An Awesome Way to React to Gay Terrorists

your post illustrated a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means for a law to be constitutional. misunderstanding of such a basic concept means that any of your posts can only be based on what we can hope is ignorance but is more probably stupidity
The stupidity is all yours. States don't need to pass Constitutional laws. You retarded interpretation means states with no "public accommodation laws", including sexual preferences, are unConstitutional.

So go ahead Mr. Rocket Scientist. Prove it.
Lol. Doubling down. That's how we know it's stupidity and not ignorance.
In other words, you have nothing. Being a smarmy asshole doesn't make you look smart, btw.
your post illustrated a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means for a law to be constitutional. misunderstanding of such a basic concept means that any of your posts can only be based on what we can hope is ignorance but is more probably stupidity
The stupidity is all yours. States don't need to pass Constitutional laws. You retarded interpretation means states with no "public accommodation laws", including sexual preferences, are unConstitutional.

So go ahead Mr. Rocket Scientist. Prove it.
Lol. Doubling down. That's how we know it's stupidity and not ignorance.
In other words, you have nothing. Being a smarmy asshole doesn't make you look smart, btw.
I have neither the time nor patience to teach elementary school government.

You don't understand what it means for a law to be constitutional. Look into it.

If telling you thay makes me a smarmy asshole, i can live with that. At least I'm a smarmy asshole with a basic understanding of our government
There is clearly an attack on Christian businesses to try to force them to an against their beliefs by demanding they cater to demands from the LGBT community. This article relates some and then comes up with an awesome solution on how to handle it.

In simple words – Say a Big YES!

And then see what the counsel is for the business owner. I love it.

Read it @ A Way Out for Christian Wedding Businesses CNS News
Like a Christian organization that seeks to persecute the evil gheys, Westboro..When are you religious people going to learn to take care of your own first?
I have neither the time nor patience to teach elementary school government.

You don't understand what it means for a law to be constitutional. Look into it.

If telling you thay makes me a smarmy asshole, i can live with that. At least I'm a smarmy asshole with a basic understanding of our government
So you spend time here making claims you have no interest in supporting?

You don't understand shit. You do nothing but ejaculate juvenile insults in a forum and think it makes you look like an authority.
What's so wrong with providing the EXACT SAME SERVICE to homosexual clients as every other client?

And, to the OP, why are Gay customers referred to as "Terrorists"? Reality or partisan hype?

Because there is a minority of Americans who are making dire threats to include death and physical harm to those who refuse to abide by their beliefs and attitudes. Both gays and atheists are included.

You either do it my way - or else! That is their attitude. Their goal is to TERRORIZE Christians into bowing to their demands.

What else but terrorists can they be called?
What's so wrong with providing the EXACT SAME SERVICE to homosexual clients as every other client?

And, to the OP, why are Gay customers referred to as "Terrorists"? Reality or partisan hype?

Because there is a minority of Americans who are making dire threats to include death and physical harm to those who refuse to abide by their beliefs and attitudes. Both gays and atheists are included.

You either do it my way - or else! That is their attitude. Their goal is to TERRORIZE Christians into bowing to their demands.

What else but terrorists can they be called?
Yeah a minority of ghey making threats, and anti-gheys that have threatened, terrorized and killed homosexuals for centuries, yet you shrink from fear of a ghey man...
What's so wrong with providing the EXACT SAME SERVICE to homosexual clients as every other client?

And, to the OP, why are Gay customers referred to as "Terrorists"? Reality or partisan hype?

Because there is a minority of Americans who are making dire threats to include death and physical harm to those who refuse to abide by their beliefs and attitudes. Both gays and atheists are included.

You either do it my way - or else! That is their attitude. Their goal is to TERRORIZE Christians into bowing to their demands.

What else but terrorists can they be called?
Do you know why Gay men are referred to as "faggots"?

Back during the Inquisition when Christians were telling Jews to 'do it my way or else', those Christians would burn those they saw as heretics at the stake. The little bundles of wood used to fuel the fire were called faggots.

The main attraction was the heretic tied upon the pire. Sometimes, the Christians would show mercy on the condemned by tying a bag of gunpowder around their necks. That's if they were feeling merciful.

They would also consign homosexuals to the flames. But homosexuals were not deemed worthy of being tied to the stake, let alone worthy of the mercy shown by these Christians and allowing the condemned homosexuals to have their heads blown off. Nope! Once the main attraction at the Christian execution ceremony had passed, the Christians would bind the homosexuals with cord and toss them on the flames along with additional faggots of wood.

Hence the epithet "faggot".

Thus is the mercy, understanding and love displayed by Christians.

Any lessons taught here today?

Should Christians evolve and understand that discrimination in all its forms is at once wrong and illegal, should some Christians evolve in their faith to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ when He said 'Love thy neighbor as thy self' and 'he who is without sin shall cast the first stone', perhaps then those same Christians would be practicing the faith rather than seeking out obscurity in scripture to fly in the opposite direction of the teachings of Christ.

I'm both a Christian and a straight man. I believe what Jesus taught. I also believe what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Wrote in his Letter from a Brimingham Jail. When an injustice is done to one, that injustice is done to all. And Jesus said 'that which you do to the least of man, you do to all'.
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What's so wrong with providing the EXACT SAME SERVICE to homosexual clients as every other client?

And, to the OP, why are Gay customers referred to as "Terrorists"? Reality or partisan hype?

Because there is a minority of Americans who are making dire threats to include death and physical harm to those who refuse to abide by their beliefs and attitudes. Both gays and atheists are included.

You either do it my way - or else! That is their attitude. Their goal is to TERRORIZE Christians into bowing to their demands.

What else but terrorists can they be called?
Do you know why Gay men are referred to as "faggots"?

Back during the Inquisition when Christians were telling Jews to 'do it my way or else', those Christians would burn those they saw as heretics at the stake. Qt he little bundles of wood used to fuel the fire were called faggots.

The main attraction was the heretic tied upon the pire. Sometimes, the Christians would show mercy on the condemned by tying a bag of gunpowder around their necks. That's if they were feeling merciful.

They would also consign homosexuals to the flames. But homosexuals were not deemed worthy of being tied to the stake, let alone worthy of the mercy shown by these Christians and allowing the condemned homosexuals to have their heads blown off. Nope! Once the main attraction at the Christian execution ceremony had passed, the Christians would bind the homosexuals with cord and toss them on the flames along with additional faggots of wood.

Hence the epithet "faggot".

Thus is the mercy, understanding and love displayed by Christians.

Any lessons taught here today?

most people already knew the origin of the term faggot for queer-----
it was presented on FOX NEWS----premier public educational system of the USA.
Virtually no one died during the inquisition-----there is a fairly new book on the subject-----the entire inquisition is a LIBEL against the catholic church----never happened-----it is as fake as the HOLOHOAX and the ISIS story
An Awesome Way to React to Gay Terrorists

Just tell them to back off or you will throat punch them, they'll fold
What's so wrong with providing the EXACT SAME SERVICE to homosexual clients as every other client?

And, to the OP, why are Gay customers referred to as "Terrorists"? Reality or partisan hype?

Because there is a minority of Americans who are making dire threats to include death and physical harm to those who refuse to abide by their beliefs and attitudes. Both gays and atheists are included.

You either do it my way - or else! That is their attitude. Their goal is to TERRORIZE Christians into bowing to their demands.

What else but terrorists can they be called?
Do you know why Gay men are referred to as "faggots"?

Back during the Inquisition when Christians were telling Jews to 'do it my way or else', those Christians would burn those they saw as heretics at the stake. Qt he little bundles of wood used to fuel the fire were called faggots.

The main attraction was the heretic tied upon the pire. Sometimes, the Christians would show mercy on the condemned by tying a bag of gunpowder around their necks. That's if they were feeling merciful.

They would also consign homosexuals to the flames. But homosexuals were not deemed worthy of being tied to the stake, let alone worthy of the mercy shown by these Christians and allowing the condemned homosexuals to have their heads blown off. Nope! Once the main attraction at the Christian execution ceremony had passed, the Christians would bind the homosexuals with cord and toss them on the flames along with additional faggots of wood.

Hence the epithet "faggot".

Thus is the mercy, understanding and love displayed by Christians.

Any lessons taught here today?

most people already knew the origin of the term faggot for queer-----
it was presented on FOX NEWS----premier public educational system of the USA.
Virtually no one died during the inquisition-----there is a fairly new book on the subject-----the entire inquisition is a LIBEL against the catholic church----never happened-----it is as fake as the HOLOHOAX and the ISIS story
Denial soothes the guilty.
There is clearly an attack on Christian businesses to try to force them to an against their beliefs by demanding they cater to demands from the LGBT community. This article relates some and then comes up with an awesome solution on how to handle it.

In simple words – Say a Big YES!

And then see what the counsel is for the business owner. I love it.

Read it @ A Way Out for Christian Wedding Businesses CNS News

This isn't a new suggestion. One of the knuckle-draggers at RedState already proposed this.

It probably wouldn't be legal because writing language into a contract for gay couples that isn't in the contracts for straight couples is probably illegal, too.

You could just try to bake the cake and not whine about it.
Cool, that would all rise to the level of hate speech! Christians are so awesome!
The Bible is now officially hate speech? Just what the immoral always wanted!

THe bible is a pretty awful document.

Maybe if we just slapped warning labels on them.


There. All fixed.

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