An Anti-Israel President

Obama/Clinton Intentionally Mislead Israel

By thefortworthpress

Zionist Organization of America

December 6, 2010


We now know that President Barack Hussein Obama apparently intentionally misled Israel when demanding that Israel must make substantial one-sided concessions to the Palestinian Authority in order to gain support from the Arab nations to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

This above stated fact is screaming from the pages of the recently released 250,000 diplomatic cables by the whistle-blowing organization, Wikileaks. These leaked documents reveal that the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are insistent on stopping Iran’s nuclear program above any other consideration including the Israel-Palestinian Arab situation. These diplomatic cables prove that President Obama and Secy. Of State Clinton knew from the outset that this linkage paradigm was utterly false and that the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict was no obstacle to wide Arab support for the toughest possible sanctions and even military action against Iran.

It is deeply troubling to go back and read President Obama’s public statement to Israel about Iran when he said, “If there is a linkage between Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, I personally believe it actually runs the other way. To the extent that we can make peace with the Palestinians – between the Palestinians and the Israelis – then I actually think it strengthens our hand in the international community in dealing with a potential Iranian threat.”

Obama and Clinton repeatedly insisted that it is necessary to first deal with the Palestinian issue as the way to stop Iran. This never made sense – now we see that it also contradicted the specific information Obama received from his own U.S. officials.

Now we know that President Obama was repeatedly urged by many Arab leaders to destroy the Iranian nuclear program they feared – that was their primary concern and priority, not strengthening Abbas and the PA and pressuring Israel

Obama/Clinton Intentionally Mislead Israel «
Both Obama and Clinton know that Israel is the root of all the problems in the middle east.

And must be dealt with first before tackling any other issues.
Both Obama and Clinton know that Israel is the root of all the problems in the middle east.

And must be dealt with first before tackling any other issues.

:clap2: From a Jew hating Holocaust denier who wants to round up Jews throughout the world thank you for your thoughts on the matter.:cuckoo:
America needs a government that puts its own interests and its own people first period.
It's sickening to see all this whining about how poorly Israel is being treated,
which is pure horseshit anyway, when they have not only been pampered and coddled and had their asses kissed by US elected officials for years, but also has caused the blood and treasure of Americans to be used for their benefit too.
Bottom line is America needs to come first, and it needs to weed out the Israeli first loyalists in government, and curtail the influence AIPAC has on it.
That does not mean relations with Israel has to stop, or saying the truth about the situation is Jew bashing or antisemitic
It is something that needs serious consideration and action, for the sake of peace and decency in the world.
My post is similar in spirit to Epsilon Delta's excellent posts. Obama is clearly very pro-Israel, but does want a Palestinian state. That's about the most balanced stance towards Israel a US President can have.

Mr. Jones is absolutely correct, as well. I don't understand what it is about our country that sits by as Israel kills an American citizen needlessly and horribly.

The aid to Israel, by the way, can be draped in the spirit of cooperation and aid and common interest. But its about the defense contracts. America gives Israel $3 billion in direct aid, and Israel spends it on military hardware. That is what it is about. I have no doubt it pleases many evangelist Americans that we assist Israel, but as long as the aid to Israel serves the military-industrial complex, it won't go away.

Only about 26 percent ($555 million of $2.2 billion in 2004) of what Israel receives in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) can be spent in Israel for military procurement. The remaining 74 percent is spent in the United States to generate profits and jobs. More than 1,000 companies in 46 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have signed contracts worth billions of dollars through this program over the last several years.

Unbelievably? I have seen the hate. I have had family killed in this hate. I have fought and will die with this hate still thriving.

Underlines. Who rejects it as spurious and fraudulent. You left that important facet out.

No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country.


^^ Just what the world needs. To remove that tiny little red spot and fill it up with more maniacal and inbred Muslims calling for the death of the Western culture.

Hint. That's the green spots.


Wow...i just noticed by your statement here "No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country". So there are 57 Muslim countries right now? This must be why Obama made the "mistake" of saying there were 57 states in the US....Lol! His muslim background slipped up on him again! I never quite understood how he came up with the number 57, unless he was just ignorant :)

Sorry for going kinda off the subject...carry on now! Lol!

He said 57 US States? That's telling indeed.

He's been rather clear all along but I needed more proof and his last speech was clear. He wants an indefensible Israel with land swaps 'inside' the '67 border. Now he's clear to every Jew who understands the past Arab instigated wars on Israel and how they intend to dissolve or destroy Israel.

Obama is now crystal clear.

His Presidency is a failure, he is a failure. he will be gone in '12, I just hope he does not screw it all up to bad. he has emboldened terrorist around the world.
America needs a government that puts its own interests and its own people first period.
It's sickening to see all this whining about how poorly Israel is being treated,
which is pure horseshit anyway, when they have not only been pampered and coddled and had their asses kissed by US elected officials for years, but also has caused the blood and treasure of Americans to be used for their benefit too.
Bottom line is America needs to come first, and it needs to weed out the Israeli first loyalists in government, and curtail the influence AIPAC has on it.
That does not mean relations with Israel has to stop, or saying the truth about the situation is Jew bashing or antisemitic
It is something that needs serious consideration and action, for the sake of peace and decency in the world.

Thanks.. from another whack job. A 9/11 truther ....I think it was Bush, Cheney and the Jews that knocked those buildings down.:lol:
America needs a government that puts its own interests and its own people first period.
It's sickening to see all this whining about how poorly Israel is being treated,
which is pure horseshit anyway, when they have not only been pampered and coddled and had their asses kissed by US elected officials for years, but also has caused the blood and treasure of Americans to be used for their benefit too.
Bottom line is America needs to come first, and it needs to weed out the Israeli first loyalists in government, and curtail the influence AIPAC has on it.
That does not mean relations with Israel has to stop, or saying the truth about the situation is Jew bashing or antisemitic
It is something that needs serious consideration and action, for the sake of peace and decency in the world.

Stormfront slow today ?
America needs a government that puts its own interests and its own people first period.
It's sickening to see all this whining about how poorly Israel is being treated,
which is pure horseshit anyway, when they have not only been pampered and coddled and had their asses kissed by US elected officials for years, but also has caused the blood and treasure of Americans to be used for their benefit too.
Bottom line is America needs to come first, and it needs to weed out the Israeli first loyalists in government, and curtail the influence AIPAC has on it.
That does not mean relations with Israel has to stop, or saying the truth about the situation is Jew bashing or antisemitic
It is something that needs serious consideration and action, for the sake of peace and decency in the world.

Excellent post.

Americans need to realize that Israel is not our 51st State.

And that we are Not under a Constitutional directive to support our defend them

His team is either not doing their job or Obama is not listening to them, I thought Colin Powell was supposed to be advisor to Obama, where is he? I know Powell would have DEFINENTLY told Obama not to say that!
Colin Powell is wise enough to remain in hiding. He's popped his head out a few times to test the weather and each time he's felt the chill and withdrawn. So I'm truly surprised that someone as savvy as you are might be willing to overlook what he did.

Colin Powell is the least trustrworthy advisor Obama could choose and I would seriously question his motive for doing so. Powell would offer whatever advice he believed his current master wishes to hear rather than argue to move him in the right direction.

Having managed to achieve the ultimate military rank Powell revealed his true character by serving as George W. Bush's house ****** and affirming what he knew to be a lie that would send thousands of the troops he once commanded, and who trusted him, to their deaths. It may be said that were it not for Colin Powell's disgracefully mendacious presentation before the UN Security Council Bush would never have gotten approval to invade Iraq.

Because he had personally commanded the Desert Storm operation against Saddam Hussein, and because he subsequently rose to Chairman of The Joint Chiefs, Powell had cause to know better than anyone what kind of weapons Hussein had and didn't have. Apart from Bush no one knew better than Colin Powell that the Iraq invasion was absolutely unnecessary. Yet he chose to betray the American People and the troops he once commanded in exchange for promotion to Secretary of State. And for that act of self-serving treachery I believe Colin Powell deserves to be stripped, blindfolded and shot.

Read more on this from more authoritative voices than mine at the following site:
David Sirota: A Reminder About Colin Powell...
And for that act of self-serving treachery I believe Colin Powell deserves to be stripped, blindfolded and shot.

It's good to see Sunni Man agreeing with Mike.

It adds perspective :)
My post is similar in spirit to Epsilon Delta's excellent posts. Obama is clearly very pro-Israel, but does want a Palestinian state. That's about the most balanced stance towards Israel a US President can have.

Mr. Jones is absolutely correct, as well. I don't understand what it is about our country that sits by as Israel kills an American citizen needlessly and horribly.

The aid to Israel, by the way, can be draped in the spirit of cooperation and aid and common interest. But its about the defense contracts. America gives Israel $3 billion in direct aid, and Israel spends it on military hardware. That is what it is about. I have no doubt it pleases many evangelist Americans that we assist Israel, but as long as the aid to Israel serves the military-industrial complex, it won't go away.

Only about 26 percent ($555 million of $2.2 billion in 2004) of what Israel receives in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) can be spent in Israel for military procurement. The remaining 74 percent is spent in the United States to generate profits and jobs. More than 1,000 companies in 46 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have signed contracts worth billions of dollars through this program over the last several years.

That the kid got killed was the fault of his parents, and those who brought him along. If you go where bad things happen, then you must obvious accept that bad things can happen to you. This is called common sense. It has kept me alive for all of mt 37+ years.
On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet—Russia, the UN, and the EU—as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on Israel.


I am incensed and insulted by Israel’s treatment in the public arena. On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet—Russia, the UN, and the EU—as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on Israel. Following the meetings, a dinner that lasted over two hours was held for the participants. Did you hear a word about it in the media? I certainly didn’t. Why? The White House had imposed a media ban on the event. U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted the dinner.

I am hard-pressed to find a time in American history when a trusted ally was ever treated so shabbily. Israel is the best friend America has and to NOT invite Israel to a summit which will affect her future—and the future of Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria—is evil.

Why has President Obama not convened a summit on Iran, a country whose leaders are determined to wipe Israel from the map? It’s simple; he believes that Israel is the second greatest destabilization force in the Middle East after Al Qaeda. He made this clear in his Cairo speech:

The second major source of tension that we need to discuss is the situation between Israelis, Palestinians, and the Arab world.

In approximately two weeks, on July 26, the United Nations Security Council will hold an open “debate” on whether or not Israel’s land will be seized in September and Jerusalem divided by the establishment of a Palestinian state. This would be done without negotiation or approval from Israel. Spokespersons from the Arab League have stated they will seek UN membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We must stand with Israel now against this evil plan.

On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet
On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet—Russia, the UN, and the EU—as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on Israel.


I am incensed and insulted by Israel’s treatment in the public arena. On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet—Russia, the UN, and the EU—as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on Israel. Following the meetings, a dinner that lasted over two hours was held for the participants. Did you hear a word about it in the media? I certainly didn’t. Why? The White House had imposed a media ban on the event. U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted the dinner.

I am hard-pressed to find a time in American history when a trusted ally was ever treated so shabbily. Israel is the best friend America has and to NOT invite Israel to a summit which will affect her future—and the future of Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria—is evil.

Why has President Obama not convened a summit on Iran, a country whose leaders are determined to wipe Israel from the map? It’s simple; he believes that Israel is the second greatest destabilization force in the Middle East after Al Qaeda. He made this clear in his Cairo speech:

The second major source of tension that we need to discuss is the situation between Israelis, Palestinians, and the Arab world.

In approximately two weeks, on July 26, the United Nations Security Council will hold an open “debate” on whether or not Israel’s land will be seized in September and Jerusalem divided by the establishment of a Palestinian state. This would be done without negotiation or approval from Israel. Spokespersons from the Arab League have stated they will seek UN membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We must stand with Israel now against this evil plan.

On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet

Ho Chi Minh got a pretty crappy deal at the end of WWII also. Viet Nam should have gotten it's independence instead of recolonized by France with America's consent.
These points are good for this thread too..

• September 2009: In his first address to the U.N. General Assembly, President Obama devoted five paragraphs to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, during which he declared (to loud applause) that "America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements." He went on to draw a connection between rocket attacks on Israeli civilians with living conditions in Gaza. There was not a single unconditional criticism of Palestinian terrorism.

• March 2010: During Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Israel, a Jerusalem municipal office announced plans for new construction in a part of Jerusalem. The president launched an unprecedented weeks-long offensive against Israel. Mr. Biden very publicly departed Israel.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a now-infamous 45-minute phone call, telling him that Israel had "harmed the bilateral relationship." (The State Department triumphantly shared details of the call with the press.) The Israeli ambassador was dressed-down at the State Department, Mr. Obama's Middle East envoy canceled his trip to Israel, and the U.S. joined the European condemnation of Israel.

Moments after Mr. Biden concluded his visit to the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority held a ceremony to honor Dalal Mughrabi, who led one of the deadliest Palestinian terror attacks in history: the so-called Coastal Road Massacre that killed 38, including 13 children and an American. The Obama administration was silent. But that same day, on ABC, Mr. Axelrod called Israel's planned construction of apartments in its own capital an "insult" and an "affront" to the United States. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs went on Fox News to accuse Mr. Netanyahu of "weakening trust" between the two countries.

Ten days later, Mr. Netanyahu traveled to Washington to mend fences but was snubbed at a White House meeting with President Obama—no photo op, no joint statement, and he was sent out through a side door.

• April 2010: Mr. Netanyahu pulled out of the Obama-sponsored Washington summit on nuclear proliferation after it became clear that Turkey and Egypt intended to use the occasion to condemn the Israeli nuclear program, and Mr. Obama would not intervene.

• March 2011: Mr. Obama returned to his habit of urging Israelis to engage in self-reflection, inviting Jewish community leaders to the White House and instructing them to "search your souls" about Israel's dedication to peace.

• May 2011: The State Department issued a press release declaring that the department's No. 2 official, James Steinberg, would be visiting "Israel, Jerusalem, and the West Bank." In other words, Jerusalem is not part of Israel. Later in the month, only hours before Mr. Netanyahu departed from Israel to Washington, Mr. Obama delivered his Arab Spring speech, which focused on a demand that Israel return to its indefensible pre-1967 borders with land swaps.

Dan Senor: Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote -
Meh, I've got too many good reasons to oppose Obummer's re-election to worry about how his policies are viewed in the Knesset.
if you are not actively seeking a jewish cock to suck then, clearly, you are antisemitic and want to see dead jews be dead.
if you are not actively seeking a jewish cock to suck then, clearly, you are antisemitic and want to see dead jews be dead.

Little man with a needledick posting about cocks :lol:

Do you drive a Smart car to try to look normal, little man?:clap2:

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