While I am a Trump supporter,

Democrats are complete gutter rats who bloviate vile hate speech 24/7, Trump is just fighting fire with fire.
I do admit that he makes it easy for some to dislike him. He’s everything the social justice warriors insist that we despise. He’s a white male multi-billionaire who had a privileged childhood. He has a jaded history with the ladies, and is inclined to get into verbal battles that would be better avoided. In other words: he’s just as flawed as the rest of us. But I realize that his unlikability to some is actually his superpower. He causes the Left to act out a self-destructive demonstration of their corrosiveness to the American experiment.

The radicals falsely perceive Trump’s personality as a weakness, drawing them into attacks that reveal their true nature. He’s the cheese, which temps the rats into the transparency trap. He triggers them into openly demonstrating their utter disregard for basic fairness and the rule of law -- things which most Americans still hold dear. Blinded by their hatred, the radicals can’t see that their actions offend most Americans, and result in unintended consequences.
The Left demonizes Trump without realizing that we don’t judge him by the contents of his heart. That’s God’s jurisdiction. We only care about his deeds -- which have been 100 percent beneficial to the citizens of the United States.
We also don’t care about what’s in the hearts of his opponents. We instead are judging them by their deeds, and we’re finding those deeds very disturbing. They have:
  • Trashed our civil rights,
  • Corrupted any notion of due process,
  • Weaponized the government against its citizens, and
  • Destroyed civil debate (i.e., calling opponents fascists).
It was all done to crush one man -- with no acknowledgement of the individual liberties which the Constitution guarantees.
The attorney general of New York, Letitia James, found a friendly judge and got a $464.5 million settlement and a suspension of Trump’s right to do business in New York. He was found guilty of defrauding banks, who claim they weren’t defrauded -- making it a victimless crime, if it was a crime at all. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

E. Jean Carroll got an $83 million settlement from Trump for the liable of denying that he had raped her -- even though she can’t remember the year in which it supposedly happened. But she had a friendly New York jury, and she was relying on Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) to triumph over a preponderance of the evidence. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump for a campaign finance violation, which the federal election commission ruled wasn’t illegal, and for which the statute of limitations had expired. But by calling it a “conspiracy,” Bragg was able to extend the statute of limitations, even if the act still wasn’t illegal. Bragg is counting on a TDS afflicted judge and jury also. Is that anyone’s idea of justice -- seeking a conviction because you can, rather than because you should? The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump for the same crime that Joe Biden committed -- having classified documents in his possession (but without Presidential authority in Biden’s case). Special Counsel Robert Hur explained that Biden wouldn’t be indicted because the jury would find him a “likeable old gentleman.” Left unsaid is what that statement reveals: Trump was indicted because he would come across as unlikeable, while Biden was excused because a jury would find him likeable. Again, justice has been turned into the pursuit of the unlikeable, rather than the guilty. Is that what the Supreme Court building inscription “Equal Justice Under Law” intends? The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted Trump for the same action that every losing Democrat since Al Gore has committed -- challenging the outcome of the election with every legal means available. When Al Franken overturned an election in Minnesota, it was a defense of democracy. When Donald Trump didn’t overturn an election, it was a criminal conspiracy in violation of racketeering laws -- because he talked to people about his legal options. We’re not supposed to notice that what is justice for a Democrat is conspiracy for a Republican. Fani got her mugshot, and Trump’s campaign donations came rolling in. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

One must ask: why did the radicals think they would benefit from such public displays of raw political corruption? Was it because they presumed that our values were aligned with theirs? Did they think that we hated Donald Trump more than we loved our republic? Were they expecting us to celebrate the destruction of due process -- if it was to “save our democracy”?

Surprise! The leftists were wrong. We value our country far more than any one man. We will not excuse them for trashing our justice system -- to “save our democracy.” Unlike them, we know that “saving our republic” depends on fairness -- especially towards those whom we may dislike. Lady Justice wears a blindfold for reasons which we understand -- and they clearly don’t.
The Left’s hatred of Donald Trump caused them to show the public their complete disdain for legal norms. In their lust to attack him, they revealed the lengths to which they are willing to go in attacking our republic. Considerations of justice, fairness, and the common good were of no consequence in their decision making.
Leftists put the question to us: Do you dislike Donald Trump enough to excuse us for trashing legal norms to keep him out of office? We have given them a resounding: No! But rather than hear us, the radicals continue to do the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result. They refuse to accept reality -- that we prefer the America of our founding over the North Cuba which they are creating. So, they continue to attack, and MAGA continues to grow.
This is silly and uninformed. HOW did he get anywhere. Go back to Hillary. Extensive statistical research revealed that many voted for Trump reluctantly and with disapproval of his character, lots of Evangelicals.But it was the pure growingly disgusting hubris of Hillary that tunred the tide. This is why Trump was termed the "Cyrus" candidate by those voters.

HIllary , long before the Deplorables speech attacking some 70-80 million Americans was making evil statements about the Supreme Court, Christians who won't embrace abortion, folks who know gay marriage is perverted. Trkump was (almost pure) knock-on effect
I do admit that he makes it easy for some to dislike him. He’s everything the social justice warriors insist that we despise. He’s a white male multi-billionaire who had a privileged childhood. He has a jaded history with the ladies, and is inclined to get into verbal battles that would be better avoided. In other words: he’s just as flawed as the rest of us. But I realize that his unlikability to some is actually his superpower. He causes the Left to act out a self-destructive demonstration of their corrosiveness to the American experiment.

The radicals falsely perceive Trump’s personality as a weakness, drawing them into attacks that reveal their true nature. He’s the cheese, which temps the rats into the transparency trap. He triggers them into openly demonstrating their utter disregard for basic fairness and the rule of law -- things which most Americans still hold dear. Blinded by their hatred, the radicals can’t see that their actions offend most Americans, and result in unintended consequences.
The Left demonizes Trump without realizing that we don’t judge him by the contents of his heart. That’s God’s jurisdiction. We only care about his deeds -- which have been 100 percent beneficial to the citizens of the United States.
We also don’t care about what’s in the hearts of his opponents. We instead are judging them by their deeds, and we’re finding those deeds very disturbing. They have:
  • Trashed our civil rights,
  • Corrupted any notion of due process,
  • Weaponized the government against its citizens, and
  • Destroyed civil debate (i.e., calling opponents fascists).
It was all done to crush one man -- with no acknowledgement of the individual liberties which the Constitution guarantees.
The attorney general of New York, Letitia James, found a friendly judge and got a $464.5 million settlement and a suspension of Trump’s right to do business in New York. He was found guilty of defrauding banks, who claim they weren’t defrauded -- making it a victimless crime, if it was a crime at all. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

E. Jean Carroll got an $83 million settlement from Trump for the liable of denying that he had raped her -- even though she can’t remember the year in which it supposedly happened. But she had a friendly New York jury, and she was relying on Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) to triumph over a preponderance of the evidence. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump for a campaign finance violation, which the federal election commission ruled wasn’t illegal, and for which the statute of limitations had expired. But by calling it a “conspiracy,” Bragg was able to extend the statute of limitations, even if the act still wasn’t illegal. Bragg is counting on a TDS afflicted judge and jury also. Is that anyone’s idea of justice -- seeking a conviction because you can, rather than because you should? The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump for the same crime that Joe Biden committed -- having classified documents in his possession (but without Presidential authority in Biden’s case). Special Counsel Robert Hur explained that Biden wouldn’t be indicted because the jury would find him a “likeable old gentleman.” Left unsaid is what that statement reveals: Trump was indicted because he would come across as unlikeable, while Biden was excused because a jury would find him likeable. Again, justice has been turned into the pursuit of the unlikeable, rather than the guilty. Is that what the Supreme Court building inscription “Equal Justice Under Law” intends? The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted Trump for the same action that every losing Democrat since Al Gore has committed -- challenging the outcome of the election with every legal means available. When Al Franken overturned an election in Minnesota, it was a defense of democracy. When Donald Trump didn’t overturn an election, it was a criminal conspiracy in violation of racketeering laws -- because he talked to people about his legal options. We’re not supposed to notice that what is justice for a Democrat is conspiracy for a Republican. Fani got her mugshot, and Trump’s campaign donations came rolling in. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

One must ask: why did the radicals think they would benefit from such public displays of raw political corruption? Was it because they presumed that our values were aligned with theirs? Did they think that we hated Donald Trump more than we loved our republic? Were they expecting us to celebrate the destruction of due process -- if it was to “save our democracy”?

Surprise! The leftists were wrong. We value our country far more than any one man. We will not excuse them for trashing our justice system -- to “save our democracy.” Unlike them, we know that “saving our republic” depends on fairness -- especially towards those whom we may dislike. Lady Justice wears a blindfold for reasons which we understand -- and they clearly don’t.
The Left’s hatred of Donald Trump caused them to show the public their complete disdain for legal norms. In their lust to attack him, they revealed the lengths to which they are willing to go in attacking our republic. Considerations of justice, fairness, and the common good were of no consequence in their decision making.
Leftists put the question to us: Do you dislike Donald Trump enough to excuse us for trashing legal norms to keep him out of office? We have given them a resounding: No! But rather than hear us, the radicals continue to do the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result. They refuse to accept reality -- that we prefer the America of our founding over the North Cuba which they are creating. So, they continue to attack, and MAGA continues to grow.
/----/ And as a result,
You support A pedophile!
Won't work ace , Trump raping a 13 year old and telling her he would kill her if she talked has way more validity then your brain dead remark, That 13 year old was from his best friend Epstein. Oh by the way , I'll double every photo and video and comment that suggest your point with twice as graphic video comment and pictures of Shitpants and his daughter.

raped 13 year old.png
Won't work ace , Trump raping a 13 year old and telling her he would kill her if she talked has way more validity then your brain dead remark, That 13 year old was from his best friend Epstein. Oh by the way , I'll double every photo and video and comment that suggest your point with twice as graphic video comment and pictures of Shitpants and his daughter.

View attachment 929660
You are a funny one!
You are a funny one!

Won't work ace , Trump raping a 13 year old and telling her he would kill her if she talked has way more validity then your brain dead remark, That 13 year old was from his best friend Epstein. Oh by the way , I'll double every photo and video and comment that suggest your point with twice as graphic video comment and pictures of Shitpants and his daughter.

View attachment 929660
It wasn’t a settlement.

Other than that, nice post.
Selecting a person to lead the nation that is just as flawed as the rest of the population does not sound like a good idea. I think we should set the bar a lot higher than that.
Selecting a person to lead the nation that is just as flawed as the rest of the population does not sound like a good idea. I think we should set the bar a lot higher than that.

Yeah? Why don't you run for office you ignorant big-mouthed pile of human sewage. Mis-leading lowIQ saps with your barrage of wordy BS postings year after year. Just say "I hate America and I vote for it to fail because I'm a genius". That is all you are good for you black-tounged tree monkey.
There have been so many false stories about Trump that even if one emerges that is truthful, few people will believe it.

Of course those who suffer with Trump Derangement Syndrome will believe Trump actually was behind the JFK assassination and 9/11 if they read those allegations on the internet.
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Selecting a person to lead the nation that is just as flawed as the rest of the population does not sound like a good idea. I think we should set the bar a lot higher than that.
Not responsive to what I posted.

Everybody is flawed in some ways.

Your post therefore doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
This is silly and uninformed. HOW did he get anywhere. Go back to Hillary. Extensive statistical research revealed that many voted for Trump reluctantly and with disapproval of his character, lots of Evangelicals.But it was the pure growingly disgusting hubris of Hillary that tunred the tide. This is why Trump was termed the "Cyrus" candidate by those voters.

HIllary , long before the Deplorables speech attacking some 70-80 million Americans was making evil statements about the Supreme Court, Christians who won't embrace abortion, folks who know gay marriage is perverted. Trkump was (almost pure) knock-on effect
In the past, any candidate with Trump's morals would stand no chance of being elected to any public office. However, Trump appeals to voters in different ways than any previous presidential candidate.

Trump has simple answers for everything. He's often wrong but what matters is that he always sounds right. In politics, force and confidence can be as important as facts. Trump’s charisma, his confident and decisive air, forms a huge part of his appeal.
A lot of people dislike immigrants. Trump supporters are particularly attracted to his views on immigration. He’s hugely popular among people without college degrees, who have been left behind by economic progress in recent years. Many of these people blame immigrants for their poor prospects, since they compete a lot for the same kinds of jobs.
Most People are sick of the political establishment. So the more the establishment attacks Trump, the more attractive he becomes. Trump has been able to convince his supporters that the court system is just part of that establishment so the more battles Trump loses in court the stronger his appeal.
Trump Tells People What They Want to Here. He leaves it to the people to imagine how he will jail the judges, drive all illegals from the country, shrink the size of government, and rain fire down upon our enemies. Although his supporters have their doubts about how he will go about Making America Great Again, they love to hear him talk about.
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In the past, any candidate with Trump's morals would stand no chance of being elected to any public office. However, Trump appeals to voters in different ways than any previous presidential candidate.

Trump has simple answers for everything. He's often wrong but what matters is that he always sounds right. In politics, force and confidence can be as important as facts. Trump’s charisma, his confident and decisive air, forms a huge part of his appeal.
A lot of people dislike immigrants. Trump supporters are particularly attracted to his views on immigration. He’s hugely popular among people without college degrees, who have been left behind by economic progress in recent years. Many of these people blame immigrants for their poor prospects, since they compete a lot for the same kinds of jobs.
Most People are sick of the political establishment. So the more the establishment attacks him, the more attractive he becomes. Trump has been able to convince his supporters that the court system is just part of that establishment so the more battles Trump loses in court the stronger his appeal.
Trump Tells People What They Want to Here. He leaves it to the people to imagine how he will jail the judges, drive all illegals from the country, shrink the size of government, and rain fire down upon our enemies. Although his supporters have their doubts about how he will go about Making America Great Again, they love to hear him talk about.
MAGA. That just a long winded I Hatevl Trump.

Not responsive to what I posted.

Everybody is flawed in some ways.

Your post therefore doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
You compared Trumps flaws to the people.

I guess I'm in minority and old fashion to believe we should strive to elect presidents of good character who considers truth, honesty, faithfulness, and ethical behavior to be important.

It's rather ironic for Trump to be telling his flock that we should make America great again when that American would never consider him for the presidency.
You compared Trumps flaws to the people.
No. I’d don’t think I did. I believe you miscomprehended what you read.
I guess I'm in minority and old fashion to believe we should strive to elect presidents of good character
No. In fact, that’s a great dea. Still has nothing to do with anything I had posted.
who considers truth, honesty, faithfulness, and ethical behavior to be important.
Oh. So you imagine you’re the one. Newsflash. Most of us do.
It's rather ironic for Trump to be telling his flock that we should make America great again when that American would never consider him for the presidency.
What? Consider editing.

“Making America great again” is akin to the phrase “a more perfect union.” If it’s already perfect, that’s it. It can’t be improved. But — we allow for that bit of rhetoric regardless because we know what it means. It essentially means that we should always strive to improve ourselves as a republic.

Similarly, America is great. It has been great. (We have also been flawed and made bad mistakes but to note the greatness isn’t to deny those flaws.) but our greatness has taken a bit of a downturn. So, what “MAGA” actually means is that we should strive to return to our prior level of greatness without the tragic baggage of our prior flaws.
At this stage of the game, a lot of things are clear.

The Democrats have neither a viable candidate nor a platform that America wants. Their only hope is to slander Trump so thoroughly that it will overcome the public's revulsion at Biden, Harris, and what the Democrats are doing to this country.

And one must never forget - when considering that every day Democrats are not as bad as their Leftist "leaders" - that ALL American Democrats are fine with the manipulation of the Justice System to persecute President Trump.

They are all evil. Not just the leaders.
You compared Trumps flaws to the people.

I guess I'm in minority and old fashion to believe we should strive to elect presidents of good character who considers truth, honesty, faithfulness, and ethical behavior to be important.

It's rather ironic for Trump to be telling his flock that we should make America great again when that American would never consider him for the presidency.
Whens the last time happened.

No. I’d don’t think I did. I believe you miscomprehended what you read.

No. In fact, that’s a great dea. Still has nothing to do with anything I had posted.

Oh. So you imagine you’re the one. Newsflash. Most of us do.

What? Consider editing.

“Making America great again” is akin to the phrase “a more perfect union.” If it’s already perfect, that’s it. It can’t be improved. But — we allow for that bit of rhetoric regardless because we know what it means. It essentially means that we should always strive to improve ourselves as a republic.

Similarly, America is great. It has been great. (We have also been flawed and made bad mistakes but to note the greatness isn’t to deny those flaws.) but our greatness has taken a bit of a downturn. So, what “MAGA” actually means is that we should strive to return to our prior level of greatness without the tragic baggage of our prior flaws.
The phrase "Make America Great Again" is quite clear. It means what it is says, make it great again which implies it is not great today but was in the past. In that vision of yesterday's American, character and morals of a candidate were important to voters. The revelation that a candidate such as Trump was cavorting with strippers and prostitutes and paying them hush money, using language directed at women that was so vile that it could not be disclose in mixed company, and was under 4 indictments for serious crimes would result in a quick withdrawal from the race, never to be seen in politics again.
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