An Excellent Idea

How long has Pakistan had their nukes anyway? Anyone know? This might be a reason why the US is always "interfering" with other countries. We don't want some madman having control of these nukes. That could be disastrous for everyone.

Its first nuke test was in 1998. They have them as a deterrent to India wiping them off the map. There is a lot of border fighting and acrimony between those two.
Wherever an Islamic nation borders a non-Islamic nation, there is bloodshed.
Let's get them out of everywhere
That sounds like a really terrible idea. How does that help the US?

Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.
As long as the US has nukes, the likelyhood of a nuclear war is almost zero. Your idea puts Earth at risk.

Nuclear war seems to be your concern, but it is not mine.
Im not concerned at all. Youre the one who thinks we need to get rid of them because youre afraid they put planet earth at risk.
Let's get them out of everywhere
That sounds like a really terrible idea. How does that help the US?

Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.
As long as the US has nukes, the likelyhood of a nuclear war is almost zero. Your idea puts Earth at risk.

Nuclear war seems to be your concern, but it is not mine.
Im not concerned at all. Youre the one who thinks we need to get rid of them because youre afraid they put planet earth at risk.

It isn't a fear. It is a logical reality.
Let's get them out of everywhere
That sounds like a really terrible idea. How does that help the US?

Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.

I would agree but you can't put Pandora back into the box. The technology exists.

Then give every nation a nuclear warhead. There would be no more war if the logic holds that they make us safer as a deterrent.

Yeah, but really think about that. Yikes. Lol. Sorry but no.
Let's get them out of everywhere
That sounds like a really terrible idea. How does that help the US?

Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.

I would agree but you can't put Pandora back into the box. The technology exists.

Then give every nation a nuclear warhead. There would be no more war if the logic holds that they make us safer as a deterrent.

Yeah, but really think about that. Yikes. Lol. Sorry but no.

That is a somewhat anticipated reaction. We want us to be able to go to war, just nobody to be able to defend against us. The US is one of the most militaristic nations on earth. Maybe if everybody had a nuke, we would have a more restrained use of our own forces, fewer young folks would die or be seriously messed up fighting wars we have no meaningful interest in in fighting other than to score political points or push more corporate subsidies. Regardless of who wins the Presidency, US troops will be in Syria dying within the next few years. We have no reason to be there. That is rightfully somebody else's fight, but some kid sitting in high school now, worried about getting a date for the prom, their break out of acne, or what they are going to do tomorrow night will be dead in a few years because Hillary wants to paint herself as some great liberator or Trump wants to paint himself as a tough leader.
That sounds like a really terrible idea. How does that help the US?

Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.

I would agree but you can't put Pandora back into the box. The technology exists.

Then give every nation a nuclear warhead. There would be no more war if the logic holds that they make us safer as a deterrent.

Yeah, but really think about that. Yikes. Lol. Sorry but no.

That is a somewhat anticipated reaction. We want us to be able to go to war, just nobody to be able to defend against us. The US is one of the most militaristic nations on earth. Maybe if everybody had a nuke, we would have a more restrained use of our own forces, fewer young folks would die or be seriously messed up fighting wars we have no meaningful interest in in fighting other than to score political points or push more corporate subsidies. Regardless of who wins the Presidency, US troops will be in Syria dying within the next few years. We have no reason to be there. That is rightfully somebody else's fight, but some kid sitting in high school now, worried about getting a date for the prom, their break out of acne, or what they are going to do tomorrow night will be dead in a few years because Hillary wants to paint herself as some great liberator or Trump wants to paint himself as a tough leader.

Of course we do. Lol. There are a lot of nutty people running countries out there. The world is not a very nice place, sorry to say.

I agree that we shouldn't really go to war unless it is absolutely necessary though.

However, we are in the unfortunate position of playing "world's police" or "world's sugar daddy" as I like to say, and that makes us kind of responsible for the stability of the world. I hate that. Believe it. I would like nothing more than to wash our hands of certain places in the world because they are nothing but trouble if you ask me.
Maybe I am more worried about the planet earth.

I would agree but you can't put Pandora back into the box. The technology exists.

Then give every nation a nuclear warhead. There would be no more war if the logic holds that they make us safer as a deterrent.

Yeah, but really think about that. Yikes. Lol. Sorry but no.

That is a somewhat anticipated reaction. We want us to be able to go to war, just nobody to be able to defend against us. The US is one of the most militaristic nations on earth. Maybe if everybody had a nuke, we would have a more restrained use of our own forces, fewer young folks would die or be seriously messed up fighting wars we have no meaningful interest in in fighting other than to score political points or push more corporate subsidies. Regardless of who wins the Presidency, US troops will be in Syria dying within the next few years. We have no reason to be there. That is rightfully somebody else's fight, but some kid sitting in high school now, worried about getting a date for the prom, their break out of acne, or what they are going to do tomorrow night will be dead in a few years because Hillary wants to paint herself as some great liberator or Trump wants to paint himself as a tough leader.

Of course we do. Lol. There are a lot of nutty people running countries out there. The world is not a very nice place, sorry to say.

I agree that we shouldn't really go to war unless it is absolutely necessary though.

However, we are in the unfortunate position of playing "world's police" or "world's sugar daddy" as I like to say, and that makes us kind of responsible for the stability of the world. I hate that. Believe it. I would like nothing more than to wash our hands of certain places in the world because they are nothing but trouble if you ask me.

It is a feedback loop. The more we police/sugar daddy, the more people dislike us or expect us to be their sugar daddy.
But then what are we gonna do if we need to nuke Russia?

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