An Attack on DEI (and allowing mob action to shut down transit) and the "you Didn't Build It" mentality


Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
New York City area
Part of the "wokeness" movement is making everything more "equitable," whatever that means. Barack Obama once thundered "you didn't build it." He was partly right; productive people, hard workers and inventors did. The idea of hobbling those:

  1. By destroying our schools:
  2. Opening our borders and goading immigration with "giveaways" (and I am not against open borders);
  3. Eliminating cash bail;
  4. Not fighting crime;
  5. Allowing mob action to shut down transit (Grand Central in New York City shut down on October 27 and November 10 by violent mobs); and
  6. Generally not enforcing a civil society...
guarantees a decline into barbarism. What brought this thread to mind was the refusal of the NYPD to prevent the closure of Grand Central Terminal on October 27, 2023 and November 10, 2023, two out of the three last Fridays.

We are foisting these bad choices overseas when we do not allow our allies to punish barbarity and eliminate the perpetrators. We can rightly encourage the innocent victims to seek out the causes of their misery.

We are doing this to ourselves as well as allies; fighting the forces of evil with both hands tied behind our back. End of rant. Comments?
Maybe CW 2.0 will get here quicker than expected.

I swear, I see the anti-Semitic rowdy protests as nothing more than a target rich environment.

As usual you stupid fuckers are just itching to shoot somebody.

WTF is wrong with you?

You and your kind deserve it. For supporting these Criminals who launched a man-made virus to assist rigging the 2020 Election. Now we decend into fiscal collapse as we fight off increasing street crime. And your kind giggle about the Police state now in play jailing and torturing thousands who don’t want communism/ socialism. Hope you go early as you are severely criminally disturbed.//
You and your kind deserve it. For supporting these Criminals who launched a man-made virus to assist rigging the 2020 Election. Now we decend into fiscal collapse as we fight off increasing street crime. And your kind giggle about the Police state now in play jailing and torturing thousands who don’t want communism/ socialism. Hope you go early as you are severely criminally disturbed.//
Dude, put the koolaid down and report to the nearest mental hospital ASAP. You are a completely delusional whack-job and an obvious danger to yourself and others.
You will have to “Share the Wealth” said the purple-lipped jug-eared mulim busturd to Joe the Plumber way back.

Create a Civilian army bigger than US Military siad the muslim. Lol! BLM & ANTIFA will have to do. 2019 or 2020 riots everyday come to mind.
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You and your kind deserve it. For supporting these Criminals who launched a man-made virus to assist rigging the 2020 Election. Now we decend into fiscal collapse as we fight off increasing street crime. And your kind giggle about the Police state now in play jailing and torturing thousands who don’t want communism/ socialism. Hope you go early as you are severely criminally disturbed.//
That didn't happen.
Republicans will hand a 6 year old a gun, send a 12 year old to work in a meatpacking plant, force a 10 year old to carry her rapist’s baby to term & allow a grown man to marry an 11 year old, but then go on and on about how it’s the Democrats who aren’t keeping our kids safe.

It occurs to me that a 6-year-old with a gun, who knows how to use it, can't actually be forced to do anything.


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