An ironic similarity between Trump and Clinton investigations


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Mueller has moved to investigating donations from Russia to not just Trump's "foundation" but also his campaign and inauguration, and if Cohen ran afoul of the law, I think it's probably from illegally doing campaign payments that were undisclosed. Or if the Stormy payments were from his own pocket, he may have mixed and matched campaign dollars and/or failed to disclose bank payments under the Patriot Act.

My personal belief is that Hill should have been indicted for disclosing secret matl via her email clusterfk, but that's just my opinion and not worth shit in terms of "proof" or anything.

But, ultimately what Hillary did was mix and match DoS communication with her own personal foundation fundraising. If Trump did the same, it's no less loathsome ... and hopefully illegal.

And the Trumpbot complaints about the Steele payments were that Hill "hid" their disclosure under legal work. But they were properly classed as legal because that's what lawyer do - look for shit on other people - and there's no dispute that Hill's campaign did in fact disclose her lawyers spent the money. And, we'll see if Trump's campaign acted legally is disclosing Cohen's payments.
Mueller has moved to investigating donations from Russia to not just Trump's "foundation" but also his campaign and inauguration, and if Cohen ran afoul of the law, I think it's probably from illegally doing campaign payments that were undisclosed. Or if the Stormy payments were from his own pocket, he may have mixed and matched campaign dollars and/or failed to disclose bank payments under the Patriot Act.

My personal belief is that Hill should have been indicted for disclosing secret matl via her email clusterfk, but that's just my opinion and not worth shit in terms of "proof" or anything.

But, ultimately what Hillary did was mix and match DoS communication with her own personal foundation fundraising. If Trump did the same, it's no less loathsome ... and hopefully illegal.

And the Trumpbot complaints about the Steele payments were that Hill "hid" their disclosure under legal work. But they were properly classed as legal because that's what lawyer do - look for shit on other people - and there's no dispute that Hill's campaign did in fact disclose her lawyers spent the money. And, we'll see if Trump's campaign acted legally is disclosing Cohen's payments.
Not even close. Want to know the reason for Mueller?


I am still waiting for that Russia Collusion, that all you fucking worthless liberals were talking about.......
Mueller has moved to investigating donations from Russia to not just Trump's "foundation" but also his campaign and inauguration, and if Cohen ran afoul of the law, I think it's probably from illegally doing campaign payments that were undisclosed. Or if the Stormy payments were from his own pocket, he may have mixed and matched campaign dollars and/or failed to disclose bank payments under the Patriot Act.

My personal belief is that Hill should have been indicted for disclosing secret matl via her email clusterfk, but that's just my opinion and not worth shit in terms of "proof" or anything.

But, ultimately what Hillary did was mix and match DoS communication with her own personal foundation fundraising. If Trump did the same, it's no less loathsome ... and hopefully illegal.

And the Trumpbot complaints about the Steele payments were that Hill "hid" their disclosure under legal work. But they were properly classed as legal because that's what lawyer do - look for shit on other people - and there's no dispute that Hill's campaign did in fact disclose her lawyers spent the money. And, we'll see if Trump's campaign acted legally is disclosing Cohen's payments.
There is Zero Comparison.

One was hastily orchestrated Partisan Cover Up.

The Other Is a Witch Hunt with No Boundaries and No End in Sight

Where is The Investigation in to the Millions of dollars given by the Same Russian Businessman who paid Private Citizen Trump a few thousands for a Speech, and the same Businessman who gave The Clintons $20 Million Dollars, gave them gifts and flew them around on his private plane?

Where is The Investigation in to The COIE Lawfirm who Laundered Clinton's Money through Fusion GPS to Christopher Steele who then paid Russian KGB Agents for their Russian Propaganda Smear Book which Clinton and The DNC disseminated through The Media and to their CRONIES in THE FBI AND DOJ and even used it to obtain an Illegal FISA Warrant to Spy on The President?

Where is The Investigation in to the $145 Million Russian Oligarchs in Russia's Nuclear Energy Industry gave to Hillary Clinton to get The Uranium One Deal Approved?

Where were the Pre-Dawn Raids with Machine Guns & Assault Weapons Brandished, and Storm Troopers crawling all over the place, and Helicopters and BLACK SUVS rolling up at Clinton's Home to stop her from Bleach Bitting 33,000 Emails that were Subpoenaed and under TWO FEDERAL COURT ORDERS TO PRESERVE THEM?

Comey was FORCED to Investigate Clinton because of Whistle Blowers and The Public Knowledge that Clinton had committed Crimes.

Comey opened the Investigation, to close it and Exonerate her so she could continue on the campaign because by law she was disqulified from being a candidate, and we know Comey did this, because he wrote The Exoneration statement months before interviewing her, and additionally did not record or make notes of testimony and gave her entire posse of Political Criminals Immunity BEFORE they testified.

Lynch Ordered Comey to sweep this all under the rug and she took her orders from Obama to order Comey to downplay it, clean up the mess, and call it a "MATTER"

So, I have to ask, where is Immunity for anyone in The Trump Campaign?

Where are the Pre Dawn Raids, and Wire Taps on The Clinton Campaign?

Where are the thousands of leaks regarding investigations in to Hillary Clinton's numerous scandals and investigations?

Where is The GOP Funded Russian Propaganda Campaign used to Spy on Hillary Clinton?

Where is The FBI's Jack Booted Gestapo, violating Attorney Client Privilege, not once but twice when Raiding Clinton's Personal Attorney's Homes at Gun Point like they were Pablo Escobar and Confiscating Attorney Client Privileged Material?

Where are the Republican paid Russian and British spies used to create a Salacious Smear Book on Hillary Clinton that was Illegally used in a FISA Court to launch a Espionage Operation against her campaign reading her emails, listening to her phone calls, and leaking them to the press, and then raiding her personal attorney's home, office at gun point?
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Mueller has moved to investigating donations from Russia to not just Trump's "foundation" but also his campaign and inauguration, and if Cohen ran afoul of the law, I think it's probably from illegally doing campaign payments that were undisclosed. Or if the Stormy payments were from his own pocket, he may have mixed and matched campaign dollars and/or failed to disclose bank payments under the Patriot Act.

My personal belief is that Hill should have been indicted for disclosing secret matl via her email clusterfk, but that's just my opinion and not worth shit in terms of "proof" or anything.

But, ultimately what Hillary did was mix and match DoS communication with her own personal foundation fundraising. If Trump did the same, it's no less loathsome ... and hopefully illegal.

And the Trumpbot complaints about the Steele payments were that Hill "hid" their disclosure under legal work. But they were properly classed as legal because that's what lawyer do - look for shit on other people - and there's no dispute that Hill's campaign did in fact disclose her lawyers spent the money. And, we'll see if Trump's campaign acted legally is disclosing Cohen's payments.
Not even close. Want to know the reason for Mueller?


I am still waiting for that Russia Collusion, that all you fucking worthless liberals were talking about.......
Good thing Hillary wasn't investigated. LOL
I am still waiting for that Russia Collusion, that all you fucking worthless liberals were talking about.......
You are what I call a willfully blind monkey. You cover your eyes to avoid seeing evidence, and then claim there isn't any.

Here is the letter appointing Mueller as Special Counsel: Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Notice the word "collusion" is not in it.

"Collusion" is a fake Fox News obsession.

The investigation is directed to determine the level of Russian interference in our election, and to prosecute those who were in on the conspiracy, including any members of the Trump team, if any.

Mueller is also directed to go wherever evidence of crimes leads him.

There have been several indictments so far, establishing that Russia did indeed interfere in our election.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

All caught up now, or are your paws still covering your eyes?


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