An Ill Wind Blows in New York

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

This fuckin' mushroom of a mayor said dipshit comments that he has to tell his son daily how to act around the police.......when the police are bodyguarding his sons ass daily.
Think about that........and then go suck on a urinal cake!

Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

Do you feel the same way about the military?

That they're paid to protect the US? Of course.
He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

This fuckin' mushroom of a mayor said dipshit comments that he has to tell his son daily how to act around the police.......when the police are bodyguarding his sons ass daily.
Think about that........and then go suck on a urinal cake!

Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

You're making a very basic pt.' that was my point, Einstein!

You're the one pretending that the police are doing a favor when they protect someone, instead of doing their JOB.
This fuckin' mushroom of a mayor said dipshit comments that he has to tell his son daily how to act around the police.......when the police are bodyguarding his sons ass daily.
Think about that........and then go suck on a urinal cake!

Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

You're making a very basic pt.' that was my point, Einstein!

You're the one pretending that the police are doing a favor when they protect someone, instead of doing their JOB.[/QUOT

Don't know what yer' tryin' to say, an' don't care.
Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

You're making a very basic pt.' that was my point, Einstein!

You're the one pretending that the police are doing a favor when they protect someone, instead of doing their JOB.[/QUOT

Don't know what yer' tryin' to say, an' don't care.

Get back with me after you've completed the 6th grade, Jethro.
You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

You're making a very basic pt.' that was my point, Einstein!

You're the one pretending that the police are doing a favor when they protect someone, instead of doing their JOB.[/QUOT

Don't know what yer' tryin' to say, an' don't care.

Get back with me after you've completed the 6th grade, Jethro.

Go finger yer' don't get back to me, 'kay?
To allow protesters to lie down in the street and prevent people from going about their lives.
To do nothing when protesters call for dead cops and then we have two shot dead....

This is De Blasio's legacy.
This fuckin' mushroom of a mayor said dipshit comments that he has to tell his son daily how to act around the police.......when the police are bodyguarding his sons ass daily.
Think about that........and then go suck on a urinal cake!

Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

Do you feel the same way about the military?

That they're paid to protect the US? Of course.

Shall I attribute your nonresponse to oversight or deliberate dishonesty? Here is YOUR statement:

When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

My question was: Do you feel the same way about the military? In other words, do you feel that the military is not doing us some special favor by protecting us? Why did you omit this in your response? Do you have sufficient intellectual integrity to answer this question, or are you going to retreat into your politically correct cocoon?
Protecting people is their fucking job. That's what they're PAID to do.

You muss be a Hahvharrd grad.....................:laugh2:.

You must be repeating the 6th grade, Jethro. When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

Do you feel the same way about the military?

That they're paid to protect the US? Of course.

Shall I attribute your nonresponse to oversight or deliberate dishonesty? Here is YOUR statement:

When the police protect people, it's not some special favor they're doing, it's their JOB.

My question was: Do you feel the same way about the military? In other words, do you feel that the military is not doing us some special favor by protecting us? Why did you omit this in your response? Do you have sufficient intellectual integrity to answer this question, or are you going to retreat into your politically correct cocoon?

I'm not taking your bait. I see how you're trying to twist this.

When a doctor saves a life, it's much appreciated, but it's also his/her job. That's what they signed up for, and that's what they are paid to do.

When a fireman puts out a fire, it's not some special favor because the victim happened to be a Mayor's son. That is the job of a fireman, and that is what they're paid to do.
After this, DeBlasio won't be able to get himself elected dog catcher. Good riddance to the scumbag.

What you fail to realize watching this from the scrambled cable channel in your double-wide, is that NY is a very blue city in an even bluer state. That's how de Blasio got elected in the first place. It's the wealthiest city in America, so don't blame his election on a bunch of poor blacks showing up at the polls. This has gone far beyond the people of New York City who elected him. That is the danger.
Tough titty. Those Communist inspired protesters will learn not to play with fire.

What an idiot. Protesting is a very American activity. It's communists who don't allow protests, comrade.
Who is not allowing them to protest? There is a big difference between not allowing protests, and people who are simply voicing their opinion about people who are protesting the wrong things. You could also consider it a counter protest, if you want to be technical, therefore our voices have just as much right to be heard as those who ignorantly whine about police officers. Our position is as democratic as you can possibly get.
He earned their disrespect.

He supported the protestors. He has a bi-racial son. I'm sure you fucking have no clue what that must be like.

This fuckin' mushroom of a mayor said dipshit comments that he has to tell his son daily how to act around the police.......when the police are bodyguarding his sons ass daily.
Think about that........and then go suck on a urinal cake!

De Blasio has been the mayor for less than a year, but he does have a son who has been around for seventeen years. Try doing the math, idiot.

Better yet, why don't YOU run for mayor of NYC and see how many votes you get? Think about that once you pull your head out of your urinal cake.
That was a rather awkward apologetic moment.

Let them eat urinal cake, lest they meet the guillotine. :slap:
With comarade di Blasio.....California is beginning to look like Paradise compared to the Big Apple!

But then I blame New Yorkers...they voted Big Bird.

After all the good work done by the previous mayors, this Blasio is a complete disaster area and a clone of that other disaster Obama. They have set back racial harmony for decades.

It is the goal of Democrats to sew racial distrust among the races.
New York voters..................scum

they are really....

they deserve all the manure....

smart asses idiots

I dont feel sorry for New Yorkers fuck them
The past is the past. Voters should start recall petitions. The family of the dead policemen should make a point of telling New Yorkers that the mayor was asked not to attend the funeral if that was the case.

Voters probably did not know what kind of person the mayor was when voting in the past election.
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City
you ignorant fuck wad

The President is fanning the flames of hate coast to coast but you get upset that the mayor, that dissed his own cops, get dissed back.

fuck you, next time you need a cop, remember they are all racist, and you wouldn't want them to hurt whoever is killing you
As a resident of Brooklyn I am unhappy that we have De Blasio as Mayor...
But as the great Christopher Walken said in Batman returns the movie.
"Mayors come and Mayors go"
We will survive the disaster named De Blasio....

NYC is one of the greatest cities in the world and we will get past this.
You get your talking points from a cartoon character? Brilliant.
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City
IMO, the cops have turned their backs on the citizens of NYC.

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