An interesting look at Chinese communist society.....the lack of empathy.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When the government is all controlling, it becomes less and less common for people to develop empathy for others.....this video takes a look at China....

I reached out to many Canadian media years ago and in multiple instances it was clear the Creepy Ones reached out to them right after (CYA). They weren't as bold when I contacted politicians or Americans/Europeans but they still reached out in some instances I suspect. The first conversation with a reporter they were eager to hear my details, second conversation they seemed to care less and were basically on a fishing expedition for the Man. This is how I extrapolated that this probably involved more agencies then I originally believed. In Canada, people happily help the "authorities", they will blindly believe them, they unprincipled and willingly harm another person, their family and career if they personally benefit. You are becoming more and more like Canada, China isn't alone,.it's a matter of degrees and circumstsnce. The larger a governments control, the more dependent its citizens, the less accountable a system, the more concentrated its media and lack of Access to Justice, the less empathetic and humane a nations people will be.
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Interestingly, the more socialist a region is, the less empathetic it becomes. Look at all the dark blue cities in America. A violent crime takes place right in front of people and everyone either stands there watching or flees the scene. Neighbors are suspicious of each other. Fear of lawsuits is prevalent. When someone does the right thing to stop a crime ... THEY are arrested and become the criminal.

I think I'll just stay in a smaller, more conservative town where compassion and a sense of right and wrong is the name of the game.
I reached out to many Canadian media years ago and in multiple instances it was clear the Creepy Ones reached out to them right after (CYA). They weren't as bold when incontacted politifcians or americans ut the still.reached out inninstances Im certain. The first conversation with them they were eager to hear my details, second conversation they seemed to care less and were basically on a fishing expedition. This is how I extrapolated that this probably involved more agencies then I originally believed. In Canada, people happily help the "authorities", they will blindly believe them, they are unprincipled, willingly harm another person, their family and career if they personally benefit. You are becoming more and more like Canada, China isn't alone,.it's a matter of degrees and circumstsnce.
That message was written at the exact time that you were entering the bi-polar personality changeover. Fascinating!

You entered your own imaginary world over no more that 3 minutes and so only you will understand what it means.
Interestingly, the more socialist a region is, the less empathetic it becomes. Look at all the dark blue cities in America. A violent crime takes place right in front of people and everyone either stands there watching or flees the scene. Neighbors are suspicious of each other. Fear of lawsuits is prevalent. When someone does the right thing to stop a crime ... THEY are arrested and become the criminal.

I think I'll just stay in a smaller, more conservative town where compassion and a sense of right and wrong is the name of the game.
Indeed. Until that sense of "right and wrong" challenges their own belief system or biases. This is why fascism is not a big jump in ANY system which pits "us vs them".
That message was written at the exact time that you were entering the bi-polar personality changeover. Fascinating!

You entered your own imaginary world over no more that 3 minutes and so only you will understand what it means.
As I've told you mu!tiplle times, you can deny all you want, those who need to know, DO know. I've openly offered to take a polygraph, and went even further, to have those who I name and detail to do the same. I am not afraid at ALL of the truth. Those who protect groomers, torturers and child abusers are in denial and defensive, for obvious reasons. Canada should have listened to me years ago. Per this OP, our citizens and institutions lack of empathy cost us bigtime. When S Korean police are telling me that "we dont groom our young as Canadian police do" you KNOW there is a major issue with optics and reputation. Thus, we are.forced to grant $25B to lure two European companies, all for 5000 jobs. Incredible. How do you counter someone who has been 80%+ transparent as I have been?
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When the government is all controlling, it becomes less and less common for people to develop empathy for others.....this video takes a look at China....

I think the more people are treated without empathy, the less people are able to show empathy.
When S Korean poloce are telling me that "we dont groom our young as Canadian police do" you KNOW there is a maor issue withnoptics and reputation. This, we burn $25B to lure two European companies, all for 5000 jobs. Incredible.
That makes no sense and so you've gone over to your dark side.

Something about 'we S.Koreans' you imagine you talk to not grooming their young as Canadian police do??

We deserve an explanation on that one at least!
That makes no sense and so you've gone over to your dark side.

Something about 'we S.Koreans' you imagine you talk to not grooming their young as Canadian police do??

We deserve an explanation on that one at least!
I was chatting with a guy online many years ago who didn't know anything about my situation. He told me he was in South Korea, a police officer there. We got into discussion of Canadian policing, I wll leave it at that because our discussion was.unique. I've had other Europeans tell me point blank "what you experienced was torture"! He is right, it was the first time I viewed it in such strong language. What I have experienced in this creepy system for 30+ years was worse.
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I think the more people are treated without empathy, the less people are able to show empathy.
China elevated hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty.

Are you looking for 'empathy'?

America leads the world on gun violence and mass shootings of little children.

That kind of empathy?
China elevated hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty.

Are you looking for 'empathy'?

America leads the world on gun violence and mass shootings of little children.

That kind of empathy?
Thanks to open borders, half the US is on drugs of some kind, which adds significantly to the gun crisis.

Question is, do Americans have enough empathy left to stop fentanyl, disguised as candy, from being given to children who are dying from it, or will they allow open borders to remain?

Dunno. Maybe all American empathy is gone now as most are indoctrinated into your woke cult.
I was chatting with a guy online many years ago who didn't know anything about my situation. He told me he was in South Korea, a police officer there. We got into discussion of Canadian policing, I wll leave it at that because our discussion was.unique. I've had other Europeans tell me point blank "what you experienced was torture"! He is right, it was the first time I viewed it in such strong language. What I have experienced in this creepy system for 30+ years was worse.
Thank you, and now you see why nobody could make any sense out of what you told us.

Look back at what you posted to see how you were typing right in the middle of your personality change!
Thanks to open borders, half the US is on drugs of some kind, which adds significantly to the gun crisis.

Question is, do Americans have enough empathy left to stop fentanyl, disguised as candy, from being given to children who are dying from it, or will they allow open borders to remain?

Dunno. Maybe all American empathy is gone now as most are indoctrinated into your woke cult.
Yes, all America's empathy is gone.
When the government is all controlling, it becomes less and less common for people to develop empathy for others.....this video takes a look at China....
Conservatives in US commonly say that empathy is only for wimpy liberals. Just look at them on this thread.

As usual, conservatives embrace the ChiComm way, and they want everyone to know it.
That message was written at the exact time that you were entering the bi-polar personality changeover. Fascinating!

You entered your own imaginary world over no more that 3 minutes and so only you will understand what it means.
I figgered the 50 Cent Army would have something to say about this ....
Conservatives in US commonly say that empathy is only for wimpy liberals. Just look at them on this thread.

As usual, conservatives embrace the ChiComm way, and they want everyone to know it.

You guys would really be funny.....your lack of wisdom, your lack of understanding of facts, truth and reality......and then the leftists always end up with murder and mass graves....
You guys would really be funny.....your lack of wisdom, your lack of understanding of facts, truth and reality......and then the leftists always end up with murder and mass graves....
Says the fascist who wants to exterminate liberals.

Not all conservatives are genocidal sociopaths, but many are.

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