An honest discussion the demrats will never have

They whole there have been some very successful black people therefore racism doesn't exist argument is hardly honest.
“In this honest discussion about race, the truth is that progressives persecute black Americans who do not resent white Americans and hate America.” ibid

This is not the truth, it’s a lie – as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Given the right’s propensity for lying and being dishonest, conservatives are in no position to demand anything – including an ‘honest discussion’ about race.
“In this honest discussion about race, the truth is that progressives persecute black Americans who do not resent white Americans and hate America.” ibid

This is not the truth, it’s a lie – as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Given the right’s propensity for lying and being dishonest, conservatives are in no position to demand anything – including an ‘honest discussion’ about race.
You wouldn't know an honest discussion if it kicked you in the nuts, Mr. Drive-by Know-it-all.

Over the past century-and-a-half, Democrats have gone from profiting from race by enslaving, to profiting from race by creating terrible welfare dependencies.

That, too, is a form of slavery, a more opaque and insidious form, that'll have 'em "voting Democrat for the next hundred years"...

If it weren't for the gun violence, the Democrats run their urban pseudo-plantations with an iron fist, and da po' folk mostly does what deys told at dee ballot box.
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From the article: "There are not enough white supremacists in America to fill a phone booth. As for the KKK, there are only 8,000 of them"

What kind of phone booths are there where that incel lives?
"Ponder this, folks. Out of one side of their mouths, progressives claim that blacks can't catch a break in racist America. And yet, the same progressives say Democrats' best chance to defeat Trump in 2020 is for a black woman, Oprah or Michelle Obama, to become their presidential nominee."

This line in particular was especially brilliant.

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