to tie little Israels hands behind her back so they can easily kill them like before..... But Mudda things have changed and this time we will not go quietly into the night... This time we will take you all with us like Samson did all the little bully's that only attack someone who they think can't defend themselves... That is why the whole world is so pissed off.... Wink.....
Ok, so Michael has admitted to being the Messiah. Are you going to admit that you believe he is the Messiah?
Is that your take on it Mudda... Wow... So ignorant... Did you know that the Germans didn't just slaughter their Jews during world war 2 they also slaughtered them previously during the times of the crusades and they weren't the only ones everybody got in on that game ..You see they practised killing them before going to the Middle East and slaughtering others who did not share their faith...Google it it is not hard to find ... It was easy too as they were unarmed just like they were prior to world war 2.. You see Jews have always been easy pickings because they were in small numbers in a host country and usually without power or the means to fight back... It only bothers the people who have slaughtered the Jews and their descendants when they felt like it when the Jews could fight back after all a Jew should fight fair and let their tormentors tie their hands behind their backs so they can torment and kill them without repercussions. That is what is going on today the whole world would like to tie little Israels hands behind her back so they can easily kill them like before..... But Mudda things have changed and this time we will not go quietly into the night... This time we will take you all with us like Samson did all the little bully's that only attack someone who they think can't defend themselves... That is why the whole world is so pissed off.... Wink.....
Ok, so Michael has admitted to being the Messiah. Are you going to admit that you believe he is the Messiah?
I see my post to you on the light topic was deleted so I will ask you again are you like Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day and do you sell insurance are you going to admit it ? DING....
Is that your take on it Mudda... Wow... So ignorant... Did you know that the Germans didn't just slaughter their Jews during world war 2 they also slaughtered them previously during the times of the crusades and they weren't the only ones everybody got in on that game ..You see they practised killing them before going to the Middle East and slaughtering others who did not share their faith...Google it it is not hard to find ... It was easy too as they were unarmed just like they were prior to world war 2.. You see Jews have always been easy pickings because they were in small numbers in a host country and usually without power or the means to fight back... It only bothers the people who have slaughtered the Jews and their descendants when they felt like it when the Jews could fight back after all a Jew should fight fair and let their tormentors tie their hands behind their backs so they can torment and kill them without repercussions. That is what is going on today the whole world would like to tie little Israels hands behind her back so they can easily kill them like before..... But Mudda things have changed and this time we will not go quietly into the night... This time we will take you all with us like Samson did all the little bully's that only attack someone who they think can't defend themselves... That is why the whole world is so pissed off.... Wink.....
Ok, so Michael has admitted to being the Messiah. Are you going to admit that you believe he is the Messiah?
I see my post to you on the light topic was deleted so I will ask you again are you like Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day and do you sell insurance are you going to admit it ? DING....
Don't blame me, lol. I loved that post. When are you going to stop denying your prophet?
As usual you are taking the toplcs off thread and continuing to disrupt the threads... Ding you would not know how to tell a prophet or a messiah if it was right in front of your face if you knew the criteria then you would realize the Jesus of the New Testament was a complete and abysmal failure .... Don't feel badly though there have been many who have failed and duped the masses so you are not alone... Instead of constantly flaming all these threads and posts why don't you study for yourself by googling what is required of a prophet to be one or of a messiah( and there were many of them in the Hebrew Scriptures) The thing you should understand is that someone like Netanyahu( to make this simple for you) is a type of messiah as he is the elected or anointed leader of Israel at this time despite all his warts and blemishes and that whoever becomes the next leader of Israel will also be one and so on... Get rid of your erroneous fantasies regarding " Messiah" and think of him as a head of a large company or corporation or country that is as simple as I can make it for you...
As usual you are taking the toplcs off thread and continuing to disrupt the threads... Ding you would not know how to tell a prophet or a messiah if it was right in front of your face if you knew the criteria then you would realize the Jesus of the New Testament was a complete and abysmal failure .... Don't feel badly though there have been many who have failed and duped the masses so you are not alone... Instead of constantly flaming all these threads and posts why don't you study for yourself by googling what is required of a prophet to be one or of a messiah( and there were many of them in the Hebrew Scriptures) The thing you should understand is that someone like Netanyahu( to make this simple for you) is a type of messiah as he is the elected or anointed leader of Israel at this time despite all his warts and blemishes and that whoever becomes the next leader of Israel will also be one and so on... Get rid of your erroneous fantasies regarding " Messiah" and think of him as a head of a large company or corporation or country that is as simple as I can make it for you...
Do you believe he is a prophet or not? It is a fair question.

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