While I am a Trump supporter,

The phrase "Make America Great Again" is quite clear. It means what it is says, make it great again which implies it is not great today but was in the past

That’s your spin. And it clearly is not what the phrase means. I already explained this to you.
The phrase "Make America Great Again" is quite clear. It means what it is says, make it great again which implies it is not great today but was in the past. In that vision of yesterday's American, character and morals of a candidate were important to voters. The revelation that a candidate such as Trump was cavorting with strippers and prostitutes and paying them hush money, using language directed at women that was so vile that it could not be disclose in mixed company, and was under 4 indictments for serious crimes would result in a quick withdrawal from the race, never to be seen in politics again.
Oh BS. Clinton was getting blow jobs in the oval office. Spare me your oiutrage.
Trump policies for the most part were good for America, good for Americans.
Biden policies so far have sucked. I can't think of a single thing he has done that has been good for America or all Americans other than a very few targeted people at taxpayer expense.

That’s your spin. And it clearly is not what the phrase means. I already explained this to you.
This phrase is a code phrase; that is, it can mean different things to different people. Most conservatives see it as a call to bring back from America's past, small less obtrusive government with less federal spending, banning abortion. or less illegal immigration which have all existed throughout most of American history. However, to extremists it can mean putting black people in their place before the civil rights movement, closeting homosexuals and other sexual deviates, and cleaning American of illegals and foreigners.

Campaign slogans usually fall in 3 categories:
Those that are capitalizing on the popularly of the candidate - "I Like Ike"
Those that focus on a major issue with voters, "No New Taxes. Read My Lips."
When the issues are more popular than the candidate, a phase such as "Make America Great Again" is appropriate because it mean whatever a potential supporter wants it to mean.
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You can say the same thing about most presidents. However, you have to weight the good vs the bad. Biden has not been a bad president just a lackluster president, not a great economy but certainly not a bad economy. Lots of changes that make American better but nothing earth shattering.

Trump had a better than average economy but his lack of leadership in the pandemic resulted in a needless loss of American lives. His complete mishandling of the pandemic, sowed confusion and conspiracy theories around vaccines and the virus itself, allowing hundreds of thousands more people to die than would have been the case in a more orderly, intelligent, and strong administration.

His behavior after he lost the presidency should disqualify him from running again. If he wins this election will he leave office at the end of his term with dignity and honor are will he attempt to hold power with a real coup instead of the half ass insurgency of Jan 6th. He is asking SCOTUS for complete immunity to any crimes committed by a president in office. He may be looking ahead as well as looking back.
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This phrase is a code phrase; that is, it can mean different things to different people. Most conservatives see it as a call to bring back from America's past, small less obtrusive government with less federal spending, banning abortion. or less illegal immigration which have all existed throughout most of American history. However, to extremists it can mean putting black people in their place before the civil rights movement, closeting homosexuals and other sexual deviates, and cleaning American of illegals and foreigners.

Campaign slogans usually fall in 3 categories:
Those that are capitalizing on the popularly of the candidate - "I Like Ike"
Those that focus on a major issue with voters, "No New Taxes. Read My Lips."
When the issues are more popular than the candidate, a phase such as "Make America Great Again" is appropriate because it mean whatever a potential supporter wants it to mean.

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