Nato goes nuclear

and now it's Russia's turn Zav

Yes. And to prevent deploying of American nuclear weapon in the Eastern Europe we are fighting in Ukraine.
For the USA it was better to start a nuclear war by American first attack in 1962, rather than allow Russians deploy all nukes and then attack America in 1963.
Same way, for Russia it's much better to attack the USA in 2024/25 rather than allow them attack Russia in 2026-30.
My point to you is the entire cold war MO hasn't changed in a 1/2 century Zav

Yes, of course. Actually, the war hasn't changed in last five thousand years. Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it warm, sometimes it's really hot.
Yes, of course. Hitler was legally elected, too. It simply doesn't matter if they were legally elected or illegally violated Ukrainian Constitution. They are killing Russian people, therefore we are going to kill them and prevent them from doing so.
Can you say, that a drug-addicted person is really free? No. It's enslaved by the addition. Same way, we can't say that a person obsessed with hatred (especially with Russophobia) is free.
You are the 21st century fascists, and if your people in Ukraine are acting up, they will die. That will never stop.
Yes. And to prevent deploying of American nuclear weapon in the Eastern Europe we are fighting in Ukraine.
For the USA it was better to start a nuclear war by American first attack in 1962, rather than allow Russians deploy all nukes and then attack America in 1963.
Same way, for Russia it's much better to attack the USA in 2024/25 rather than allow them attack Russia in 2026-30.
That’s a pile of bullcrap. There are already nuclear weapons in Europe. And NATO has no interest in attacking Russia, if it had it could have walked in and took over in the early nineties instead of funneling many billions of aid and economic development into Russia where it was stolen by Putin and his oligarch buddies.
You are the 21st century fascists, and if your people in Ukraine are acting up, they will die. That will never stop.
If we are killing European anti-Russians, we will die (may be, even from natural causes many years later). If we are not killing European anti-Russians, they will kill us. The choice is simple. Actually, there is no choice.
You may think so. As well as some people may think that California is a part of Mexico.
Anyway, if people of Montana and Idaho declare independence (and prove this independence with their armed hands) - they can sign alliance with whoever they want. And they have right to fight against abusive and discriminate government.

And the people of DPR and LPR, as well as people of the rest of Russian Federation, consider DPR and LPR as integral parts of the Russian Federation.
No one cares what Russia or Russians think about the matter. Russia cannot win a war they are losing,

You have a choice. Withdraw your troops.
That’s a pile of bullcrap. There are already nuclear weapons in Europe.
Very few of it and mostly in Western and Central Europe. And it would be very kind of you to withdraw it either.

And NATO has no interest in attacking Russia, if it had it could have walked in and took over in the early nineties instead of funneling many billions of aid and economic development into Russia where it was stolen by Putin and his oligarch buddies.
Actually, the goal of taking Russian territories of Novorussia and Crimea is one of official NATO goals, and "decolonisation of Russia" is officially declared PACE goal.
Some not pro-Ukraine on both left and right, unfortunately. Some of the left does not support Israel.

We need policy that most of us can support.
Actually, there are no "pro-Ukrainians" (first - because you know nothing about Ukraine, second - fighting and dying is not in the interests of ordinary Ukrainians), there are "anti-Russians" on both sides.
You need policy that won't get you killed.
Very few of it and mostly in Western and Central Europe. And it would be very kind of you to withdraw it either.

Actually, the goal of taking Russian territories of Novorussia and Crimea is one of official NATO goals, and "decolonisation of Russia" is officially declared PACE goal.
Neither was part of Russia when the USSR broke up. Both were seized by Russia afterwards just like Russia seized South Ossetia from Georgia. Go peddle your lies elsewhere where people don't get biased news from Russia Today. "Novorussia" is an invention of Putin. It's been part of Ukraine for hundreds of years.
Neither was part of Russia when the USSR broke up. Both were seized by Russia afterwards just like Russia seized South Ossetia from Georgia. Go peddle your lies elsewhere where people don't get biased news from Russia Today. "Novorussia" is an invention of Putin. It's been part of Ukraine for hundreds of years.
Wow, wow, wow...
Novorossia was invented in 1764.
Ukraine was invented in 1917.
Just read Wikipedia.

Most of the world wants to survive. And this wish is totally incompatible with the suicidal idea of decolonisation of Russia.
Nah, you use nukes you all will die by them. You are not anywhere the equal to the US, Fr, GB, Israel, SA, etc.

Pakistan and India will only use nukes on each other.

China will stay out of any exchange with anybody as they continue to win the economic war.

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