An Impatient and Uninformed Electorate Dooms America To Repeat History


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Trump is one in the long line of demagogues , things will get much worse and then his supporters will finally turn on him

It has happened so many times in history: a nation encounters difficulties, economic woes, wars, demographic changes, usually brought about by an incompetent or misguided leadership. The voters subsequently suffer. They elect a more competent leadership which embarks on the long, arduous task of recovery. The people suffer from the hardships and dislocations inherent in any recovery. They are disappointed with the slow pace of progress. The old incompetent leadership then demagogically promises magic solutions — health wealth and happiness in no time. They pledge to make the country great again. The voters, particularly those who are lower-middle class and less educated, eat up the slogans, vent their frustration and bring back the incompetent leadership responsible for creating the disaster in the first place.

An Impatient and Uninformed Electorate Dooms America To Repeat History
This study estimates the high school dropout rate in rural and urban areas, the determinants of dropping out, and whether the differences in graduation rates have changed over time. We use geocoded data from two nationally representative panel household surveys (NLSY 97 and NLSY 79) and a novel methodology that corrects for biases in graduation rates (Heckman and La Fontaine, 2010). Our findings suggest that high school graduation rates are very similar across the rural-urban continuum in the early 2000s, and they are lower by 3 percentage points compared to the 1980s, with the decline experienced uniformly across the rural-urban continuum. We find that gender, family assets, the presence of biological parents, and maternal attributes appear to be the main determinants of graduation and influence graduation in a similar way across both urban and rural areas. For years, the research literature has looked at various issues from a perspective of determining how rural and urban areas are different with regard to high school dropout rates. We suggest that once family attributes are accounted for differences in rural and urban areas are small and narrowing.

We suggest two broad areas of future research based on our results. First, more work is required to examine exactly how family characteristics affect high school completion. Particularly of interest is the different effect of two biological parents as opposed to all other family arrangements. We also suggest that research on the effectiveness of dropout prevention policies that factor the high penalties imposed by different familial arrangements, poverty, race, and peer surroundings is needed.

As voter turnout by party shows urban versus rural...
The old saw is that history repeats itself because folks are dodos.

We teach history in our schools so that certain, special students realize that they themselves can learn from history and protect themselves and their loved one.
The old saw is that history repeats itself because folks are dodos.

We teach history in our schools so that certain, special students realize that they themselves can learn from history and protect themselves and their loved one.

History shows using history to avoid past mistakes rarely happens. Also, being a Monday morning quarterback helps a lot.

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