Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than Known VP Contenders


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than The Known VP Contenders

Democrat Amy McGrath’s political views are much more compatible with Status Quo Joe’s congressional voting record than the women‭ ‬reportedly being considered for his VP.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there is more to winning elections than appeasing the party’s progressives.

McGrath is running for Moscow Mitch’s Kentucky Senate seat,‭ ‬and with conservatives greatly outnumbering rational people in that state,‭ ‬if push comes to shove,‭ ‬it’s certain an adequate number of centrists will step up to save ultra-conservative Moscow Mitch’s a$$‭ ‬on November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬McGrath will undoubtedly run a close race against Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬but will inevitably fall short.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why waste her superior ability to woo centrists in a senate race when the party’s needs would be better served choosing McGrath for VP to attract centrist voters to the Democratic presidential ticket‭?

During the primary elections,‭ ‬centrist voters demonstrated their disapproval of the progressive women the Democrats were offering as candidates.‭ ‬It was the centrists‭’ ‬votes that put Status Quo Joe easily over the top,‭ ‬making him the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.‭

Party leaders must realize that twelve percent of Bernie voters have said they will‭ ‬not vote for Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬which makes the choice of VP even more important.‭ ‬Choosing the billionaire and corporate-friendly McGrath as his running mate would swing more than enough centrists away from the impeached president trump to easily replace that lost twelve percent of Bernie voters.

Opinions differ widely on the correct choice for Status Quo Joe’s VP,‭ ‬but his running mate should maximize the trust of centrist voters,‭ ‬while at the same time avoid angering major political contributors with the threat of progressive ideals invading the White House.

This threat of progressive ideals looms large in the eyes of major political contributors,‭ ‬given Status Quo Joe’s advanced age and the strong possibility he will be unable to complete his term as POTUS.‭ ‬Amy McGrath’s decidedly billionaire and corporate-friendly political views are considerably more acceptable to those major political contributors, so choosing her for VP would go far in putting them at ease and encourage their future......generosity.‭

Amy McGrath’s presence on the ticket with Status Quo Joe would also put at ease many additional centrist voters who are uncomfortable with the current list of progressive VP contenders.

With Amy McGrath in position to assume the presidency if Status Quo Joe becomes unable to continue in office,‭ ‬a cohesive administration can be established before any such‭ ‬occurrence,‭ ‬which would assure the unwanted and profit-restricting progressive policies and programs reduced,‭ ‬reversed,‭ ‬or eliminated by the impeached president trump would not return.‭

Nahhhhh... Amy needs to pull some time in the Senate to gain the kind of experience she'll need to run for President on her own one day.

Meanwhile... Amy can do good service for Joe, for the People, and the Republic, by putting Moscow (Turtle) Mitch out to pasture in November.
And if she doesn't win, there are lots of jobs in the administration or cabinet she could be appointed to.....

He needs someone with experience in both foreign and domestic affairs that he trusts and melds well with.... someone he likes and trusts.... which could be none of my choices or wishes....
Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than The Known VP Contenders

Democrat Amy McGrath’s political views are much more compatible with Status Quo Joe’s congressional voting record than the women‭ ‬reportedly being considered for his VP.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there is more to winning elections than appeasing the party’s progressives.

McGrath is running for Moscow Mitch’s Kentucky Senate seat,‭ ‬and with conservatives greatly outnumbering rational people in that state,‭ ‬if push comes to shove,‭ ‬it’s certain an adequate number of centrists will step up to save ultra-conservative Moscow Mitch’s a$$‭ ‬on November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬McGrath will undoubtedly run a close race against Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬but will inevitably fall short.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why waste her superior ability to woo centrists in a senate race when the party’s needs would be better served choosing McGrath for VP to attract centrist voters to the Democratic presidential ticket‭?

During the primary elections,‭ ‬centrist voters demonstrated their disapproval of the progressive women the Democrats were offering as candidates.‭ ‬It was the centrists‭’ ‬votes that put Status Quo Joe easily over the top,‭ ‬making him the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.‭

Party leaders must realize that twelve percent of Bernie voters have said they will‭ ‬not vote for Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬which makes the choice of VP even more important.‭ ‬Choosing the billionaire and corporate-friendly McGrath as his running mate would swing more than enough centrists away from the impeached president trump to easily replace that lost twelve percent of Bernie voters.

Opinions differ widely on the correct choice for Status Quo Joe’s VP,‭ ‬but his running mate should maximize the trust of centrist voters,‭ ‬while at the same time avoid angering major political contributors with the threat of progressive ideals invading the White House.

This threat of progressive ideals looms large in the eyes of major political contributors,‭ ‬given Status Quo Joe’s advanced age and the strong possibility he will be unable to complete his term as POTUS.‭ ‬Amy McGrath’s decidedly billionaire and corporate-friendly political views are considerably more acceptable to those major political contributors, so choosing her for VP would go far in putting them at ease and encourage their future......generosity.‭

Amy McGrath’s presence on the ticket with Status Quo Joe would also put at ease many additional centrist voters who are uncomfortable with the current list of progressive VP contenders.

With Amy McGrath in position to assume the presidency if Status Quo Joe becomes unable to continue in office,‭ ‬a cohesive administration can be established before any such‭ ‬occurrence,‭ ‬which would assure the unwanted and profit-restricting progressive policies and programs reduced,‭ ‬reversed,‭ ‬or eliminated by the impeached president trump would not return.‭


It was recently announced that Status Quo Joe’s choice for VP would be revealed in the first week of August.‭ ‬But those sitting on the edges of their seats anxiously awaiting the answer to the burning question of the running mate issue are going to be disappointed.‭ ‬Status Quo Joe’s announcement has been postponed.‭

The Times and CNN reported Karen Bass,‭ ‬Sen.‭ ‬Kamala Harris,‭ ‬and Susan Rice as the top three likely choices,‭ ‬and none of the three are likely to please the centrist voters.

Status Quo Joe’s election team knows they gotta get this right,‭ ‬if not,‭ ‬it will be like déjà vu of McCain picking Sarah Palin.

Fortunately,‭ ‬Karen Bass,‭ ‬Sen.‭ ‬Kamala Harris,‭ ‬and Susan Rice are all intelligent,‭ ‬capable women unlike the half-witted Sarah Palin.‭ ‬Still,‭ ‬centrist voters more often than not vote for the Republican candidates who are infamous for their misogynistic tendencies.‭ (‬Not to mention their conservative racism,‭ ‬and as everyone knows,‭ ‬none of the three is white.‭)

Putting off choosing Status Quo Joe’s running mate is only going to buy his election team two weeks,‭ ‬safely.‭ ‬Any longer and centrist voters will begin changing their minds and returning to the impeached president trump’s cult.‭ ‬When that happens,‭ ‬Status Quo Joe’s numbers will be sliding like an Alpine avalanche.‭

Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than The Known VP Contenders

Democrat Amy McGrath’s political views are much more compatible with Status Quo Joe’s congressional voting record than the women‭ ‬reportedly being considered for his VP.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there is more to winning elections than appeasing the party’s progressives.

McGrath is running for Moscow Mitch’s Kentucky Senate seat,‭ ‬and with conservatives greatly outnumbering rational people in that state,‭ ‬if push comes to shove,‭ ‬it’s certain an adequate number of centrists will step up to save ultra-conservative Moscow Mitch’s a$$‭ ‬on November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬McGrath will undoubtedly run a close race against Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬but will inevitably fall short.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why waste her superior ability to woo centrists in a senate race when the party’s needs would be better served choosing McGrath for VP to attract centrist voters to the Democratic presidential ticket‭?

During the primary elections,‭ ‬centrist voters demonstrated their disapproval of the progressive women the Democrats were offering as candidates.‭ ‬It was the centrists‭’ ‬votes that put Status Quo Joe easily over the top,‭ ‬making him the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.‭

Party leaders must realize that twelve percent of Bernie voters have said they will‭ ‬not vote for Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬which makes the choice of VP even more important.‭ ‬Choosing the billionaire and corporate-friendly McGrath as his running mate would swing more than enough centrists away from the impeached president trump to easily replace that lost twelve percent of Bernie voters.

Opinions differ widely on the correct choice for Status Quo Joe’s VP,‭ ‬but his running mate should maximize the trust of centrist voters,‭ ‬while at the same time avoid angering major political contributors with the threat of progressive ideals invading the White House.

This threat of progressive ideals looms large in the eyes of major political contributors,‭ ‬given Status Quo Joe’s advanced age and the strong possibility he will be unable to complete his term as POTUS.‭ ‬Amy McGrath’s decidedly billionaire and corporate-friendly political views are considerably more acceptable to those major political contributors, so choosing her for VP would go far in putting them at ease and encourage their future......generosity.‭

Amy McGrath’s presence on the ticket with Status Quo Joe would also put at ease many additional centrist voters who are uncomfortable with the current list of progressive VP contenders.

With Amy McGrath in position to assume the presidency if Status Quo Joe becomes unable to continue in office,‭ ‬a cohesive administration can be established before any such‭ ‬occurrence,‭ ‬which would assure the unwanted and profit-restricting progressive policies and programs reduced,‭ ‬reversed,‭ ‬or eliminated by the impeached president trump would not return.‭

What if the democrats just nominated her instead of Biden?
Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than The Known VP Contenders

Democrat Amy McGrath’s political views are much more compatible with Status Quo Joe’s congressional voting record than the women‭ ‬reportedly being considered for his VP.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there is more to winning elections than appeasing the party’s progressives.

McGrath is running for Moscow Mitch’s Kentucky Senate seat,‭ ‬and with conservatives greatly outnumbering rational people in that state,‭ ‬if push comes to shove,‭ ‬it’s certain an adequate number of centrists will step up to save ultra-conservative Moscow Mitch’s a$$‭ ‬on November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬McGrath will undoubtedly run a close race against Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬but will inevitably fall short.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why waste her superior ability to woo centrists in a senate race when the party’s needs would be better served choosing McGrath for VP to attract centrist voters to the Democratic presidential ticket‭?

During the primary elections,‭ ‬centrist voters demonstrated their disapproval of the progressive women the Democrats were offering as candidates.‭ ‬It was the centrists‭’ ‬votes that put Status Quo Joe easily over the top,‭ ‬making him the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.‭

Party leaders must realize that twelve percent of Bernie voters have said they will‭ ‬not vote for Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬which makes the choice of VP even more important.‭ ‬Choosing the billionaire and corporate-friendly McGrath as his running mate would swing more than enough centrists away from the impeached president trump to easily replace that lost twelve percent of Bernie voters.

Opinions differ widely on the correct choice for Status Quo Joe’s VP,‭ ‬but his running mate should maximize the trust of centrist voters,‭ ‬while at the same time avoid angering major political contributors with the threat of progressive ideals invading the White House.

This threat of progressive ideals looms large in the eyes of major political contributors,‭ ‬given Status Quo Joe’s advanced age and the strong possibility he will be unable to complete his term as POTUS.‭ ‬Amy McGrath’s decidedly billionaire and corporate-friendly political views are considerably more acceptable to those major political contributors, so choosing her for VP would go far in putting them at ease and encourage their future......generosity.‭

Amy McGrath’s presence on the ticket with Status Quo Joe would also put at ease many additional centrist voters who are uncomfortable with the current list of progressive VP contenders.

With Amy McGrath in position to assume the presidency if Status Quo Joe becomes unable to continue in office,‭ ‬a cohesive administration can be established before any such‭ ‬occurrence,‭ ‬which would assure the unwanted and profit-restricting progressive policies and programs reduced,‭ ‬reversed,‭ ‬or eliminated by the impeached president trump would not return.‭

JFK and LBJ didn't align. That's why they won. Texas and Massachusetts don't align.
Amy McGrath’s Political Views Align With Biden’s Better Than The Known VP Contenders

Democrat Amy McGrath’s political views are much more compatible with Status Quo Joe’s congressional voting record than the women‭ ‬reportedly being considered for his VP.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there is more to winning elections than appeasing the party’s progressives.

McGrath is running for Moscow Mitch’s Kentucky Senate seat,‭ ‬and with conservatives greatly outnumbering rational people in that state,‭ ‬if push comes to shove,‭ ‬it’s certain an adequate number of centrists will step up to save ultra-conservative Moscow Mitch’s a$$‭ ‬on November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬McGrath will undoubtedly run a close race against Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬but will inevitably fall short.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why waste her superior ability to woo centrists in a senate race when the party’s needs would be better served choosing McGrath for VP to attract centrist voters to the Democratic presidential ticket‭?

During the primary elections,‭ ‬centrist voters demonstrated their disapproval of the progressive women the Democrats were offering as candidates.‭ ‬It was the centrists‭’ ‬votes that put Status Quo Joe easily over the top,‭ ‬making him the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.‭

Party leaders must realize that twelve percent of Bernie voters have said they will‭ ‬not vote for Status Quo Joe,‭ ‬which makes the choice of VP even more important.‭ ‬Choosing the billionaire and corporate-friendly McGrath as his running mate would swing more than enough centrists away from the impeached president trump to easily replace that lost twelve percent of Bernie voters.

Opinions differ widely on the correct choice for Status Quo Joe’s VP,‭ ‬but his running mate should maximize the trust of centrist voters,‭ ‬while at the same time avoid angering major political contributors with the threat of progressive ideals invading the White House.

This threat of progressive ideals looms large in the eyes of major political contributors,‭ ‬given Status Quo Joe’s advanced age and the strong possibility he will be unable to complete his term as POTUS.‭ ‬Amy McGrath’s decidedly billionaire and corporate-friendly political views are considerably more acceptable to those major political contributors, so choosing her for VP would go far in putting them at ease and encourage their future......generosity.‭

Amy McGrath’s presence on the ticket with Status Quo Joe would also put at ease many additional centrist voters who are uncomfortable with the current list of progressive VP contenders.

With Amy McGrath in position to assume the presidency if Status Quo Joe becomes unable to continue in office,‭ ‬a cohesive administration can be established before any such‭ ‬occurrence,‭ ‬which would assure the unwanted and profit-restricting progressive policies and programs reduced,‭ ‬reversed,‭ ‬or eliminated by the impeached president trump would not return.‭

JFK and LBJ didn't align. That's why they won. Texas and Massachusetts don't align.
They cheated.

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