An atheist and a Muslim on the future of Islam and reforming religion


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
In a discussion on Lateline, they confronted what they said was Islam's failure to modernise and they challenged liberal left thinkers who they accused of defending extremism in the name of cultural tolerance.

In a discussion on Lateline, they confronted what they said was Islam's failure to modernise and they challenged liberal left thinkers who they accused of defending extremism in the name of cultural tolerance.

I haven't finished watching the video yet and I will, I'll probably watch it a couple of times, they're talking about very important issues. But I'm a huge Sam Harris anti-fan (I just love watching Chomsky kick his ass around the intellectual block) and he's gone and infuriated me again. What fucking liberal or lefty justifies the Islamic maniacs burning the faces off young girls with acid? Or makes excuses for the slaughter of the Hebdo journalists/cartoonists? I'll tell you how many lefties/liberals are apologists for atrocity - zero, nada, no liberal in this world would be caught dead in such a vile posture. It's one of the official definitions of liberal - standing in defense of the innocent and powerless. If someone taking such positions claims to be liberal they are fucking liars. Sam used to be one of us, we booted him out when he started manufacturing pseudo-intellectual justification for mass murder and became an advocate for war crimes and criminals.
I haven't finished watching the video yet and I will, I'll probably watch it a couple of times, they're talking about very important issues. But I'm a huge Sam Harris anti-fan (I just love watching Chomsky kick his ass around the intellectual block) and he's gone and infuriated me again. What fucking liberal or lefty justifies the Islamic maniacs burning the faces off young girls with acid? Or makes excuses for the slaughter of the Hebdo journalists/cartoonists? I'll tell you how many lefties/liberals are apologists for atrocity - zero, nada, no liberal in this world would be caught dead in such a vile posture. It's one of the official definitions of liberal - standing in defense of the innocent and powerless. If someone taking such positions claims to be liberal they are fucking liars. Sam used to be one of us, we booted him out when he started manufacturing pseudo-intellectual justification for mass murder and became an advocate for war crimes and criminals.
no one will argue with a lib that murderers and gang bangers are not innocent little sheep
I haven't finished watching the video yet and I will, I'll probably watch it a couple of times, they're talking about very important issues. But I'm a huge Sam Harris anti-fan (I just love watching Chomsky kick his ass around the intellectual block) and he's gone and infuriated me again. What fucking liberal or lefty justifies the Islamic maniacs burning the faces off young girls with acid? Or makes excuses for the slaughter of the Hebdo journalists/cartoonists? I'll tell you how many lefties/liberals are apologists for atrocity - zero, nada, no liberal in this world would be caught dead in such a vile posture. It's one of the official definitions of liberal - standing in defense of the innocent and powerless. If someone taking such positions claims to be liberal they are fucking liars. Sam used to be one of us, we booted him out when he started manufacturing pseudo-intellectual justification for mass murder and became an advocate for war crimes and criminals.

There are criminals in the US, Europe... all around the globe. It's not a function of religion. You don't know much about Islam, do you?

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